Ratih's Float Market
Store information
7:30AM - 11:59AM (Tue, Thur, Fri)
Ratih's Float Market is a shop located in Starlet Town , in front of Raja's Coffee Corner . It is owned and run by Ratih . The shop can be found by the docks, in front of Raja's Coffee Corner on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings.
The Float Market stock refreshes weekly before the store opens on Tuesday, and will be sold out for the week once purchased. The items sold have a 75% of 1 being available and a 30% chance of 5 being available, with no change to the price.
Artisan products
The artisan products sold offer one item of each type, with 3 or 4 types at once.
Item Price Type Barley beer × 750 Alcohol Beer × 500 Alcohol Sake × 550 Alcohol Wine × 1,300 Alcohol Cheese × 375 Cheese Cheese wheel × 625 Cheese Goat cheese × 800 Cheese Goat cheese wheel × 1,310 Cheese Fermented cheese × 1,125 Cheese Fermented cheese wheel × 1,875 Cheese Fermented goat cheese × 790 Cheese Fermented goat cheese wheel × 3,950 Cheese Mayonnaise × 175 Mayonnaise Large mayonnaise × 285 Mayonnaise Duck mayonnaise × 260 Mayonnaise Large duck mayonnaise × 425 Mayonnaise Quail mayonnaise × 810 Mayonnaise Large quail mayonnaise × 1,340 Mayonnaise Almond oil × 485 Oil Black truffle oil × 1,600 Oil Canola oil × 150 Oil Olive oil × 375 Oil White truffle oil × 2,540 Oil Amaranth juice × 42 Juice Apple juice × 450 Juice Artichoke juice × 85 Juice Avocado juice × 185 Juice Banana juice × 160 Juice Basil juice × 115 Juice Beet juice × 50 Juice Bell pepper juice × 135 Juice Bok choy juice × 165 Juice Cane nectar × 65 Juice Carrot juice × 235 Juice Cauliflower juice × 465 Juice Chard juice × 335 Juice Corn juice × 65 Juice Cranberry juice × 50 Juice Cucumber juice × 115 Juice Dragon fruit juice × 215 Juice Durian juice × 515 Juice Eggplant juice × 100 Juice Garlic juice × 315 Juice Hot pepper juice × 100 Juice Jackfruit juice × 240 Juice Lemon juice × 200 Juice Lettuce juice × 140 Juice Lychee juice × 250 Juice Mango juice × 450 Juice Melon juice × 715 Juice Okra juice × 165 Juice Orange juice × 450 Juice Papaya juice × 215 Juice Peach juice × 510 Juice Pear juice × 215 Juice Peas juice × 165 Juice Pineapple juice × 615 Juice Plum juice × 215 Juice Potato juice × 215 Juice Pumpkin juice × 335 Juice Radish juice × 360 Juice Rambutan juice × 235 Juice Red cabbage juice × 315 Juice Snake fruit juice × 215 Juice Star fruit juice × 335 Juice Strawberry juice × 300 Juice Sweet potato juice × 85 Juice Taro root juice × 150 Juice Tomato juice × 60 Juice Turnip juice × 65 Juice Watermelon juice × 315 Juice Blue dahlia honey × 390 Honey Canola honey × 150 Honey Cosmo honey × 65 Honey Daffodil honey × 50 Honey Daisy honey × 150 Honey Fairy rose honey × 760 Honey Gardenia honey × 175 Honey Hibiscus honey × 85 Honey Iris honey × 300 Honey Jepun honey × 50 Honey Larkspur honey × 65 Honey Lotus honey × 100 Honey Orchid honey × 575 Honey Pansy honey × 50 Honey Peony honey × 165 Honey Rafflesia black honey × 5,000 Honey Rose honey × 160 Honey Snowdrop honey × 500 Honey Sunflower honey × 275 Honey Titan arum black honey × 5,000 Honey Tulip honey × 50 Honey Violet honey × 65 Honey White hibiscus honey × 135 Honey
Every day Ratih has one type of seeds (or one type of seeds and one seedling) for sale. The seeds available are determined by the player's town rank and the current season . The seed prices are the same as they are at Sam's General Store . The town rank required for certain seeds sold in this shop do not match the town ranks required for the same seeds at the general store.
Item Price Season Town rank Blackberry seeds × 40 Summer C Bok choy seeds × 60 Fall C Chard seeds × 60 Spring D Coffee seeds × 70 Summer C Garlic seeds × 30 Fall C Snake fruit seedling × 1,200 Spring C