Cho Oyu

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Revision as of 19:25, 26 January 2024 by Salty Nori (talk | contribs)
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Update to new schedule template. Verify schedule and heart events. Add introduction and personality section.

Cho Oyu is a Merfolk from the Merfolk Kingdom. She is unable to be befriended at this time.

She is an oracle, often getting premonition of events happening in the future, although quite limited in scope as she can only see dreams related to the Merfolks.


The trusted Oracle of the kingdom, bridges the gap between the mortal and spirit realms. The only merfolk the King and Queen trust when it comes to their daughter, Princess Miranjani. Royal consultant, a personal babysitter at times.

In-game profile

(To be added.)


Gifts are not implemented for the Merfolk yet, but are scheduled to be implemented in 2024 post-1.0 release.


Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
All seashells Any kind of seashells.
All gems Any kind of gems.
Universal Loved Gifts


Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All Fish Any kind of fish.
basic All Fruits Any kind of fruits.
Universal Decent Gifts


Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts


Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All Milk Any kind of milk.
basic All eggs Any kind of eggs.
Universal Disliked Gifts


Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Trash
All artifacts
Universal Bad Gifts


All seasons

Wednesday - Sunday
09:00 Catacomb - brewing potion
19:00 Catacomb - meditation
22:00 Catacomb - Cho Oyu's bed
09:00 Coral tree
14:00 Catacomb - brewing potion
18:00 Catacomb - Cleaning
21:00 Catacomb - Cho Oyu's bed
09:00 Naga Castle - throne room
14:00 Catacomb - brewing potion
18:00 Catacomb - Cleaning
21:00 Catacomb - Cho Oyu's bed
Monday - Tuesday (bad weather)
09:00 Catacomb - ritual
14:00 Catacomb - brewing potion
17:00 Catacomb - meditation
21:00 Catacomb - Cho Oyu's bed

