Coral Island

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Coral Island is a farming and life simulation game set on a tropical island with diving elements. The game combines traditional farming gameplay with RPG and social simulation elements, allowing players to cultivate crops, raise animals, mine for resources, and build relationships with the various characters on the island. In addition, players can explore the island and discover hidden treasures, such as the ancient Goddess and Secret Merfolk kingdom.


The core gameplay loop of Coral Island involves managing and expanding the player's farm while also exploring the island, interacting with characters, and completing quests. The player must balance their time and resources between farming, fishing, mining, cooking, crafting, and building relationships with characters. As the player progresses in the game, they can unlock new skills, abilities, and content, creating a sense of progression and achievement. The game is designed to be relaxing and immersive, with a focus on exploration, creativity, and personalization.

In Coral Island, energy is used by the player to perform various actions, such as farming, fishing, and mining. Each action requires a certain amount of energy, and players must manage their energy levels to ensure that they can continue to perform actions throughout the day. Energy can be restored by consuming food or resting, and players can also increase their maximum energy level by increasing their skill mastery.

Overall, energy, time & money is an important gameplay resource that adds a sense of strategy and challenge to the game, while also reinforcing the importance of self-care and rest.

The Farmer

In Coral island, you play as the farmer. You are a city-folk that make your living by working tirelessly in Pokyo, a metropolitan city. Tired of the hassle and buzzle in Pokyo, you decided to move to Starlet Town, which you've visited during holiday few years ago. You bought an empty abandoned land in Starlet town after saving up for 2 years. And move in to start living your dream relaxing life. Captivated by the beauty of Starlet town & it's nature, you are surprised to come back only to find there are now oil spills all around the island.

As the Farmer, you have the choice to save Starlet town from the oil spills, while uncovering secret areas, never before touched by human. And even discover a civilization of Merfolks! Go on an adventure and enjoy the relaxing days on Starlet Town.

See also : The farmer Customization

The Farm

Starlet town's farm have been abandoned for a very long time. It's now up to player how you would customize and produce Starlet Town's specialties.

At the beginning, player will be given a small house near top of the field. Player can later upgrade the house in the carpenter. You can plant crops, fruit trees, ranching, placing artisan equipments, and buildings on the field. You can also decor your farm using furnitures and decor items in the game.

Seasons, Day & Time







Catching & Fishing


Mastery Skill