Underwater Farming

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After being accepted by the Merfolks, players in Coral Island will receive a letter from Cho Oyu, asking them to visit the Naga Palace. There, Cho Oyu, King Krakatoa, and Queen Nanda Devi explain the dire food shortage in the Merfolk kingdom due to oil roots.

Queen Nanda Devi provides players with 15 Marinip Seeds (analogous to the turnip seeds given at the beginning of the game) and a Lumina Wand (equivalent to a watering can). the Queen informs players that selling enough crops will unlock the Merfolk general store, which will start selling seeds.

Cho Oyu explains that ancient scrolls depict ocean crops originating from sea. Players can create ocean crop seeds by combining land crops and ocean materials using the ancient device. Cho Oyu also reveals an ancient device used to make seeds and tasks the player with recovering the food supplies. As part of this mission, players receive an underwater farm plot, along with the ancient device, which turns out to be the Carnivorous plant.

This quest initiates the player's journey to end the food shortage and unlocks the underwater farming feature.

How to farm Underwater

Tools you need :

Hoe.png Hoe for tilling soil. Underwater Seed.png Underwater Seed to plant . Lumina wand basic.png Lumina wand basic to water the seed. Scythe.png Scythe for harvesting the crop faster.

What to Do :

  1. Clean Up the Farm Begin by clearing debris, trash, and weeds from your farm to prepare for cultivation.
  2. Till the Soil Use a hoe to till the soil, creating plots for planting.
  3. Plant Seeds Seeds can be made using the carnivorous plant, and eventually be bought from Underwater General Store.
  4. Luminate the Seeds Unlike land farm, ocean crops require sunlight. Give the crops daily dose of sunray using lumina wand.
  5. Harvest the Crops Once the plants have grown to maturity, harvest them.
  6. Sell or Process Crops Harvested crops can be sold directly for profit or processed into artisan goods using artisan machines for higher value.

Players can plant seeds anywhere on their farm but not outside of it.

How to Get Seeds

Create seed using Carnivorous Plant

According to the ancient scroll Cho Oyu found, land crops was once comes from sea plants. She strongly believe that if player can combine land crops with things that grow in the ocean, we can re-create those ocean crops. Here's where player learn about seed mixing.
The combination to make Ocean crops are as follows :

Seed Ingredients Seed Ingredients
Petalia seed.png
Petalia seed x2
Iris.png IrisArame.png ArameOsmium kelp.png Osmium kelp
Pink Coralcap seed.png
Pink Coralcap seed x2
Amaranth.png AmaranthSea mushroom.png Sea mushroomGold kelp.png Gold kelp
Helixpur Blossom seed.png
Helixpur Blossom seed x2
Rose.png RoseBlue oyster.png Blue oysterSilver kelp.png Silver kelp
Red Reefbud seed.png
Red Reefbud seed x2
Red cabbage.png Red cabbageJunonia shell.png Junonia shellBronze kelp.png Bronze kelp
Marinethorn Blossom seed.png
Marinethorn Blossom seed x2
Lychee.png LycheeMurex.png MurexGold kelp.png Gold kelp
Marinip seed.png
Marinip seed x2
Turnip.png TurnipSeaweed.png SeaweedBronze kelp.png Bronze kelp
Bluebell Blossom seed.png
Bluebell Blossom seed x2
Blue dahlia.png Blue dahliaHeart urchin.png Heart urchinSilver kelp.png Silver kelp
Labu seed.png
Labu seed x2
Pumpkin.png PumpkinFlame scallop.png Flame scallopBronze kelp.png Bronze kelp
Soka seed.png
Soka seed x2
Taro root.png Taro rootKumamoto oyster.png Kumamoto oysterOsmium kelp.png Osmium kelp
Spring Sealeaf seed.png
Spring Sealeaf seed x2
Bok choy.png Bok choyAmber shell pen.png Amber shell penSilver kelp.png Silver kelp
Goldglow seed.png
Goldglow seed x2
Starfruit.png StarfruitSea grapes.png Sea grapesGold kelp.png Gold kelp
Twinshade Sealeaf seed.png
Twinshade Sealeaf seed x2
Lettuce.png LettuceSea lettuce.png Sea lettuceOsmium kelp.png Osmium kelp
Sproutfruit seed.png
Sproutfruit seed x2
Beet.png BeetBlack urchin sea.png Black urchin seaSilver kelp.png Silver kelp
Bluecole seed.png
Bluecole seed x2
Cactus.png CactusPurple urchin.png Purple urchinOsmium kelp.png Osmium kelp
Sea Spud seed.png
Sea Spud seed x2
Papaya.png PapayaGeoduck.png GeoduckGold kelp.png Gold kelp

