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Update to new schedule template. Verify schedule and heart events. Add introduction and personality section.

Wakuu is a dateable townie in Starlet Town. He is an astronomer and lives in the Observatory. He spends his weekday working at the observatory and the weekend at his dad's house, the lighthouse. He goes to Starlet Town when he feels like playing some pool at the tavern, or for a quick coffee run.


Wakuu is an astronomer. During the week, he works and lives at the observatory. He spends the weekends at the lighthouse, where his dad lives.

In-game profile

(To be added.)


Giving gifts to Wakuu will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Wakuu will give special dialogues if you give gifts on his birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Wow, Player, you really get me! Thanks."

Liked Gifts

"I can’t believe you remembered my birthday! Thanks."

Neutral Gifts

"It’s cool you remembered my birthday."

Disliked Gifts

"I’m…not sure what this is."

Hated Gifts

"Oh gosh. This is embarrassing…"



"You made my day, Player!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Salmon A common saltwater fish.
basic Vegan taco A quick meal packed with nature’s goodness.
Any Vegetables
basic Cenil It restores energy. Sweet and chewy.
Ceramic Bowl
Any Coconut
Taro Root
basic Mango A juicy, refreshing tropical fruit.
basic Chocolate chip muffins It’s very sweet.
Any Egg
Any Flour
Cocoa Bean
Universal Loved Gifts



"Oh, would you look at that. Thanks, my love!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Decent Gifts
basic Corn on the cob Juicy grilled kernels bursting with flavor.
basic Cookies A plate of chewy cookies.
Any Flour
Any Butter
Cocoa Bean



"Good stuff! Thanks, Player!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts



"That’s…kind of a weird thing to give someone, my love. It’s all good, though! Sorry, that was rude."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Dislikes Gifts



"Um… This is a bad gift."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Starfruit A tropical fruit with a high water content. It’s refreshing eaten raw, with a slightly tart taste.
basic Green smoothies A refreshing drink of nutritious green goodness.
Any Vegetables
basic Slimy okra It’s slimy!
Seasoning Set
Slime Goop
Universal Bad Gifts




Monday & Tuesday
06:00 Observatory - Wakuu works
17:00 Outside Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
06:00 Outside Observatory
11:00 Observatory - Wakuu works
16:10 Tavern
23:40 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Thursday & Friday
08:00 Raja Coffee
16:10 Outside Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Saturday & Sunday
07:00 In front of Lighthouse - Wakuu's gardening
11:00 Beach Shack - Wakuu's having lunch with Wataru
16:30 Pier
18:00 Tavern
23:45 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed


Monday & Tuesday
06:00 Beach
17:00 Outside Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
06:00 Beach
16:10 Tavern
23:40 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Saturday & Sunday
07:00 In front of Lighthouse - Wakuu's gardening
11:00 Beach Shack - Wakuu's having lunch with Wataru
16:30 Beach
18:00 Tavern
23:45 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed


Monday & Tuesday
06:00 Observatory - Wakuu works
17:00 Outside Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
06:00 Outside Observatory
11:00 Observatory - Wakuu works
16:10 Tavern
23:40 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Thursday & Friday
08:00 Raja Coffee
16:10 Outside Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Saturday & Sunday
07:00 In front of Lighthouse - Wakuu's gardening
11:00 Beach Shack - Wakuu's having lunch with Wataru
16:30 Pier
18:00 Tavern
23:45 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed


Monday & Tuesday
06:00 Observatory - Wakuu works
17:00 Outside Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
06:00 Outside Observatory
11:00 Observatory - Wakuu works
16:10 Tavern
23:40 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Thursday & Friday
08:00 Raja Coffee
16:10 Outside Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Saturday & Sunday
07:00 In front of Lighthouse - Wakuu's gardening
11:00 Beach Shack - Wakuu's having lunch with Wataru
16:30 Pier
18:00 Tavern
23:45 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed

Bad weather (for all seasons)

Monday to Friday
07:00 Observatory - Wakuu works
15:00 Tavern
23:20 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed
Saturday & Sunday
08:00 Observatory - Wakuu reads
11:00 Beach Shack
17:00 Observatory - Kitchen
22:00 Observatory - Wakuu goes to bed


