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| Introduction
| Introduction
|You’re Player? I heard about you. I heard you’re looking for some fresh air away from the city.
|Um, yes?
|Well, I think you came to the right place. I hope you find it here. Fresh air, peace of mind, whatever it might be.
|I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new?
{| class="scheduletable  mw-collapsible mw-collapsed "
{| class="scheduletable  mw-collapsible mw-collapsed "
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
|Monday, Heart 0-10
|I can tell ya one thing, Player, rancher to rancher. You need to talk to your animals to connect with them.
|It’s hard to get people to bring their own shopping bags. So, it’s probably a good thing Sam stopped giving out free paper bags.
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
|Monday, Heart 0-10
|Animals ain't much different from us folks. That's somethin' my old man taught me.
|Hopefully, we’ll all eventually remember, and bringing your own bag will be the new normal. Ah, I see you have a backpack! You’ve got the idea, Player.
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10
|Wow. Your life's a hive of activity. Don't forget to take a breather and commune with Mother Nature.
|Seems like Dad’s been complaining about the recycling area more lately. I don’t go to that part of the island, so I have no idea what’s going on with it.
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10
|Speak your heart's desires, Player. And let nature decide your next steps. That's how I go about it.
|But I don’t think it’s that bad. Everybody takes care of it, and it looks pretty clean from a distance. But what do I know?
|Monday, Heart 0-10
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10
|What a glorious day we're havin'!I reckon it's gonna be a stellar week.
|I thought of turning my bonsai garden into a small fruit garden, but the only fruit I like is mangoes.
|Monday, Heart 0-10
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10
|I just have this feelin' in my bones.
|I suppose I could plant mango trees. Hmm. It’d be a boring fruit garden with only one kind of tree, though.
{| class="scheduletable  mw-collapsible mw-collapsed "
{| class="scheduletable  mw-collapsible mw-collapsed "
|Heart 0-10
|Wild fruit and mushrooms are gifts of nature. They’re so easy to find around here.
|I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
|Heart 0-10
|Mom used to slay monsters for a living, but she's hung up her sword for now. Reckons the island's peaceful enough these days, so she just keeps an eye on that cavern. Wouldn't let me nowhere near that place as a kid. Monster infested, she said.
|Today? Hmm. I had a banana this morning.
|Heart 2-10
|My folks and I... We don't always see eye-to-eye on everything, but they respect my views, and that means a lot. For example, my parents don’t celebrate birthdays, but they don’t force that view on me. I celebrate mine, all right! Born and bred in Spring, on the 9th!
|I was on my way to the beach yesterday and ran into Dippa. I said hi, but they ignored me.
|Heart 2-10
|Being a first-time farmer must be challenging. There’s a lot to get used to, huh?
|It’s been on my mind. I keep wondering if I did anything wrong. Or they could have just been having a bad day, I guess. Hmm.
|Heart 4-10
|My folks, they had me when they were just young themselves. Because of that, I feel like we’re speaking the same language most of the time. There isn’t much of a generation gap.
|Oh, I just cracked my back! That felt good. I think I’ve been sitting down too long. I pulled an all-nighter last night until 4 am, doing QA for my game. So many bugs.
{| class="scheduletable  mw-collapsible mw-collapsed "
{| class="scheduletable  mw-collapsible mw-collapsed "
|Heart 0-10
|I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
|Heart 0-10
|Today? Hmm. I ate a tomato this morning. Yeah, that’s a fruit!
|Since the days are longer in Summer, it’s nice to have all this time to spend outside.
|I saw a crab playing around in the garden this morning. I don’t know how it got there, ’cause we’re pretty far from the beach.
|It’s hotter than I’d like for eating outside, but it’s much better than eating inside. Nothing beats eating in nature, not even air-conditioned rooms.
|I wanna spend my Summer napping indoors all day. Hmm. Maybe I should do that.
|Sure, the Summer heat makes my work harder, but I’d rather sweat it out surrounded by nature than stay inside.
|My PC’s fan was angry yesterday. Mmm, mmm, mmm all day long. The heat got to it too, I think.
|Date 2-8
|There’s a picture of me playing on your farm when I was maybe eight years old. It’s hanging somewhere in our cabin.
|Date 2-8
|This was back when it was still your grandparents’.
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{| class="scheduletable  mw-collapsible mw-collapsed "
|Heart 0-10
|I’m a little sad, friend. The trees are starting to lose their leaves, and the animals are leaving. Well, at least I've still got the ranch animals for company.
|I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
|Heart 0-10
|Fall is a pretty busy season for farmers, I bet. All the harvesting to do. My old man's got me all tied up preppin' the animals for Winter. I guess I’m busy in Fall too!
|Today? Hmm. I had an artichoke today.
|Heart 0-10
|I’m savoring all the time I can spend outside now. In about a week, I won’t be able to enjoy the outdoors like this.
|Kidding. I had some grapes. Why are you so interested in my diet, anyway?
|Heart 4-10
|Look up, Player. A lot of birds are migrating south. Goodbye, sweet birds. I’ll see you again in Spring.
|Fall in our house is a bummer. It wasn’t always like that. We used to make our own mooncakes. They weren’t as good as the ones from the Harvest Festival. But making them was. It was cool.
|Want some of my green tea, Player? I always carry some in Fall. It’s a nice, quick warm-up when it’s chilly.
|There’s a corn maze at the harvest festival in a nearby town. Yeah, went there a couple of times. It was kinda fun. It’s fun here too. I like the pumpkin-smashing game.

