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Walter Duckorns is a townie in Starlet Town. Walter and his wife, Bree, own Hillside Brewery and Vineyard. He spends his days chilling at the vineyard or delivering sake and wine to Fishensips and the Coral Inn. The couple and their adult son, Luke, live comfortably in a big house located in the back of their vineyard. Aside from supplying local establishments, they mostly export their alcoholic beverages abroad. In his free time, he likes to watch sports channel. He is a wine connoisseur and fully believes in the superiority of his product.


Walter is a former high-powered lawyer. He now owns the Hillside Manor and Vineyard.

In-game profile

(To be added.)


Giving gifts to Walter will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Walter will give special dialogues if you give gifts on his birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"I don’t know what to say! Thank you! Do you know it’s my birthday today?"

Liked Gifts

"A present? Thanks! Do you know it’s my birthday today?"

Neutral Gifts

"Farmer Player! You got me again. Thanks for remembering my birthday."

Disliked Gifts

"None for me, thanks. Do you know it’s my birthday today?"

Hated Gifts

"I don’t know what to say. I’m perplexed."



"I don’t know what to say! Thank you! What a pleasant surprise."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Sweet potato poutine Baked sweet potato covered in cheese.
Frying Pan
Any Cheese
Sweet potato
Any Oil
basic Carrot A brightly colored root vegetable. Very crunchy when raw.
basic Sake Drink in moderation.
basicbasic Juice Any kind of juices.
Any fruits
Any vegetables
basic Roasted almonds Smells earthy.
Frying Pan
Universal Loved Gifts



"A present? Thanks!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Decent Gifts
basic All fruits Any kind of fruits.
basic All vegetables Any kind of vegetables.



"Farmer Player! You got me again. Thanks!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts



"None for me, thanks."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Dislikes Gifts
basic All mushrooms Any kind of mushrooms.



"I don’t know what to say. I’m perplexed."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Banana A nutritious and filling berry. It grows on trees and has a mild, sweet scent.
basic Lychee Rough and reddish on the outside, soft and sweet on the inside.
basic Diamond A very valuable mineral.
Universal Bad Gifts



Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
08:00 Hillside Manor - Kitchen
11:00 Near Vineyard area
17:45 Hillside Manor - Walter eats dinner
21:00 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
Tuesday &Thursday
08:00 Near Vineyard area
13:15 Hillside Manor - Walter reads
16:40 Tavern
23:10 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
08:00 Hillside Manor - Kitchen
09:50 Coral Inn
17:15 Hillside Manor - Walter watches TV
22:00 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.


Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
08:00 Hillside Manor - Kitchen
11:00 Near Vineyard area
17:45 Hillside Manor - Walter eats dinner
21:00 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
Tuesday &Thursday
08:00 Near Vineyard area
13:15 Hillside Manor - Walter reads
16:40 Tavern
23:10 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
08:00 Hillside Manor - Kitchen
09:50 Coral Inn
17:15 Hillside Manor - Walter watches TV
22:00 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.


Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
08:00 Hillside Manor - Kitchen
11:00 Near Vineyard area
17:45 Hillside Manor - Walter eats dinner
21:00 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
Tuesday &Thursday
08:00 Near Vineyard area
13:15 Hillside Manor - Walter reads
16:40 Tavern
23:10 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
08:00 Hillside Manor - Kitchen
09:50 Coral Inn
17:15 Hillside Manor - Walter watches TV
22:00 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.


Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
08:00 Hillside Greenhouse
16:00 Hillside Manor - Walter watches TV
22:00 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
Tuesday & Thursday
08:00 Hillside Greenhouse
17:00 Tavern
23:10 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
08:00 Hillside Manor - Kitchen
09:50 Coral Inn
17:15 Hillside Manor - Walter watches TV
22:00 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.

Bad weather (for all seasons)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
08:00 Hillside Greenhouse
15:35 Hillside Manor - Walter watches TV
21:50 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.
Tuesday & Thursday
06:00 Hillside Greenhouse
16:30 Tavern
22:50 Hillside Manor - Walter goes to bed.


