Update to new schedule template. Verify schedule and heart events. Add introduction and personality section.
Nina Kluo is a dateabletownie in Starlet Town. She no longer lives in Coral Island, but visits her vacation home time to time. Aside from wild rumors around town, she never actually talked about her abrupt departure, so it remains a mystery until now.
During her visits, she would hold a small garage sale in front of her Villa to get rid of one-of-a-kind antiques. She spends the rest of her summer there surfing or hanging out with her girl friends, Lily and Suki. She is also close with Suki's daughter, Valentina, and the two bond over their love of surfing.
Nina is well educated, enjoys lavish vacations, designer clothes, and gemstones.
The villa at the beach is one of her many vacation homes. She is well educated, humble, and a flirt in nature. Enjoys lavish vacations.
In-game profile
(To be added.)
Giving gifts to Nina will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Nina will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:
Loved Gifts
"Spectacular! I'm excited to enjoy this. Thank you for the birthday gift, my love."
Liked Gifts
"This is marvelous, darling! Thank you for the birthday gift."
Neutral Gifts
"You can never go wrong with this. Thank you for the birthday gift, darl."
Disliked Gifts
"Uhh… No, darling, no. Not for a birthday gift."
Hated Gifts
"Umm… This isn't the way to go. No, not a good choice for a birthday gift."
"Spectacular! I'm excited to enjoy this. Thank you, my love."
This place is the best in Summer. Love, love, love keeping up with my childhood friends! Surfing, staying up, chilling at the beach. What more is there to life?
Walter and Father used to take Luke and me sailing the first weekend of every Summer. Eventually, we stopped that tradition, and then Father, well…
The Beach Cleanup Festival is the main reason I love Summer so much.
Now I spend my Summers here, catching up with old friends…and making new ones along the way.
I tried to get Mother to spend Summer here with me. Just this one time, you know. I didn't want to come alone. But she refused.
There's something really beautiful about the beach in Winter, isn't there?
Oh, darling, how do you stay so active in Winter? It's so cold!
I can't wait for the New Year's Eve Festival! I definitely missed it when I moved away.
We need to keep hydrated, always. Especially in Winter, when it's dry like this.
I'm so tempted to spend the Winter somewhere warmer. Want to join me sometime?
Heart Events
Heart event 3
Farm, 06:00 - 23:59, Summer
Nina shows up at the farm. She's curious about the Player's plans for the farm.
Heart event 5
Community Center - Library, 09:00 - 14:00
Millie is researching a story about the town's history and finds old pictures of the farm, which she shares with the Player. They see a picture of a young girl playing on the farm with Players old doll, but can't identify her.
Heart event 6
Community Center - Library, 09:00 - 14:00
Player walks in on Nina and Millie arguing in the library. Millie found out that Nina's family used to own the farm before their grandparents, and Nina doesn't want anyone to know. Player wonders why.
Player asks Nina about the farm and she admits her family used to own it. Not only that, but many of the shops are owned by her family. Rented out to the town. one of which is the building that was sold to a shell company that turned out to be Pufferfish. She is ashamed. She feels bad for the community and Coral Island has too many memories anyway, she's thinking of leaving for good.
Heart event 8
Abandoned Villa, 18:00 - 23:58
Nina throws a big party at the villa and reveals that she has decided to stay on Coral Island for good. lots of townies are there.
Heart event 10
Garden Lane, 15:00 - 17:00, Sunny, all seasons except Winter
Nina invites Player for a picnic at Garden Lane. They're making flower crowns when Nina chokes on food. Fortunately, Player is there to saves the day.