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Quests are specific events that earn players rewards or unlocked new storylines. Quests are divided into main quests, side quests, and errands in Coral Island.


Starlet Town errand board
B.O.S. Hideout errand board
Merfolk Kingdom errand board

Errands are randomized, time-limited quests that the player can take on from the job boards in Starlet Town, B.O.S. Hideout and the Merfolk Kingdom. Once accepted, most errands must be completed in certain days. Completing an errand rewards the player with an amount of money dependent on the type of errand, friendship points and any items delivered.

Connor will send a total of 5 mails in the next morning if player completing the errand (excluding Merfolk Kingdom errand) for the first time, 5 errands done, 25 errands done, 50 errands done, and 100 errands done.

Completing many errands for the Band of Smiles can also unlock new items from the guild store.

Types of errands

There are five types of errands to choose from.

Type Location Description
Town Courier Starlet Town Town Courier errands encompass any request by an available townie for a specified item. This item can be:
  • A seasonal fruit, vegetable, or flower available at the player's town rank
  • An animal product if the player has the required building and town rank needed to purchase the animal
  • Specific item that the townies need.

Completion of Town Courier errands rewards the player with three times the requested item's base sell price as well as 250 friendship with the townie that requested it. All townies - children and adults - are able to post requests.

Grow me something Starlet Town Grow me something errands encompass all requests to grow a new specified product for delivery to an available townie. This item can be any seasonal fruit, vegetable, or flower available at the player's town rank.

Completion of Grow Me Something errands rewards the player with two times the requested item's base sell price as well as 250 friendship with the townie that requested it. Townies will only request items that they are at least neutral or more favorable of. All townies - children and adults - are able to post requests.

Grow Me Something errands have a longer time limit than other errands, allowing for the length of time for the product to grow plus one day for harvest and delivery.

B.0.S Request B.O.S. Hideout B.O.S Requests encompass all requests by Band of Smiles members for a specified item. This item can be:
  • 3 to 10 pieces of stone, coal, or ore available to the mines the player has access to
  • 2 to 10 metal bars available to the mines the player has access to
  • 3 to 5 bottles of monster or elemental essence available to the mines the player has access to
  • 2 to 5 pieces of monster loot depending on the depths the player has reached and the mines the player has access to

Completion of B.0.S. Request errands rewards the player with three times the requested item's base sell price as well as 250 friendship with the BOS member that requested it, if applicable.

Slay B.O.S. Hideout Slay errands encompass all requests by Band of Smiles members to hunt a number of monsters. These quests can require slaying:
  • 10 to 20 of an element of monsters available to the mines the player has access to
  • 1 to 10 of a specific species and element of monster depending on the depths the player has reached and the mines the player has access to

Completion of Slay errands rewards the player with an amount of gold determined by the type of errand undertaken - 500 for an element-based errand, or 300-900 for a specific species. Slay errands do not reward friendship for completion.

Merfolk Courier Merfolk Kingdom Player won't get this errand until they unlock Underwater Farming via Resupply Merfolk Kingdom quest.

Merfolk Courier errands encompass any request by an available merfolk for any Ocean crops.

Completion of Merfolk Courier errands rewards the player with three times the requested item's base sell price as well as 250 friendship with the merfolk that requested it, if applicable.

Type of Quest

Side quests

Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Crows be gone Crows are stealing your crops! To stop them, craft a scarecrow and place it near crops. Not sure how to make one? As you master activities, you’ll find different ways to make work easier or earn more coins with crafting recipes. Triggered if crows steal the player's crops. Craft a makeshift scarecrow 100 Coin.png
Tool Enchantment Enchant one of your tools at the Giants’ Village! Completing Giants' Village quest Enchant your tool 250 Coin.png
Fishensips flower The Tavern needs a couple of fresh flowers. Can you supply them? If so, please deliver them as soon as possible. Received by mail the day after reach hearts 3 with Noah Bring 2 flowers to the Tavern between 10 am and 1 pm
Bonfires Noah will be cutting wood for bonfires in Garden Lane. Help by taking him four wood. • Received by mail the day after reach hearts 6 with Noah
• Next weather is sunny day
Take 4 wood to Garden Lane between 10 am and 1 pm
Flower, please Leah needs two flowers to make a special gift for her mother. She’d like you to help. Triggered Leah heart event 2. Deliver 2 flowers to Leah
Wood for Theo Give Theo three wood. Triggered Theo heart event 5. Deliver 3 wood to Theo
Salmon for Jim Bring Jim a salmon between 5 pm and 8 pm. • Triggered Jim heart event 3
• Reach hearts 5 with Jim
Bring 1 Salmon to Beach Shack between 5 PM - 8 PM
Help Paul Bring Paul 1 Green tea. Triggered a cutscene by reaching area near Starlet Elementary School between 25 Summer and 3 Fall. Deliver Green Tea to Paul. 15 friendship with Paul
Fabled treasure Join Zarah in her pursuit to uncover missing pieces of a cryptic clue. Solve the mystery. Is the legendary treasure real or simply a myth? • Reach hearts 6 with Zarah
• Triggered a cutscene by reaching outside mining area.
• Find a clue piece in the ocean
• Find a clue piece in the cavern
• Meet Zarah at her house
Tree Planting Festival I Go plant some trees! Attending Tree Planting Festival • Attend Tree Planting Festival
• Talk to Connor to start event
• Clear area A
• Prepare the soil in Area B
• Plant the sapling in Area C
Tree Planting Festival II Go plant some trees! Talk with Connor to start Tree Planting Festival • Clear area A
• Prepare the soil in Area B
• Plant the sapling in Area C
Tree Planting Festival III Go plant some trees! Talk with Connor to start Tree Planting Festival • Clear area A
• Prepare the soil in Area B
• Plant the sapling in Area C
Merfolk Chaperone Part 1 Chaperone the Starlet Expedition crew around town.

