The Farmer

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Revision as of 10:50, 16 August 2023 by Novell (talk | contribs)
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In Coral island, you play as the farmer. You are a city-folk that make your living by working tirelessly in Pokyo, a metropolitan city. Tired of the hassle and buzzle in Pokyo, you decided to move to Starlet Town, which you've visited during holiday few years ago. You bought an empty abandoned farm from the town's mayor, Connor. And move in to start living your dream relaxing life. Captivated by the beauty of Starlet town & it's nature, you are surprised to come back only to find there are now oil spills all around the island.

Player can create their playable character and the information about their farm according to the customization available. Character creation is at the start of the game, and further customization can be done at the salon after the start of Coral Island.

Player customization

  • Body Type ‒ Choose between 3 body type; feminine, androgynous, masculine
  • Body Mass ‒ Adjust the body mass you desire
  • Skin Color ‒ Change the skin color of your character, including customized color palette