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Bree Duckorns is a townie in Starlet Town. She and her husband, Walter, own Hillside Brewery and Vineyard.


Bree owns the Hillside Manor and Vineyard. A former model, she now spends her days farming and being an excellent household manager.

In-game profile

"Model" turned housewife, Bree, spends her days doing grapes quality control and being an excellent homemaker. When she isn't at the vineyard, looking after grapes and rice crops, she is taking her time at the hot spring or chatting away with her good friends, Ling and Dinda. She loves cooking gourmet meals, taking long baths, and hates doing dishes and watching TV.


Giving gifts to Bree will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Bree will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"What a fantastic birthday gift. Thank you!"

Liked Gifts

"You’re so thoughtful. Thank you for the birthday gift!"

Neutral Gifts

"Thank you for this unique birthday gift, dear."

Disliked Gifts

"Perhaps not the best birthday gift. But I appreciate the thought."

Hated Gifts

"Perhaps not the best birthday gift. You have a lot to learn."



"Oh my. Very generous of you! Thank you."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Jackfruit A yellowish-green tropical fruit with a spiky outer skin and a shredded, meaty texture.
basic Fish taco A fresh bite of the ocean.
any fish
basic Vegan taco A quick meal packed with nature’s goodness.
Any Vegetables
basicbasicbasicbasicbasic All fruit jams It's gooey.
Mason Jar
Any Fruit
Universal Loved Gifts



"Oh my. Very generous of you! Thank you."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Basil A flavorful, leafy green herb.
basic All Fish
basic All vegetables
Universal Decent Gifts



"Magnificent! Thank you, Player."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts



"This is disgusting, for lack of a better word. But it’s the thought that counts, I guess."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Disliked Gifts



"That looks a little gross."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Violet A wildflower.
basic Tortilla A useful cooking ingredient. Can be made from either corn or wheat.
Wheat Flour
basic Bread A light and crusty loaf of bread.
Any Flour
Universal Bad Gifts



Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Sunday
10:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
12:00 Hillside Manor - outside
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
07:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
09:00 Lighthouse area
17:20 Hillside Manor - kitchen
21:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
09:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
10:00 Carpenter
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room


Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Sunday
10:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
12:00 Hillside Manor - outside
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
07:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
09:00 Lighthouse area
17:20 Hillside Manor - kitchen
21:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
09:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
10:00 Carpenter
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room


Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Sunday
10:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
12:00 Hillside Manor - outside
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
07:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
09:00 Lighthouse area
17:20 Hillside Manor - kitchen
21:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
09:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
10:00 Carpenter
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room


10:30 General store
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
Tuesday - Wednesday
10:00 Salon
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
09:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
10:00 Carpenter
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room
Friday - Sunday
10:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
12:00 Hillside Manor - outside
17:00 Hillside Manor - kitchen
22:00 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room

Bad weather (all seasons)

Monday - Sunday
10:00 Hillside Manor - living room
11:00 Hillside Manor - green house
16:20 Hillside Manor - kitchen
21:20 Hillside Manor - Bree and Walter's room


First meeting
Introduction Oh, you’re the new farmer. I was worried there for a bit about a potential competitor. Nothing to worry about, it seems.
Introduction Walter and I own the vineyard, you see. Our clients are mostly abroad. Shall I send over a bottle?
Monday - Friday, Heart 0-10 Ugh… Every time I walk past that recycling center, I get a headache.
Monday - Friday, Heart 0-10 What are people putting in there? I thought we agreed to only put in clean, recyclable items. Obviously, some people don’t know what clean means.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 The recycling center is such an eyesore. We want to recycle, but there’s no place to do it.
Monday, Heart 0-10 How much longer are we going to let this pile up?
Monday - Friday, Heart 0-10 You see, we are quite particular about our seeds at the vineyard. Quality consistency is essential. I presume you grasp the importance of that, yes?
Monday - Friday, Heart 0-10 We maintain a strict business model—our products are exclusively available to licensed liquor establishments.
Date 1-5 I hope you enjoyed the New Year’s gathering, Player.
Date 1-5 Up to your standards, I hope?
Heart 4-10 Sometimes I do miss modeling. The glam, the people… But I don’t miss all of it. Some of it was rough.
Heart 4-10 It was tiring. Moonlighting at clubs every night to make ends meet until I got my big break… That was the plan, anyway.
Heart 4-10 Obviously, I never got my big break. But that’s a story for another time.
Heart 4-10 How’s your Summer going, Player? Mine’s been good, though I can’t seem to find my pearl earrings this morning. The ones Walter’s mother gave me. Now, if you think Walter is eccentric, wait till you meet his mother.
Heart 4-10 I need to find the earrings before our next dinner with her. I can’t risk getting on her bad side again.
Date 20-28 You can grow grapes in Fall. Are you planting some this year? I don’t know if you’ll be able to plant them now. If I were you, I’d wait until Fall arrives and start then.
My hair is a mess, but I’m simply too busy to go to the salon. It’ll have to wait until later.
Winter is the time to retouch my hair. A nice cut and color. The usual maintenance. It’s when I have the time.
Heart 2-10 I wish Luke would worry less. He overthinks things sometimes. I keep telling him to stop worrying. It’s no use. It’ll give you unnecessary wrinkles.
Heart 2-10 People back in the city used to stare at me when I was out with Walter. This was way before we had Luke.
Heart 2-10 People don’t do that here. They see me as more than just Walter’s wife. They see me as Bree.
Heart 8-10 I ran into Charles yesterday, and he wasn’t wearing his lab coat. He looked nice. I’m used to seeing him in the lab coat, but maybe change is good sometimes. Yeah.
Date 8-13 Are you looking forward to the Harvest Festival? The display contest is always exciting to watch.
Date 2-9 Oh no! It’s Winter already. I need to start getting ready for the annual feast.
Oh my! I’m glad your toes are all covered up and warm.
We certainly don’t want them to freeze. Great call!
Heart 2-10, Date 22-27 I can’t comment on our caterer for the New Year’s Festival event. It’s going to be a surprise!
Heart 2-10, Date 22-27 I’m keeping it a secret so everybody’s surprised.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Hillside Manor Vineyard, 10:00 - 17:00, Sunny or Windy

Bree and Walter are having a fight outside the manor.

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Hillside Manor Vineyard, 10:00 - 17:00, Sunny or Windy

Player walks into the manor and sees Bree and Walter standing in the living room, arguing.

Heart event 5

4555 Hearts.png

Hillside Manor Vineyard, 16:00 - 18:00, Sunny or Windy

Walter casually tells Bree he got rid of a box of junk in the attic. “Not...THE box, right?” Bree asks. But it is.

Heart event 6

4696 Hearts.png

Dump Area, 18:00 - 21:00, Sunny or Windy


Heart event 7

4827 Hearts.png

Coral Inn, 09:00 - 16:00


Heart event 8

4988 Hearts.png

Ben's Caravan, 06:00 - 16:00, Sunny or Windy


Heart event 9

5189 Hearts.png

Beach Shack, 09:00 - 18:00, Any day except: Tuesday, between Winter 17 - Winter 21


Heart event 10

53410 Hearts.png

Vineyard, 08:00 - 15:00, Sunny or Windy