Expedition dates
• Spring: 8-14
• Summer: 22-28
• Fall: 22-28
• Winter: 22-28

Merfolk has received their human form. • Wait until tomorrow
• Wait until the next expedition date
• Head to the Diving Pier
• Be there between 8AM-12AM
• Wait until weather is clear
• Wait for non festival day
• 100 friendship with Denali, Semeru, Princess Miranjani
• 3 Coffee Bean
• 1 Warp Sesajen
• Begins Merfolk Chaperone Part 2 quest
Merfolk Chaperone Part 2 Chaperone the Starlet Expedition crew around town.

Expedition dates
• Spring: 8-14
• Summer: 22-28
• Fall: 22-28
• Winter: 22-28

Completing Merfolk Chaperone Part 1 quest • Wait until the next expedition date
• Head to the Raj Coffee Shop
• Be there between 8AM-12AM
• Wait until weather is clear
• Wait for non festival day
• 100 friendship with Denali, Semeru, Princess Miranjani
• 3 Mystery geode
• 2 Starfruit
• Begins Merfolk Chaperone Part 3 quest
Merfolk Chaperone Part 3 Chaperone the Starlet Expedition crew around town.

Expedition dates
• Spring: 8-14
• Summer: 22-28
• Fall: 22-28
• Winter: 22-28

Completing Merfolk Chaperone Part 2 quest • Wait until the next expedition date
• Head to outside Museum
• Be there between 8AM-12AM
• Wait until weather is clear
• Wait for non festival day
• 100 friendship with Denali, Semeru, Princess Miranjani
• 3 Ornate coffer
• 1 Indoor pet bed fox theme
• Begins Merfolk Chaperone Part 4 quest
Merfolk Chaperone Part 4 Head to the Kingdom to report your findings with the Merfolk. Avoid exhibition dates, as the Merfolk will not be present.

Expedition dates
• Spring: 8-14
• Summer: 22-28
• Fall: 22-28
• Winter: 22-28

Completing Merfolk Chaperone Part 3 quest • Wait until the next expedition date
• Head to Naga Palace
• Be there between 8AM-6PM
• 100 friendship with Denali, Semeru, Princess Miranjani
• 10,000 Coin.png

Farming Challenge

The Farming Challenge is an unlisted side quest rewarded by Jeff Smith from the Farmers Guild and How to be a Farmer television program.

The challenges are judged in order, with each step unlocking after the previous is completed. The rewards for completing the challenges are delivered through the mail along with a congratulatory message from Jeff.

Quest Name Mail Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Farming Challenge pt. 1 I'm glad to hear that the rumors of a new farmer in Starlet Town are true. You've been doing excellent work in the fields.

Give these fertilizers a try. Apply them to tilled soil. They'll increase your chances of harvesting higher quality crops, which will in turn fetch you more coins when it's time to sell.
Jeff Smith Ship 20 crops 15 Fertilizer I
Farming Challenge pt. 2 It looks like you're ready for this. This here is a Basic sprinkler.

Place it in your field, and it'll water some of your crops for you. The best part? You can craft as many of these as you need, as long as you have the necessary materials.
Jeff Smith Ship 10 bronze crops 1 Sprinkler I
Farming Challenge pt. 3 It seems like you're ready for this. This here is a Mayonnaise Machine. Just place any Egg into this here gizmo and it'll produce Mayonnaise. You'll have just made an artisan product.

Artisan products are made using Artisan machines, and fetch for a nice profit. Great gizmo's to have on your farm, ya hear!
Jeff Smith Ship 100 crops 1 Mayonnaise machine
Farming Challenge pt. 4 You're now an advanced farmer. Great job, Sprout! My last gift to you is a blueprint for an aging barrel.

Place items into the aging barrel to produce aged artisan products. These yield the most profit, though they do require some time to mature.
Jeff Smith Reach Mastery Farming 8 1 Aging Barrel


- Nina will not post any requests in Spring & Fall year 1.