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Update to new schedule template. Verify schedule and heart events. Add introduction and personality section.

Scott is a dateable townie in Starlet Town. He is an archaeologist who works at the Museum. After three serious relationships, he is, yet again, a bachelor. Not wanting to be known as the towns infamous playboy, Scott moved to Coral Island a couple of years ago to "start a new life."


Scott is always up for fun, and he’s never a bore. He found a passion for artifacts and has dedicated his life to preserving them.

In-game profile

(To be added.)


Giving gifts to Scott will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Scott will give special dialogues if you give gifts on his birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Whoa! Look at this! Thanks for the birthday gift."

Liked Gifts

"You are so thoughtful. Thanks for the birthday gift."

Neutral Gifts

"Oh yeah! Presents! Thanks!"

Disliked Gifts

"A birthday gift?"

Hated Gifts

"I appreciate the thought, but this is…not cool."



"This is incredible! Thank you so much."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Egg custard A cute little tart with a sunny yellow filling.
Ceramic Bowl
Any milk
Any Egg
basic Red King Arowana A legendary freshwater fish. Considered a symbol of good fortune.
basic Giant Stingray A legendary freshwater fish. It’s massive, but it has no bones. The whole body is supported by flexible cartilage.
basic Yellow Moray Eel A legendary saltwater fish. Unlike many other fish that breathe through gills, the eel opens and closes its mouth to breathe.
Nodes Any kind of nodes. To process it, bring it to the laboratory. Unearth which ancient creatures remains you've discovered.
basic Falafel Tasty fried balls made from chickpeas.
Frying Pan
Any Oil
basic Mayonnaise A creamy white spread.
Mayonnaise maker
Chicken Egg
Universal Loved Gifts



"Oh, this is so nice of you! I promise I’ll put it to good use."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Decent Gifts
basic All milk Any kind of milk
basic Tea leaf An aromatic leaf commonly brewed for a hot beverage.
basic Amaranth Deep purple grains rich in both color and flavor.
basic Okra An edible green pod, slimy when cooked.
basic Turnip A root vegetable. Slightly spicy.



"Oh yeah! Thanks!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts
basic All fruits
basic All fruit trees



"Umm… Thanks, but you can keep this for yourself next time."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Dislikes Gifts
basic All vegetables (except tea leafs, amaranths, okra, turnips)



"I appreciate the thought, but this is not cool."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Tulip A common Spring bulb flower.
basic Violet A wildflower.
Universal Bad Gifts




Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 1)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
11:00 Museum
17:10 Near Starlet Town sign
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 2)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
11:00 Museum
13:00 Museum
17:10 Near Starlet Town sign
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Thursday & Friday
06:00 Path to Cavern/Mining - Scott walks towards Cavern/Mining
07:00 Mine creek - Scott stands outside Cavern/Mining gate
13:00 Mine level 1
18:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Saturday & Sunday
07:20 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
13:10 Near Starlet Town sign - Scott sits
16:40 Tavern
23:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 1)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
11:00 Museum
17:10 Near Starlet Town sign
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday' (Museum Level 2)'
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
11:00 Museum
13:00 Museum
17:10 Near Starlet Town sign
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Thursday & Friday
08:00 Beach
15:00 Pier - Scott's fishing
20:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Saturday & Sunday
08:00 In front of Charles & Scott's house - Scott stands
09:00 Beach
14:00 Charles, Scott's house
22:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 1)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
11:00 Museum
17:10 Near Starlet Town sign
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 2)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
11:00 Museum
13:00 Museum
17:10 Near Starlet Town sign
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Thursday & Friday
06:00 Path to Cavern/Mining - Scott walks towards Cavern/Mining
07:00 Mine creek - Scott stands outside Cavern/Mining gate
13:00 Mine level 1
18:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Saturday & Sunday
07:20 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
13:10 Near Starlet Town sign - Scott sits
16:40 Tavern
23:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 1)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
11:00 Museum
17:10 Near Starlet Town sign
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 2)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
11:00 Museum
13:00 Museum
17:10 Near Starlet Town sign
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Thursday & Friday
06:00 Path to Cavern/Mining - Scott walks towards Cavern/Mining
07:00 Mine creek - Scott stands outside Cavern/Mining gate
13:00 Mine level 1
18:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Saturday & Sunday
07:20 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
13:10 Near Starlet Town sign - Scott sits
16:40 Tavern
23:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.

