
This page lists the dialogue lines for Theo.
To be added.
Daily lines
Generic Lines
- Theo:[Theo seems to be deep in thought.]
- Theo:Gotta hand it to Betty, though.
She's out there making sure our feathered friends don't go hungry.
Any amount of hearts
To be added.
Starting with two hearts
To be added.
Starting with three hearts
To be added.
Starting with four hearts
To be added.
Starting with five hearts
To be added.
Seasonal lines
To be added.
- Theo:I see seals, turtles, all sorts of wild critters swimming to shore in the Summer.
I chat them up sometimes, just for a bit of fun. - Theo:The Summer breeze feels different on my face... A little saltier than Spring, if you want to know.
To be added.
To be added.
Weather-specific lines
- Theo:My boat isn't the most reliable in the rain, so I better stick to fishing on sunny days.
To be added.
Location-specific lines
To be added.
To be added.
Center of town
To be added.
To be added.
To be added.
Rare Lines
To be added.
Gifting lines
Loved gifts
To be added.
Liked gifts
To be added.
Neutral gifts
To be added.
Disliked gifts
To be added.
Hated gifts
To be added.
Festival lines
To be added.
Cherry Blossom Festival
To be added.
Tree Planting Festival
To be added.
Animal Festival
To be added.
Beach Clean Up
To be added.
Harvest Festival
To be added.
New Year Eve Feast
To be added.
Heart Events Dialogue
Heart Event 2
- Theo:Hey!
- Player:That was beautiful. Do you think you can teach me?
- To be added.
- Player:How long did it take you to learn to play like that?
- To be added.
- Player:Sorry to alarm you. Can I listen to you play?
- Theo:No, no. You didn't alarm me. Please, take a seat.
Hey, here's a crazy idea.
Why don't I teach you how to play?
- Theo:!
- Theo:Whoa! Easy on the strum, there.
Try not to do it too hard. - Theo:Wow, gotta say! You're not bad for a new player.
I'm impressed. Wanna do it again?
Heart Event 3
Walking through town
- Ben:Hey, Theo!
- Theo:Ben! Have a great day, my man.
- Ben:You too, pal!
Walking by the vineyard
- Bree:Hi, Theo. On your way to a show?
- Theo:Always, Bree. All the world's a stage.
Arriving at the community centre
- Suki:Hey, Theo! How are you doing?
- Suki:Theo?
- Suki:That was weird.
Inside the community centre
- Millie:Something wrong, Theo?
- Theo:Just looking for something.
- Millie:Can I help you find... whatever it is you're looking for?
- Theo:Maybe. You know the old piano that used to be in that corner?
- Theo:It's gone.
- Millie:Oh, that old thing? It was a mess. Out of tune, a broken pedal, missing keys. It was just collecting cobwebs, so we shipped it off to the recycling centre.
- Theo:The recycling centre!
- Millie:Yes, I think so. Two weeks back.
- Millie:Um, why?
- Theo:I have to go.
- Millie:I'm sure we can find a replacement or something, Theo. It was just an old, broken piece of junk.
- Theo:It was my mother's.
Theo leaves.
- Millie:Always sticking your foot in your mouth, Millie...
Heart Event 4
- Erika:Theo! So nice to see you. What brings you to the recycling center?
- Theo:Hey, you two! Say, you like to hang out here a lot, right?
- Erika:Here? Eww. I wouldn't be caught dead at the recycling center.
- Theo:You're at the recycling center right now.
- Erika:I know! I'm just messing with you.
- Theo:Oh. Uh... Hah hah?
- Betty:Did you need help with something, dear?
- Theo:Yes. Yes, I'm looking for a piano.
- Betty:They have a nice selection of them at Hot Keys. It's a piano shop over on the mainland.
- Theo:No, not a new piano.
- Betty:They have a great selection of used pianos too.
- Theo:No, not...
- Theo:I'm looking for a specific piano. The one that used to be in the community center.
Millie told me they sent it over to the recycling center, and I wanted to see if it was still here. - Erika:I don't think I've seen one recently, but you never know what you can find in a place like this. Let's take a look, okay?
- Theo:Okay. Great. Thanks.
The trio begins looking through the trash at the recycling center.
- Erika:So, this must be some special piano, huh?
- Theo:It was my mother's.
- Erika:Oh! Yes, that definitely counts as special. How'd it end up in the community center, if you don't mind my-
- Theo:Long story.
- Erika:Oh, sure. Sorry.
- Theo:No, I'm sorry. It's just... I guess I just always expected it to be there, you know? Like the sunrise.
And then one day, it just wasn't. - Erika:Sure. I get it.
- Theo:But it can't be done. It can't. If it is, that means...that means...
- Betty:Is this it?
- Theo:That's part of it!
- Theo:I'll admit it's seen better days.
- Erika:What now?
- Theo:Any chance you feel like moving a piano with me?
- Theo:Ready? One... Two...
- Theo:Who would have thought a piano could be so heavy?
Heart Event 5
- Theo:Player!
- Player:Where'd you get that thing, Theo? The recycling center?
