Dippa likes to lose themself in making art. As they once said, sanity is boring, and to them, boring is not living.
In-game profile
Dippa usually spends their day looking for inspiration and painting around the island. They sell paintings through Luke and on rainy days, they help him put up paintings for display.
Giving gifts to Dippa will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Dippa will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:
Loved Gifts
"This…this is perfect. Thank you for the birthday gift."
Liked Gifts
"You remembered? This is great. Thank you for the birthday gift."
Neutral Gifts
"IThank you. You remembered my birthday!"
Disliked Gifts
Hated Gifts
"Why? Why today of all days?"
"Oh wow. Is this really for me? Thank you so much!"
Hey, thanks for clearing up debris in the forest. I saw you’d done it a couple of times when I went there to paint. I like to chill there sometimes, but I don’t have any farming tools, so I appreciate your doing that.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
You never know when inspiration might come. It could be now… …or an hour from now, or even tonight, when you’re about to fall asleep.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
That’s the beauty of art, isn’t it? So unpredictable.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
Many painters are only appreciated after their tragic death. Makes you think, doesn’t it?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
I’m not a fan of night skies. The darkness and silence only make me feel sadness and sorrow.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
I try to paint something that lifts my mood…unless I’m in the mood for feeling sad. Does that make sense?
How do you avoid getting bitten by bugs when you’re clearing land?
Heart 2-10
Bit of a mess, aren’t you? No offense.
I could use a nice big jar of fresh jam right now. Strawberry jam. I should plant strawberries in my garden. They’re in season.
Some of my paintings were painted in tears, so I hope when people look at them, they get the same feeling. They don’t have to be sad tears. They could be happy ones, like the feeling of a new beginning in Spring after a long Winter.
Heart 8-10, Date 2-6
I need to start shutting off the heater during the day. Save on the electric bills.
Now I can’t even take Emma to a performance without being a bummer about it.
Heart 4-10
Farming isn’t something I could do, unfortunately. No more physical work for me. I did enough in my youth to last the rest of my life. Now I paint, for crying out loud.
Heart 4-10
Me? I used to do gymnastics five days a week. Now I walk for exercise. Life is funny that way.
Heart 4-10
A good bout of emotion can be addictive. It’s my sole source of inspiration. Without it, life is boring, and boring is no way to live.
The hot peppers we planted in Summer grew great. They saved us a lot of money. No need to buy more seeds. They grew and grew and grew. No withering for them.
Heart 8-10
I should paint pumpkins. What do you think? I don’t really feel like it, though.
Heart 8-10, Date 5-12
I just got back from Ben’s place. Took some of my paintings there. He said he’d put them in his caravan and see if anyone’s interested in buying while he’s traveling.
Heart 8-10
Maybe someday, if I paint enough happy things, I’ll be able to let go of some bad things.
Heart 8-10
Fall windows are good subject to paint. A peek into an empty, warm room.