Some might call Grog slow, while others might call him deliberate. Though the biggest of the bunch, he is the shyest. His size is one of the reasons why he would rather not stand out behaviorally as he already stands out physically. He chooses his words carefully, which makes it seems like he is a slow speaker, but he just does not want to hurt the feelings of others and want to be as careful as he can with what he says. He is the strongest of all the Giants, except for the Chieftain.
Loves collecting little trinkets that he sometimes keeps on his shelf at home. While he's still cautious about human technology, aka "hooman things", he is probably the most curious of them all.
Giving gifts to Grog will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week.
Ice Season now. Everything white and cold. Earth is sleeping. Grog should too.
Heart 0-10
Hard to see in snow. Grateful for Giant stone signs in forest. Snow burry path. Grog get confused and lost.
Heart 4-10
Earth is cold now. Grog can feel in body. But very pretty... Grog is happy to see Earth pretty.
Heart 0-10
The snow feel nice. Ice Season is Grog favorite.
Grog looking forward to Sprouting Season. Spikey fruits everywhere in Sprouting Season.
Heart Events
Heart event 2
Mining lobby, 07:00 - 16:00
The Player walks into the lobby where they see Grog doing a stilted awkward dance. The player watches for a while, until Grog turns and sees the Player there.
Heart event 4
Middle of the forest, 07:00 - 16:00
In the forest, the player comes upon a similar scene to the previous scene in the mining lobby. Grog is doing a dance by himself when he notices the Player there.
Heart event 6
Mining lobby, 07:00 - 16:00
The Player receives a letter from Grog and goes to the mining lobby as instructed. Player sees Grog standing in the middle of the lobby.
Heart event 8
Grog's house, 09:00 - 16:00
After receiving a letter, the Player enters Grog’s house and surprise him.
Heart event 10
Giants Village, 07:00 - 16:00
The Giants are gathered for the talent show. All the Giants are chatting excitedly amongst themselves. However, Grog is nowhere to be seen.
In-game assets
Grog does not have any image for the matching category.