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Tools are items that allow players to do activities and tasks around the island. The player can carry around tools by storing them in the inventory.

The player can upgrade their tools by leaving them at Sanchez Brothers Blacksmith and waiting for several days. Each upgrade requires different upgrade materials, with higher level upgrades requiring more money and rarer materials. The higher the update level, the more efficient the player's energy is spent when they are using the tool or the larger area the tool covers.

Some tools can be enchanted at Giants village.


Hoes are the tools that allow the player to prepare soil for farming or dig out clovers on the main map. The basic hoe allows the player to till one square of soil at a time. Once upgraded, it can be used to till multiple tiles by holding the button used to swing it until it is charged. The tilled area is always located in the direction the player is facing.

All hoes consume 3 energy per tile hit if any soil gets tilled, and 1 energy if no squares get tilled at all. Leveling the Farming skill and gaining Farming Proficiency also reduces the energy cost per use.

Hoe Upgrade Cost Tilled Area Upgrade Time
Basic Hoe
0 Coin.png
1 x 1 Tile
Bronze Hoe
1,500 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Bronze Bar
Basic Hoe
1 x 3 Tiles 1 Day
Silver Hoe
3,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Silver Bar
Bronze Hoe
3 x 3 Tiles 2 Days
Gold Hoe
10,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Gold Bar
Silver Hoe
3 x 6 Tiles 2 Days
Osmium Hoe
20,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Osmium Bar
Gold Hoe
6 x 6 Tiles 4 Days


Pickaxes are tools used to break regular rocks, boulders, and meteorite. All pickaxes consume 3 energy per use if they hit a breakable material or 1 energy if the hit fails. However, higher level pickaxes do more damage per hit, allowing the player to spend their energy more effectively. Leveling the Mining skill and gaining Mining Proficiency also reduces the energy cost per use.


Axes are tools used to chop trees and harvest giant crops. All axes consume 3 energy per use if they hit a choppable tree or 1 energy if the hit fails. However, higher level axes do more damage per hit, allowing the player to spend their energy more effectively. Leveling the Foraging skill and gaining Foraging Proficiency also reduces the energy cost per use.

Axe Upgrade Cost Damage Can Cut Upgrade Time
Basic Axe
0 Coin.png
2 damage: 18 hits for a mature tree

(12 for tree and 6 for stump)

Bronze Axe
1,500 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Bronze Bar
Basic Axe
3 damage: 14 hits for a mature tree

(8 for tree and 6 for stump)


Large Stumps

1 Day
Silver Axe
3,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Silver Bar
Bronze Axe
5 damage: 8 hits for a mature tree

(5 for tree and 3 for stump)


Large stumps

Large logs (off-farm only)

2 Days
Gold Axe
10,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Gold Bar
Silver Axe
6 damage: 6 hits for a mature tree

(4 for tree and 2 for stump)


Large stumps

Large logs (including the one on farm)

2 Days
Osmium Axe
20,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Osmium Bar
Gold Axe
12 damage: 3 hits for a mature tree

(2 for tree and 1 for stump)


Large stumps

Large logs (including the one on farm)

4 Days


The basic scythe allows the player to cut one row of three tiles directly in front of them at a time. Once upgraded, it can be used to cut a larger area by holding the button used to swing it until it is charged. The cut area is always located in the direction the player is facing.

All scythes consume 3 energy per use if they hit cuttable grass or garbage, or no energy if the swing fails. However, higher level scythes do more damage per swing and have a wider swing area when charged, allowing the player to spend their energy more effectively. Leveling the Diving skill and gaining Diving Proficiency also reduces the energy cost per use.

Scythe Upgrade Cost Tilled Area Upgrade Time
Basic Scythe
0 Coin.png
No charge2 x 3 In front of player
Bronze Scythe
1,500 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Bronze Bar
Basic Scythe
1 charge3 x 3 around player 1 Day
Silver Scythe
3,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Silver Bar
Bronze Scythe
3 x 3 Tiles 2 Days
Gold Scythe
10,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Gold Bar
Silver Scythe
3 x 6 Tiles 2 Days
Osmium Scythe
20,000 Coin.png
20 Wood
5 Osmium Bar
Gold Scythe
6 x 6 Tiles 4 Days

Watering can

The watering can will be used to water the crops and keep them healthy. Player will need to fill the watering can with water from a nearby source and then use it to water the crops. The watering can will have a limited capacity and will need to be refilled periodically.

Fishing pole

Fishing poles are used to catch fish in any body of water. All fishing rods cost 20 energy to successfully catch a fish, or 1 energy for a failed cast or catching trash. Better fishing rods are more durable and allow the player to catch more difficult fish. Leveling the Fishing skill and gaining Fishing Proficiency also reduces the energy cost per use.

Bug net

Bug nets are used to catch insects and ocean critters. All bug nets cost 20 energy to successfully catch a bug or a critter, or 1 energy for a failed swing. Better bug nets have a wider catch radius and angle. Leveling the Catching skill and gaining Catching Proficiency also reduces the energy cost per use.

Other tools

Image Name Cost Feature Location
Milk pail.png Milk pail × 50 Milk Pail 300 Coin.png Used to milk from cow or goat Ranch
Shears.png Shears × 50 Shears Trim wool from sheep Ranch