- To be added.
- Player:Hi, Theo! Are you taking up the piano?
- Theo:Taking it up? Me and the piano go way back.
- Theo:This old girl used to be in the community center. Maybe you've seen it there?
- Player:Rings a bell
- Theo:Right.
- Theo:But when I heard it got taken to the recycling center, it was like part of my family had been taken away.
You see, this piano used to belong to my mother. She was an amazing pianist. Our house was always filled with the sound of music. - Theo:She gave lessons too. To the whole island.
And to me and Lily, of course. - Theo:Lily didn't really take to it. She was too into her computers and stuff. But me? Man, it was love at first sight.
It's what started my whole musical journey.- Player:That's amazing!
- Theo:It was.
- Theo:But then...well, then Mom died.
- Theo:Everything changed. It changed in a thousand ways, of course, but it was the music...
- Theo:There was no more music in the house.
Mom was gone, but somehow it was the music that I missed the most. Does that make me crazy?- Player:I...uh...
- Theo:That wasn't a fair question, Player. Sorry. Don't answer it.
Heart Event 6
- Theo:Hi Player!
- Theo:Come check out how it's going!
- Player:I found that wood you were looking for!
- Theo:Hey, that's great!
- Player:I got that wood you wanted. You owe me one.
- To be added.
- Theo:This is perfect! It'll go great with the piano once I sand it down a bit. Thank you so much!
- Theo:I know this project will take me a long time, but you know what? I don’t care.
I haven’t sat down in front of this piano for so long, I’ve forgotten how much I’ve missed it. - Theo:I remember sitting in front of this with mom, practicing my chords and scales. God, we sat there for hours.
- Theo:I was terrible at first, did you know that?
I mean, I guess that’s understandable-everyone is-but I was really bad. - Theo:Lily was way better than me. She has a natural gift for music. I always thought so, at least.
She heard a song once, twice, and she had it down. It was incredible.
Thing was, she just didn’t care. - Theo:Me? I was the opposite.
It took me weeks to practice something that'd take Lily hours to learn, but I had the passion for it.
I put in the time. And my mom sat right beside me. - Theo:Remember I told you how my family decided to give up the piano after my mom died?
That wasn't...well, it wasn't entirely true. It was really dad's idea. - Theo:Mom always filled our house with music. I didn't like the silence after she died-none of us did-but none of us were like dad.
Dad really couldn't take it. - Theo:I remember him sitting up for hours at night-this is just after mom died, a week or two-and he was just staring at the piano.
Staring. - Theo:I'd ask him if he wanted something to eat or drink.
I asked him if he wanted to go to bed.
No. - Theo:It got bad.
He wasn't sleeping. He stopped working. He would snap at me and Lily over nothing. Things were just... they were just different.
And it was all because of that stupid piano. I know it. - Theo:When he finally donated the thing, it was like we could all breathe again. He wasn't so mad anymore, so preoccupied. <br./> The air felt clearer, and things went back to normal.
You know, considering. - Theo:The piano reminded him of mom, that was the thing. And dad just couldn't handle it. So he got rid of it.
- Theo:But the thing is, the piano reminded me of mom, too.
Some of the happiest times in my life were spent sitting in front of those keys. And then it was just...gone. - Theo:Huh. I never realized how much of a sore spot that still was for me.
I don't think I ever really forgave dad for that, did I? Not really. - Theo:Anyway, look at my rambling on. I'm sorry. Thanks for coming by, Player. But I need a little alone time right now, I think.
I'll see you around, okay?
Heart Event 7
- Theo:Player! Come to check in on the piano again?
- Theo:It's great to see you.
- Player:How's it coming along?
- Theo:It's been going great! Thanks for asking.
- Player:Do you think you're spending too much time on this thing?
- To be added.
- Theo:I think I'm getting close to the end, here.
The wood you brought me helped repair the rotting frame. I also fixed the broken leg and polished the cover so much I can see my face in it. - Theo:By the time I'm done it'll be like new-better than when it was in our house, even.
- Theo:But I'll tell you something; there's a few small scratch marks on the frame I'm going to leave.
I put them there myself-I was playing with it, running my toy car all over it. I couldn't have been more than eight. - Theo:I didn't expect it to scratch the piano. I thought mom would be so mad, I hid from her for the rest of the day.
I was terrified I had ruined her favourite thing. - Theo:But when she finally found me, you know what? She wasn't mad at all.
She wrapped me in this huge hug and told me how unimportant the scratches were. - Theo:"Well-worn itmes just show how much they mean to us," she said. "I know how much you love music, just like I do. Those scratches are just the proof of that."
- Theo:That always stayed with me. It's not how things look on the outside, you know? It's what they mean to us that's important.
Mom taught me that. - Theo:But then, she was always an optimist. Always looked on the bright side of things.
If it was raining too hard to go outside, fine! We'd stay in and make pillow forts.
If we got sick, no problem! Movie marathon day.
There was always a bright side to everything. - Theo:Even...even when things took a turn for the worst at the end. She always had a smile for us, was always sure everything would turn out all right.
