Infobox character/doc

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This is the documentation page for Infobox character.
It contains usage information, categories, and other content not part of the original template page.

Adds an infobox for characters.


{{Infobox character
|image         = filename or gallery
|name          = name of the character
|real_name     = full name of character, if different from displayed name
|type          = Townie, Giant, Merfolk, etc
|birthday      = season and day
|gender        = charcter's gender if known
|occupation    = job status or hobby
|dateable      = yes or no, an be dated by player
|spouse        = name of spouse, if married
|spouse_note   = additional note about spouse
|father        = name of father, if known
|father_note   = additional note about father
|mother        = name of mother, if known
|mother_note   = additional note about mother
|child         = name of child, if any
|child_note    = note about child
|child2        = name of second child, if any (up to 4 children)
|child_note2   = note about second child
|sibling       = name of sibling, if any (up to 4 siblings)
|sibling_note  = note about sibling
|relative      = name of relative, if any/known (up to 5 relatives)
|relative_note = note about relative (such as relationship)
|residence     = place of living


{{Infobox character
|type           = Townie
|image          = Rafael portrait.png
|name           = Rafael
|real_name      = Rafael Sanchez
|birthday       = [[Fall]] 4
|gender         = Male
|occupation     = Blacksmith
|dateable       = Yes
|sibling        = Pablo
|sibling_note   = older brother
|relative       = Antonio
|relative_note  = cousin
|relative2      = Valentina
|relative_note2 = niece
|residence      = Blacksmith