First meeting
Introduction Player? Did I say it right? I’m Wakuu. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Dad told me about you. He’s the one who brought you here on the chicken boat. Yep, the one with the hat.
Introduction Did I hear a Pokyo accent? Oh, you are? Where in Pokyo are you from?
Monday - Tuesday, Heart 2 - 10 I try to visit my dad every weekend. It might sound old-fashioned, but I kind of see it as my duty to check in on him and make sure he has what he needs.
Monday - Tuesday, Heart 2 - 10 He’s getting older, you know.
Monday, Heart 4 - 10 I was gardening with my dad yesterday, and his plants are looking pretty unhappy. Maybe you can go over there and give him some pointers.
Tuesday, Heart 4 - 10 One reason why traveling is cool is that the constellations look different depending on where you are! Isn’t that wild?
Thursday - Friday, Heart 4 - 10 Can you tell the difference between a star and a planet when you look at the night sky? I guess it takes some practice.
Thursday - Friday, Heart 4 - 10 For one thing, stars are like dots, but planets are more spherical. Stars cast their own light, like our sun, but planets reflect light. Also, stars twinkle. Planets don’t. Sorry I got carried away talking about stars. I hope I didn’t bore you.
Date 22 - 26, Heart 0 - 10 It’s been great spending so much time outdoors. I like Summer too, but Spring’s my favorite season.
Date 1 - 8, Heart 0 - 10 Spring, finally! I’ve been itching to spend some nice days outdoors.
Heart 0 - 10 What do you think of this weather, huh? Another gorgeous Spring day.
Date 5 - 8, Heart 5 - 10 Player! Are you going to the Cherry Blossom Festival?
Heart 6 - 10 Now it’s Spring, I guess you’ll be busier on the farm. I hope it doesn’t mean we won’t see each other as much.
I’m expecting more rain in Summer. Let’s hope my expectations are met.
Summer days like these remind me of my childhood. Dad and I used to spend nights looking at the stars on the Pithy Mermaid.
Some of my most memorable Summers were spent at sea, I have to admit.
Date 16 - 21, Heart 4 - 10 The Beach Cleanup Festival is important to our community. It’s a great tradition, and I’m glad we’re keeping it going.
Heart 4 - 10 One of the good things about living at the observatory is you can hear the bugs singing on Summer nights.
Heart 0 - 10 Mmm, Fall. I just love the way the air smells this time of year.
Heart 4 - 10 Does this hair color suit me, you think? I might dye it a different color, if not. But I have to leave it a couple weeks. Might have to wait till Winter.
Heart 4 - 10 Erika said the color is fitting for the “crispy season” now. I assumed she meant Fall. I don’t really care about my hair fitting the season. Does it fit my face? Also, why is Fall “crispy”?
Date 16 - 21, Heart 5 - 10 I like your Fall outfit. It looks nice.
Heart 2 - 10 I walked past the cemetery last week, and it was mossy! Dead leaves everywhere. But then it was all nice and clean yesterday. I think the Sanchez brothers are working extra hard cleaning it up this Fall. Good men.
I need to make sure Dad’s heater works properly this Winter. I’ll order him some extra blankets too, maybe.
The neighbors usually have this big dinner party at the end of Winter. I won’t be able to sleep, that’s for sure. They’ll be loud all night, so I might as well go.
Heart 0 - 10 I tried to get in some stargazing last night, but it was too cloudy. Disappointing. The Winter sky, huh?
Heart 2 - 10 How do you keep moisturized in the dry Winter weather? I’m drinking extra water, but it but it doesn’t seem to help. My hands feel like they’re made of ceramic that’s about to crack.
10 This Winter, Dad and I are planting some tea. He bought the seeds from Ben. They’re, like, from some island or something.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

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Beach Shack, 09:00 - 17:00. Everyday except Tuesday.

Wataru and Wakuu are sitting at a table, having just finished a meal. Their dishes are still on the table. Suki is there too, standing near Wakuu and Wataru. Alice is at cashier desk, seems like shes purchasing things. Player is next to Suki. Wakuu is done eating, the bowl is in front of him, he’s drinking a tall glass of cold water during the scene.

Heart event 3

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In front of Tavern. 08:00 - 15:00. Sunny / Windy.

Player approaches Wakuu who is sitting down, drinking coffee. Wakuu offers player to sit, player sits. They are sitting at the counter, drinking coffee together..

Heart event 4

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Hot Spring Outside. 18:00 - 22:00

Takeba mistakes Mark for Taro, Wakuu saw while outside in his telescope. escorted Takeba inside the hotspring to rest for the evening, telling Takeba that Taro called him earlier that he won't be home tonight. Takeba should rest for the night, Takeba agrees and thanks Wakuu, asking him what else Taro said.

Heart event 5

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Beach Pier Area. 11:00 - 17:00

Wataru and Wakuu are fishing off the dock near the lighthouse when the Player enters. a bait bucket, and a basket holding a few fish are near them on the dock.

Heart event 6

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Lighthouse Outside. 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday, Sunny / Windy

Wataru is on his knees in the dirt, gardening alone.

Heart event 7

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Observatory Outside. 19:00 - 23:59. Sunny / Windy.

The Player, Wakuu, Luke, Surya, Yuri, Bree, Joko, and Chaem are sitting on a blanket outside the observatory, drinking wine while they look up at the stars.

Heart event 8

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Beach Pier Area. 16:00 - 19:00

Wataru is fishing alone, a basket of fish next to him. Player is out of camera. Wakuu is walking from Lighthouse direction to Wataru, he starts fishing next to Wataru.

Heart event 10

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Observatory, 18:00 - 23:59, Spring to Fall

Wakuu is taking Player to the night observatory date alone. He’s showing Player something new he's found.