"If you're not living happy, what's the point of it all?" she used to say. - Theo:That's why I always try to stay positive, too. It's keeping her with me.
- Theo:I think this piano is making me a little sentimental, don't you?
Thanks for stopping by, Player. I should get back to work.
Heart Event 8
Part One: In Theo's Yard
- Theo:Hey, Player! Come check it out: I'm almost done!
- Theo:So what do you think?
- Player:Wow, it looks incredible!
- Theo:Doesn't it? I can't believe how great it turned out.
- Player:You missed a spot.
- To be added.
- Theo:I have a confession to make, Player.
- Theo:I've actually been done with this thing for a while. I just can't make myself stop. Working on it out here has been amazing.
- Theo:I've told you how much this piano meant to me. How much it meant to my mom.
But working on the piano made me realize that I hadn't thought about her in a long, long time. - Theo:I mean, that's not exactly true.
I'd see something that'd remind me of her-her favorite flower, the bench we sat on by the lake-and the reminder would be like a sharp sting.
There, gone, and I'd move on. - Theo:Moving on was easier than confronting it, I guess.
I hadn't really dwelled on it in a long time. But out here in the yard, working on it day after day? It really brought things home for me.
Really brought things into perspective. - Theo:Like the whole thing with my dad giving the piano away?
Man, I never realized how mad I was about that. We're going to have to talk, clear the air a little bit. It's a little...uh...intimidating, but I think it'll be good for us.
I know it will. - Theo:But so much more importantly, I feel like I had a chance to say goodbye to my mom in a way I never really had before.
Goodbye, and hello again.
With this piano fully restored, it's like I restored a part of her as well. The part that lives in my soul. - Theo:Does that make sense? Maybe it sounds crazy, but that's how it feels to me.
- Player:So what's the plan now?
- Theo:It's going back to the community center, of course.
- Theo:Yes?
- Player:To gather dust again?
- To be added.
- Player:To the community center? They didn't treat it well the first time around.
- Theo:This time, it'll be different.
- Theo:Last time we donated it and forgot it.
That was a mistake.
Mom's gift to this island-her gift to me-was music.
It's time I honor that gift. - Theo:I already spoke with them down there; it's all arranged.
Each week, I'm going to play a show down there, dedicated to my mother. I'll play all the songs she taught me.
That way the whole town can hear her music again. - Theo:And who knows? Maybe this old girl will inspire a new generation of musicians.
- Player:I think that sounds amazing.
- Theo:Thanks! I think so too.
- Theo:And I'm happy to say that you get to play a special role in this whole thing.
- Player:I do?
- Theo:You do.
- Theo:This thing has got to get down to the community center somehow.
Any chance you feel like moving a piano with me?
Part Two: In the Community Center
- Theo:Thank you so much for coming out, everyone.
And a special thank-you to Player, my impromptu therapist who listened while I babbled on about life, death, and music. - Theo:This piano has sat neglected for far too long.
Many of you may not know this, but this piano was my mother's. She taught music lessons around the islands for years. And she taught me, too.
I fell in love with music before these very keys. - Theo:I felt it was time to share my mother's gift with the island.
And so I hope you'll listen and enjoy as I play some of her favorite pieces.
Heart Event 10
In the morning
- Theo:Good morning, sleepyhead!
- Theo:Dad is thinking of cooking some ramen. It's real good.
Whenever you're free, maybe you could stop by and join us? - Theo:I think it's about time you officially meet my family. Come by our place anytime after 6PM.
I'm a bit nervous but also very excited.
I'm sure my Dad will like you a lot.
Arriving for Dinner
- Lily:Oh hey! Please have a seat.
- Jim:Evening, Player. I hope you like ramen.
My little one here has been cooking with me the whole day... - Lily:Dad...
- Theo:Hey, thanks for coming.
- Theo:This smells amazing, Dad!
I'm so hungry. Shall we eat?
Eating Dinner
- Jim:You know, she may not look it but Lils here used to...oh boy!
She use to tease...troll her brother all the time.
This one time, their mom bought them 2 of those kids chairs with cartoons on them... Dotemon? - Theo:DoKEmon, Dad.
- Lily:I know, right? Dotemon.
Dad, come on! - Jim:Okay...okay, so this DOTEmon chairs right-
After Dinner
- Theo:Phew! I think it was a success.
My family loves you. - Theo:Player, I wanted to talk to you about something...something important.
- Theo:I care about you, Player, more than I've ever cared about anyone else.
- Theo:What I'm trying to say is... I'm in love with you.
- Player:I've been hoping you'd say that. Because I've been feeling the same way.
- Theo:May I kiss you?
- Player:I see you as a very good friend, not in a romantic way.
- To be added.
To be added.
Post-Marriage Lines
- Theo:Sing a ballad with me, baby?
- Theo:Got any dinner requests, babe? I'm thinking tacos tonight.
- Theo:I made this for you today, babe. Please enjoy!
- Theo:Whoa! I love [item]! You know me so well, babe. Thank you!
Theo does not have any reaction lines.