B.O.S Survival Guide

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Book Content

"Heads up, adventurers! The caves are filled with dangers, including monsters and poisonous critters. Remember, it’s better to be prepared than regretful. If you can, gear up with these key items for your journey:

  • Kelp Essence Ring: Gives your critical hits a major power boost.
  • Spikes: Set these up to injure enemies that get too close.
  • Slime Trap: Ideal for slowing down fast-moving foes.
  • Spring Trap: Use it to create distance by knocking back enemies.
  • Glue Trap: Great for stopping aggressive creatures in their tracks.
  • Shock Trap: Briefly paralyze your enemies with this.
  • Light Ring: Illuminates dark areas, making it easier to see.

Share these tips with family and friends to ensure everyone stays safe out there!"

Book Effect

Give player 300 Combat mastery point