First meeting
Introduction Well, well, well… If it isn’t the new owner of the lot. Or should I say, “the farm”?
Introduction Sure, the farm. Apologies, I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Walter.
Monday, Heart 0 - 10 We’re fortunate that we’re able to grow grapes all year round. Of course, that doesn’t come cheap.
Monday, Heart 0 - 10 But it shows quality, I hope. Our greenhouse is built from the best materials. Withstands the strongest wind.
Tuesday, Heart 0 - 10 I’m proud to say the wine and sake served at the Tavern are ours. They’re local and very high quality.
Tuesday, Heart 0 - 10 I like to deliver our products to the inn and the Tavern personally. Gives me a reason to visit the town.
Saturday, Heart 0 - 10 I like to spend my weekends at the vineyard. Invite some friends over… You know?
Tuesday, Heart 2 - 10 Let me give you some free advice… There’s a lot of quality control work in this type of industry. Food and beverages, that is.
Date 15 - 20 Oh, I’ve heard of Pufferfish! I don’t have anything to do with the deal they’re making.
Date 10 - 20 As your lawyer and a fellow farmer, I advise you to diversify your crops each season.
Date 10 - 20 You’re right. I’m not your lawyer. The pollen is making my brain funny.
Date 20 - 26 My wife loves any kind of jam. The first time she learned how to make it, she made everything into jam.
Date 20 - 26 Pineapple? Jam. Grape? Jam. Banana? Jam! We had to share it with the whole island so Luke and I wouldn’t have to eat jam for every meal.
Date 20 - 28 There are coconuts on the beach this time of year.
Date 20 - 28 They make a nice drink on hot Summer days.
Date 15 - 22 The heat isn’t agreeing with my brain… I feel fuzzy.
Heart 10 Summer doesn’t seem to deter Taco from exploring around. I hope he gets enough water throughout the day. I don’t want him to get heatstroke…
Heart 10 Heatstroke is no joke, Farmer. A friend of mine, nice fella… We were just sitting at the beach, enjoying a Sunday, and it came out of nowhere. He had to move to a shadier place. Ha ha! Looking back, it was a little funny.
Date 7 - 13 Well, well, well. The Harvest Festival is right around the corner. I’m intrigued to see what you have up your sleeve, Farmer Player.
Date 20 - 28 We purchased the vineyard and the house together. But of course, it didn’t look like it does now.
Date 20 - 28 It was much smaller back then. We added some rooms, did this and that. Looks much better now, I think.
Heart 10 You can try planting some grapes now, I hope. But careful, they wither come Winter… The ones you get from Sam’s, anyway. The grapes in our vineyard are special. They grow all year long for some reason, not just in Fall.
Date 11 - 14, Heart 10 We don’t participate in the Harvest Festival… We don’t have enough crops for it. You will, won’t you?
Date 1 - 10 The snow is bad news for us. The crops are dying, and production is down more than 50 percent.
Date 1 - 10 During Winter, I’m sure you’re not swimming in money either. But there are other means to get more income, if you’re into that sort of thing. Like fishing or mining.
Date 10 - 20 If you haven’t already, it may be the best time to try to upgrade your farming tools.
Heart 10 What are you wearing, Farmer? Don’t cheap out on clothes during Winter. Wear only top-of-the-line wool. It’s worth it.
Heart 10 Our dog, Taco, doesn’t seem to mind the cold. We have all kinds of dog sweaters, but no… That neckerchief is the only thing he wants to wear.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Hillside Manor, 12.00 - 17.00

Player sees Walter sitting on a stool on his living room, overlooking the window.

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Tavern, 17.00 - 20.00

Walter sits at the Tavern with Charles. When you walk in, he waves you over to his table.

Heart event 7

4827 Hearts.png

Vineyard, 06.00 - 15.00


Heart event 10

53410 Hearts.png

Vineyard, 06.00 - 15.00