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|Heart 0-10
|Not gonna lie, Winter bums me out a bit. The trees are quiet, and a lot of animals are either hibernating or have migrated to somewhere warmer.
|I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
|Heart 0-10
|I’m not a big fan of the cold. It’s hard to eat your lunch outside when you’re constantly shivering.
|We had some leftover grapes from Fall. So I just had some of those this morning.
|I wish I could hibernate like the bears. Sleep through the cold Winter and wake up when it’s warm again in Spring.
|All my bonsai are temperate, so I don’t have to do too much to prepare them for Winter. Well, it’s still a lot of work, actually, but at least it’s not as much as for tropical bonsai.
|When it’s cold like this, there’s nothing like a cup of hot green tea to warm you up.
|It’s kinda nice not to have to work outdoors in this weather. And my PC has angry fans, which is great for keeping me warm. Oh, not always. Only when I run certain programs.
|Winter makes me think of roasted almonds. Hmm, maybe I’ll stop by Sam’s and buy some to roast over the fire.
|A cat broke into our home one night last Winter. It broke the window in the kitchen, stole some food, and left. We woke up to a freezing cold kitchen. It took us all day to fix the window. Oh, it was a cat, all right. There were hairs!

Revision as of 04:48, 11 August 2023


General Information

Birthday Winter 19
Gender Female

Personal Information

Marital Status Single
Family Jim (Father) Theo (Brother)
Live In Starlet Town

Lily comes from a conservative Asian family background. Despite being in her 30s and has a well-paid cybersecurity job, Lily still lives at home with her brother, Theo and father, Jim. Once a week—usually on a Monday—Lily would stay at the Abandoned Villa, as a favor to her good friend, Nina. She watches the Villa while Nina's away and uses that time to recuperate. Usually she spends her days working at home and would visit quiet environments such as hot springs/lake or the Library on the weekend. Lily loves puzzles and miniature bonsais.


Giving gifts to Lily will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Lily will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"A birthday present for me? Are you sure?"

Liked Gifts

"Oh, you remembered my birthday! Thank you!"

Neutral Gifts

"For my birthday? You really shouldn’t have!"

Disliked Gifts

"For my birthday? Um, I don’t like this. Sorry."

Hated Gifts

"A birthday present? Um, no. I kinda hate this. Sorry."



"This is amazing! Thank you for the gift. I love it."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Pancakes Fluffy flat cakes.
basic Spring Frittata A little Spring in every bite.
basic Kimchi It’s sour and zesty. Yum!
basic Onigiri A ball of rice with a mysterious filling.
basic Taro root A root vegetable commonly cultivated for its bulbotuber. Earthy and sweet.
basic Omurice An omelet made with fried rice and ketchup.
Universal Loved Gifts



"Thank you, thank you!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Almond An edible, tear-shaped seed with many health benefits.
basic Coconut It has a hard shell. Can it float?
basic Mango A juicy, refreshing tropical fruit.
basic Banana A nutritious and filling berry. It grows on trees and has a mild, sweet scent.
Universal Decent Gifts



"Yup. Thanks."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts




Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All eggs
basic All fruits (except coconut, mango, banana)
Universal Disliked Gifts



"Eww. No."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Diamond A very valuable mineral.
basic Pearl Precious and very rare.
basic Gold bar A bar of gold.
basic Osmium bar A bar of precious osmium.
basic Silver bar A bar of silver.
Universal Bad Gifts




08:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
12:00 Abandoned Villa
07:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - kitchen area
19:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
10:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - bonsai garden
14:00 Lake area
18:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
Thursday to Sunday
10:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
14:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - bonsai garden
18:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - dining room
19:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)


06:00 Abandoned Villa
11:50 Beach
17:10 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - kitchen area
23:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
07:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - kitchen area
19:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
10:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - bonsai garden
14:00 Lake area
18:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
07:00 Beach near Lookout
16:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - kitchen
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
Friday to Sunday
10:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
14:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - bonsai garden
18:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - dining room
19:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)