Sell crops using the shipping bin

Crops that player sell via the shipping bin will be sent to the Merfolk Kingdom to help with food shortage. When player have sell enough amount of the same crop, Todi, the shopkeeper will begin selling it's seed. making it easier for player to obtain underwater crops.

Upgrading Seed

Just like land crops, player can also upgrade ocean crop seed quality. Cho Oyu will help player at the Oracle's Chamber. But for the spell to take effect, Cho Oyu requires some ocean crops with certain quality.

File:Bronze Ocean Seeds.png Bronze Ocean SeedsCoin.png × 2,000File:Underwater Crops.png Underwater Crops × 15Ocean Crops
File:Silver Ocean Seeds.png Silver Ocean SeedsCoin.png × 5,000File:Underwater Crops.png Underwater Crops × 25Ocean Crops
File:Gold Ocean Seeds.png Gold Ocean SeedsCoin.png × 10,000File:Underwater Crops.png Underwater Crops × 40Ocean Crops
File:Osmium Ocean Seeds.png Osmium Ocean SeedsCoin.png × 20,000File:Underwater Crops.png Underwater Crops × 60Ocean Crops

Farming Mastery

Planting ocean crops also develop farming skills, which are visualized by the Farming Mastery progress bar. This bar can be found in the Mastery menu, located on the far right of the player menu. Increasing mastery levels rewards players with skill points. These points can be spent on various skills that enhance farming efficiency and ease. The skills players unlock through farming mastery are usefull for expanding farms and performing tasks more efficiently. To get more info, see mastery page.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Makeshift scarecrow.png Makeshift scarecrow

Fertilizer I.png Fertilizer I

Compost bin.png Compost bin

Sprinkler I.png Sprinkler I File:Flash I.png Flash I

Mason jar.png Mason jar

File:Hydro I.png Hydro I Makeshift floor tile.png Makeshift floor tile Makeshift arch.png Makeshift arch

Ordinary scarecrow.png Ordinary scarecrow

File:Hydro II.png Hydro II

Fertilizer II.png Fertilizer II
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
Keg.png Keg

Sprinkler II.png Sprinkler II

File:Flash II.png Flash II Fertilizer III.png Fertilizer III

File:Hydro III.png Hydro III

File:Flash III.png Flash III

Sprinkler III.png Sprinkler III

Aging barrel.png Aging barrel


Tier I Stay Hydrated Quality Crop Double Crop
Chance for watered soil to stay watered the following day. Chance to harvest better-quality crops. Chance to harvest double crops.
25% chance 10% chance for better quality 5% chance
Tier II Crop Express Crop Price Replant
Chance for crops to grow faster. Increases the selling price of all crops. Chance to leave a seed behind when clearing crops (harvesting or destroying).
10% chance to grow faster 15% price increase 10% chance


Farming automation in ocean farms operates similarly to the land farms. Players can utilize the Lumina Sprinkler, which emits sunlight on the ocean floor, serving the same function as water sprinklers on land. Additionally, the Anemone Attachment can be used to automate the spreading of seeds, fertilizer, and harvesting, mirroring the functionality of land-based sprinkler attachments. All these attachments are available for purchase from Cho Oyu, at the Oracle's Chamber.