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Sam is a townie in Starlet Town. He owns the general store and lives on the second floor with his wife, Emily.


Sam owns and runs the general store. He spends his free time doing brain exercises, such as chess, jigsaw puzzles, and crossword puzzles. He also goes dancing with his wife, Emily.

In-game profile

Sam and Emily remains childless after years of trying. One successful attempt was shortly lived after she suffered miscarriage at 4 months. Following that incident, they put a stop on trying. After a long week of work, Sam usually spends his day off relaxing at home, enjoying some home cooked meals; on rare occasions that he goes out, he prefers the Beach Shack than Fishensips to catch up with his friends over a game of chess. He mostly enjoys doing puzzles alone at home.


Giving gifts to Sam will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Sam will give special dialogues if you give gifts on his birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Wow! You caught me off guard there, Player. Thank you!"

Liked Gifts

"This is a great birthday gift. Thanks!"

Neutral Gifts

"Thank you. I appreciate the birthday gift."

Disliked Gifts

"Um… No. This is not a proper birthday gift."

Hated Gifts

"Why would you give this to me on my birthday?"



"You caught me off guard there, Player! Thank you."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Blueberry The same compound that gives the blueberry its deep blue color also brings many health benefits.
basic Fruit Tart It’s full of color.
2x Any fruit
Wheat Flour
basicbasic Truffles Any kind of truffles
basic Jackfruit A yellowish-green tropical fruit with a spiky outer skin and a shredded, meaty texture.
basic Cactus Aesthetically pleasing, despite its thorns.
Universal Loved Gifts



"This is great. Thanks!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Decent Gifts
basic All fruits
basic All vegetables



"Thank you for this."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts



"Um… Yikes."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Dislikes Gifts
basic Potato Common tuber found in Spring.
basic Turnip A root vegetable. Slightly spicy.



"Why are you giving this to me?"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Shells Any kind of shells.
basic Lobster Commonly found near the pier.
basic Crab It walks sideways.
basic Crayfish It looks like a tiny lobster and lives in freshwater.
Universal Bad Gifts



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
08:00 General Store - Register
17:00 General Store - Kitchen
19:00 General Store - Living Room
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 Beach Shack
11:20 Beach Shack
17:00 General Store - Sam watches TV
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 Outside General Store
11:30 General Store
17:00 Tavern - Sam eats dinner with Emily
23:45 General Store - Sam goes to bed


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
08:00 General Store - Register
17:00 General Store - Kitchen
19:00 General Store - Living Room
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 Beach Shack
11:20 Beach Shack
17:00 General Store - Sam watches TV
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 Outside General Store
11:30 General Store
17:00 Tavern - Sam eats dinner with Emily
23:45 General Store - Sam goes to bed


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
08:00 General Store - Register
17:00 General Store - Kitchen
19:00 General Store - Living Room
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 Beach Shack
11:20 Beach Shack
17:00 General Store - Sam watches TV
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 Outside General Store
11:30 General Store
17:00 Tavern - Sam eats dinner with Emily
23:45 General Store - Sam goes to bed


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
08:00 General Store - Register
17:00 General Store - Kitchen
19:00 General Store - Living Room
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 Beach Shack
11:20 Beach Shack
17:00 General Store - Sam watches TV
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 Outside General Store
11:30 General Store
17:00 Tavern - Sam eats dinner with Emily
23:45 General Store - Sam goes to bed

Bad weather (for all seasons)

08:00 Beach Shack
16:40 General Store - Living room
21:00 General Store - Sam goes to bed
08:00 General Store - Kitchen
09:00 General Store - Register
17:00 Tavern - Sam dances with Emily
22:50 General Store - Sam goes to bed


First meeting
Introduction Hello… Player, isn’t it? It’s nice to see more people choosing to work with their hands. It’s very rare in this day and age.
Introduction Yes, I own the general store, but nobody’s buying anything lately. I had to scale down…a lot. Look at it! The store is pretty much dead. That oil spill last year really kicked us in the butt.
Monday, Heart 0 - 10 We have profit sharing here. On top of her salary, Eva gets part of the profit from sales of baked goods.
Monday, Heart 0 - 10 Do you need anything? I’m usually open from nine to five.
Tuesday, Heart 0 - 10 I only sell seeds for the current season. So if you want to grow sugarcane in Fall, you’ll need to save the seeds yourself.
Tuesday, Heart 0 - 10 I don’t see it as a problem. Don’t you have a storage chest? I haven’t met a farmer without one, so I assume you do.
Thursday, Heart 0 - 10 I get some of my supplies from neighboring islands. And from you, of course.
Thursday, Heart 0 - 10 Luke? Oh no. He sells electronics. Are we talking about the same Luke? I get my items delivered here by boat or through Ben. He’s rather cheap.
Date 2 - 9 The cherry trees near the lake are blooming again. Which means it’s the time of the year when we gather around the lake and barbeque.
Date 2 - 9 I think Emily and I are bringing fresh chard to the festival… Yes. Some chard! That’ll be good.
Date 15 - 19 There’s still time to start planting, Player. Just make sure to read the description to learn the lifespan of the plant.
Date 20 - 28 I think it’s time for another haircut. My hair is getting so long. My oh my!
Heart 4 Glad Winter is over. Getting coffee in front of the Tavern was getting too cold for my liking.
Date 1 - 8 It’s probably not pleasant to be right by the oven so early in the morning in this kind of weather.
Date 15 - 22 It’s probably not the most pleasant thing to work by the oven in this kind of heat.
Date 9 - 16 This must be a pretty busy season for you, huh?
Date 9 - 16 Nonsense. If it isn’t your busy season, then you must make it so. It’s Summer, Player!
Date 1 - 10 Summer vegetables are crunchy and vibrant. They’re the best for an assorted grilled platter.
Date 1 - 6 People have complained about the store being too cold, but unfortunately, I have to keep the cooler on to keep the produce fresh.
Date 1 - 6 So, the store is always a bit chilly in Fall. Can’t do anything about it.
Date 17 - 22 Though I’m not sure when he’ll be back from his Fall shenanigans. You’re on your own with that.
Heart 4 Hats are helpful in this type of weather. Especially for those with my type of hairstyle… Keep my head nice and toasty.
Heart 4 Stepping out in this weather is a treat on its own. Oh, how I love Fall.
Date 1 - 9 It’s going to be a slow Winter… I can already tell.
Date 1 - 9 The first week in, and I’m already ready for Spring… *sighs*
Date 5 - 12 People have complained about the store being too cold, but unfortunately, I have to keep the cooler on to keep the produce fresh.
Date 5 - 12 The store is always a bit unbearable in Winter. Can’t do anything about it.
Date 1 - 9 If you’re looking to farm this Winter, your best bet is Ben. He may have more Winter seeds after his Fall shenanigans.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

General Store, 10:00 -16:00. Any season except Fall 15 - Fall 28

Player enters General Store. Sam and Ben are talking near the cashier area.

Heart event 8

4988 Hearts.png

General Store, 18:00 -20:00. Must trigger both Sam heart 2 and Emily heart 8 cutscenes

Player enters General Store. Sam and Emily is talking.