08:00 Community Center - library
16:00 Tavern
22:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
08:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
12:00 Abandoned Villa
Tuesday and Wednesday
10:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - bonsai garden
14:00 Lake area
18:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
Thursday to Saturday
10:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
14:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - bonsai garden
18:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - dining room
19:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
Date 24
08:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
11:00 Graveyard
19:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)


08:00 Community Center - library
16:00 Tavern
22:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
07:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - kitchen area
19:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
Tuesday and Wednesday
10:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - bonsai garden
14:00 Lake area
18:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
Thursday to Saturday
10:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
14:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - bonsai garden
18:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - dining room
19:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
22:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)

Bad weather (all seasons)

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
08:00 General store
14:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
21:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)
08:00 Community Center
14:30 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room
21:00 Lily, Jimmy, Theo house - Lily's room (sleep)


First meeting
Introduction Um, yes?
Introduction I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new?
Monday, Heart 0-10 It’s hard to get people to bring their own shopping bags. So, it’s probably a good thing Sam stopped giving out free paper bags.
Monday, Heart 0-10 Hopefully, we’ll all eventually remember, and bringing your own bag will be the new normal. Ah, I see you have a backpack! You’ve got the idea, Player.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10 Seems like Dad’s been complaining about the recycling area more lately. I don’t go to that part of the island, so I have no idea what’s going on with it.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10 But I don’t think it’s that bad. Everybody takes care of it, and it looks pretty clean from a distance. But what do I know?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10 I thought of turning my bonsai garden into a small fruit garden, but the only fruit I like is mangoes.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10 I suppose I could plant mango trees. Hmm. It’d be a boring fruit garden with only one kind of tree, though.
Heart 0-10 I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
Heart 0-10 Today? Hmm. I had a banana this morning.
Heart 2-10 I was on my way to the beach yesterday and ran into Dippa. I said hi, but they ignored me.
Heart 2-10 It’s been on my mind. I keep wondering if I did anything wrong. Or they could have just been having a bad day, I guess. Hmm.
Heart 4-10 Oh, I just cracked my back! That felt good. I think I’ve been sitting down too long. I pulled an all-nighter last night until 4 am, doing QA for my game. So many bugs.
Heart 0-10 I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
Heart 0-10 Today? Hmm. I ate a tomato this morning. Yeah, that’s a fruit!
I saw a crab playing around in the garden this morning. I don’t know how it got there, ’cause we’re pretty far from the beach.
I wanna spend my Summer napping indoors all day. Hmm. Maybe I should do that.
My PC’s fan was angry yesterday. Mmm, mmm, mmm all day long. The heat got to it too, I think.
Heart 0-10 I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
Heart 0-10 Today? Hmm. I had an artichoke today.
Heart 0-10 Kidding. I had some grapes. Why are you so interested in my diet, anyway?
Heart 4-10 Fall in our house is a bummer. It wasn’t always like that. We used to make our own mooncakes. They weren’t as good as the ones from the Harvest Festival. But making them was. It was cool.
There’s a corn maze at the harvest festival in a nearby town. Yeah, went there a couple of times. It was kinda fun. It’s fun here too. I like the pumpkin-smashing game.
Heart 0-10 I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
Heart 0-10 We had some leftover grapes from Fall. So I just had some of those this morning.
All my bonsai are temperate, so I don’t have to do too much to prepare them for Winter. Well, it’s still a lot of work, actually, but at least it’s not as much as for tropical bonsai.
It’s kinda nice not to have to work outdoors in this weather. And my PC has angry fans, which is great for keeping me warm. Oh, not always. Only when I run certain programs.
A cat broke into our home one night last Winter. It broke the window in the kitchen, stole some food, and left. We woke up to a freezing cold kitchen. It took us all day to fix the window. Oh, it was a cat, all right. There were hairs!

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Beach Pier Area, 18:00 - 22:00

Player walks into the inn seeing Alice and Suki fighting about blankets for the inn. The twins asks the player to help them make a decision.]

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Walk to Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice is hanging out by the pier and stumbles upon Player. The two chat over Alice's hobbies and her love of controversial things such as UFOs.]

Heart event 5

4555 Hearts.png

Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki are bickering about a small detail for the inn.]

Heart event 6

4696 Hearts.png

Community Center, 09:00 - 17:00, Sunny

Alice and Suki are having disagreements about Joko's furniture show. Alice ends up crying and leaving the inn. Player tries to soothe Suki.]

Heart event 7

4827 Hearts.png

Local Tavern, 18:00 - 23:59

Alice drowns in her sorrow at the tavern and sees Player. Alice talks about her internal struggle and Suki with Player.]

Heart event 8

4988 Hearts.png

Coral Inn Kitchen, 08:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki makes up with each other. The two ends the day by hugging each other.]

Heart event 10

53410 Hearts.png

