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Temple Offering contributes to Heritage Points, which increase the Town Rank. Every time player submit offerings, they will gradually increase the Goddess’s power and the temple will be restored. Restoring temple will also restore Goddess's blessing, which will increase the quality of forageable & insects caught. As addition, each 2 offering player complete, one lotus seal will open up in many hidden areas. Complete all offerings to unlock these new areas.

Heritage Points

Heritage points can be earned by doing these activities. Heritage Point contributes in increasing player's Town Rank. A total of 1,430 points can be accumulated from Heritage points.

Activity Amount Points each item
Herritage - Offering 24 45
Hot spring accessible 1 30
Mid forest accessible 1 30
Bamboo forest accessible 1 30
Deep forest accessible 1 30
Savannah accessible 1 30
Town sacred tree healed 1 40
Lake sacred tree healed 1 40
Forest sacred tree healed 1 40
Farm sacred tree healed 1 40
Temple fully healed 1 40

Heritage Reward

Completing temple Offerings unlock many benefits to player. Healing the Goddess's power will unlock new secret areas, allow player to find new resources, and encounter more wild life.

Offering Made Wildlife unlocked Rewards
0 Common & uncommon Insect
1 Teleportation Unlocked
2 Slug/Snails Hot Spring Unlocked
4 Wild Rabbit Rare Insect appear on the Island
6 Pink Flaminggo Mid forest Unlocked
8 Otter

Eagle Cendrawasih

Super rare Insect appear on the Island
10 Casowary

Jalak Bali

Stamina Fruit

Bamboo Sanctuary

12 Komodo Legendary Insect appear on the Island
14 Sumatran Tiger Unlock Deep Forest
16 Bear

Sun Bear

Unlock Rare Fishing Spot
18 Cellar Key
20 Savvanah Access
24 Fixed Island hopping Boat