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Ranch is located near the foot of the forest and it is run by Jack and Kenny. The Ranch is often unattended at night.

The player can purchase a variety of livestock here once they have the necessary farm buildings to keep them, as well as feed and tools for their care.

Jack starts selling different animals as you upgrade your town's rank.


Image Name Description Town Rank Cost
Hay Animal feed. F 30 Coin.png
320Animal medicine.png
Animal Medicine Medicine for animals. F 300 Coin.png
323Milk Pail.png
Milk pail Good for collecting milk from animals. F 300 Coin.png
Shears A large pair of scissors for shearing wool from animals. E 400 Coin.png
733Wooden whistle.png
Animal Whistle Call your animals to your side. F 500 Coin.png


Town Rank Icon Animal Animal price Produce Housing
F basic Cow 2,500 Coin.png basicbasic Barn
F basic Chicken 600 Coin.png basicbasic Coop
E basic Sheep 2,000 Coin.png basicbasic Barn
E basic Duck 1,000 Coin.png basicbasic Coop
D basic Goat 8,000 Coin.png basicbasic Deluxe Barn
D basic Quail 5,000 Coin.png basicbasic Deluxe Coop
C basic Pig 12,000 Coin.png basicbasic Deluxe Barn
B basic Llama 15,000 Coin.png basicbasic Deluxe Barn
B basic Peafowl 20,000 Coin.png basicbasic Deluxe Coop
A basic Luwak 30,000 Coin.png basicbasic Deluxe Barn