Bad weather (for all seasons)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 1)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
10:00 Museum
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Museum Level 2)
08:00 In front of Lab - Scott's having coffee
10:00 Museum
13:00 Museum
21:00 Charles, Scott's house - Scott goes to bed.


First meeting
Introduction You’re from Pokyo, huh? I came from a metropolitan area myself. The Big Apple… You’ve heard of it, I’m sure.
Introduction Anyhow, my name is Scott. Welcome to town! Don’t be a stranger!
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 We handle artifacts from the cavern and from the sea. They require different approaches to clean.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 I love my job. We get to check out artifacts that have been around for hundreds of years.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 Well… It’s not all old. Most of what we get turns out to be junk. But it’s awesome when we get an artifact that’s both rare and old. Feels good to be part of the discovery.
Tuesday, Heart 0 - 10 What are you up to? I don’t do much on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I usually just go to the museum and then right back to bed.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2 - 10 When I’m cleaning artifacts, I try not to use too much chemical solution because I’m afraid it might damage them.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 4 - 10 I like working in the field as much as I do in the museum. I’m glad I decided to move here. There are a lot of places to dig.
Date 1 - 5 Another Spring…another year begins…another birthday season for me. Yep, my birthday’s on the 12th. Two days after the Cherry Blossom Festival.
Date 1 - 5 I’m getting back into my routine now… I can get to the cavern more easily. The path to the forest isn’t so slippery now the snow’s melted.
One of my worst heartbreaks happened in Spring… It was in the second grade. We were in the same class. She rejected the worm I found outside and went to play on the monkey bars with Aiden… I wonder how that guy’s doing now…
The Spring rains erode the cavern a little more each year. Over time, more artifacts and gems are uncovered. Don’t quote me on that, though. That’s just my theory!
Are you growing anything new this year, Player? A big turnip and okra salad sounds delicious right about now.
If you’re okay with humidity, you should visit the cavern in Summer. It’s usually pretty cool inside.
I don’t know if it’s the Summer heat, or… I don’t know what, but one of the shafts in the cavern is so hot lately. Weird thing is it’s just that one, though… Like something is flaming inside.
My cavern-o-meter isn’t a fancy one, but it picked up the different temperatures in the shafts. It’s weird. You see, temperatures down there don’t usually change like that. Even in Summer!
Date 23 - 28 Better soak up the last of that Summer sun, Player.
Date 1 - 5 My Summer didn’t start out great, but thanks for asking. How’s your Summer so far?
Don’t you think jazz is the perfect background music for Fall? Love jazz. It's smooth, it's classy, it's everything you need to embrace the cozy vibes.
The ground in Fall feels a bit different from other seasons. That’s the first thing I notice, usually. That and the leaves changing color.
Fall is the time of year when people get into relationships, right? So they can meet each other’s families during the holidays.
Heart 0 - 4 I used to date this girl who loved Fall. She liked to jump in big piles of leaves and carve pumpkins.
Fall is the perfect time of year for some good jazz. Don’t the falling leaves and the crisp breeze make you think of saxophones and trombones?
Remember to be extra careful walking to the forest. Icy path and all.
It’s Winter again. Time does fly when you’re having fun!
Lots of animals hibernate in Winter… Ever wonder which ones hibernate in the caverns?
Having breakfast outdoors is different in Winter… Do not recommend it.
Date 24 - 27 Winter just seems so depressing to me. It’s dark and cold, and everything is dead.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

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Community Center - Library, 10.00-13.00

Player enters the library before 5 pm. Scott is in front of the computer.

Heart event 3

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Pier in front of Charles & Scott's house, 10:00 - 12:00. Sunny day.

Player enters town before 1 pm on a sunny day. Scott is walking out of his house. Player walks towards Scott.

Heart event 5

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Town area, near fountain. 08:00 - 13:00. Sunny day.

Player walks to town on a sunny day before 1 pm. Scott is standing by the fountain, drinking coffee.

Heart event 7

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Tavern, 19:00 - 23:59.

Player receives mail. Then, player walks into the Tavern after 7 pm. Scott is by the bar, drinks on the table.

Heart event 8

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Lake area, 08:00 - 15:00. Sunny or windy day. Scott's house, 19:00 - 23:59.

Scott is collecting branches for his secret project which he showed Player later at his home.

Heart event 10

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Museum level 2, 19:00 - 00:59

Scott "remake" the museum for a cute date with Player.

