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Main Article Farm Animals


General Information

Town Rank C
Price 12,000Coin.png
Produce Black truffle, White Truffle
Produce Time 3 Days
Live In Deluxe Barn

Pig is a farm animal that lives in a Deluxe Barn. Player can purchase a pig at the Ranch Shop for 12,000Coin.png. pig are available at Town Rank C.


A Mature pig produce Truffle every 3 days. Player can harvest the Truffle by letting the pigs out on the 3rd day, where the pigs will sniff & dig the truffles out. Pig's Mood and Heart Level will determine if it's gonna be Black truffle, or White truffle they sniff out. White truffle sells more than Black truffle. While product quality can be increased in Ling's Lab.

Truffle can be placed in the oil press to produce Truffle oil.

Icon Produce Price (Basic Quality) Price (Bronze Quality) Price (Silver Quality) Price (Gold Quality) Price (Osmium Quality)
Black Truffle 620 Coin.png 713 Coin.png 806 Coin.png 930 Coin.png 1,240 Coin.png
White Truffle 970 Coin.png 1,116 Coin.png 1,261 Coin.png 1,455 Coin.png 1,940 Coin.png


It is possible to sell pig. The amount of gold obtained for selling a pig is 7,200Coin.png

To sell a coop or barn animal, go to the board inside the building. Interact with the Animal Book, then press space to Toggle Edit. When you're in edit mode, you can sell the animal.

Animal board Screenshot.png