Pink coralcap

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Pink coralcap is a vegetable Ocean crop that can only be grown on the Underwater farm. The crop grows from Pink coralcap seeds after 14 days and take 4 days to produce subsequent harvests. It can be harvested up to 3 times, before eventually wither. Pink coralcap can be made using the Carnivorous Plant by combining Amaranth, Sea Mushroom & Gold kelp.

How to obtain

Shop availability

After player submit 50 Pink coralcap to the shipping bin, these shops will start selling Pink coralcap seeds : No shop sells this item.


Artisan products

No artisan product needs pink coralcap.


No cooked dish needs pink coralcap.


Gift icon.pngCharacters
Loved gift.png LovedNo character loves this item.
Liked gift.png LikedAaliyah icon.png AaliyahEva icon.png EvaScott icon.png Scott
Disliked gift.png DislikedRaj icon.png RajSam icon.png Sam
Hated gift.png HatedNo character hates this item.


No altar needs pink coralcap.

