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968T RelationshipLeah.png

General Information

Birthday Winter 27
Gender Female

Personal Information

Marital Status Single
Family Suki (Sister) Valentina (niece)
Address Coral Inn
Live In Beach

Leah is one of the characters in Coral Island that the player can befriend and eventually romance. Leah lives with her father and stepmother in an old massive house that the locals call The Mansion. She is a self-hired yoga instructor at the Community Center and takes her online presence seriously.


Giving gifts to Eva will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Eva will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Wow! What an incredible birthday present! Thank you."

Liked Gifts

"Aww, thanks for the birthday present, Player! You’re so sweet."

Neutral Gifts

"I appreciate you remembering my birthday."

Disliked Gifts

"Thanks for remembering my birthday."

Hated Gifts

"Anything but this next time, please!"



"Wow! What an incredible find! Thank you."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Pearl Precious and very rare.
basic Hot cocoa A hug in a cup.
basic Silver bar A bar of silver.
basic Osmium bar A bar of precious osmium.
Universal Loved Gifts



"Aww, thanks, Player! You’re so sweet."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Lettuce Green, leafy vegetables often used for salads.
basic Tomato Rich in color, nutrients, and water content.
basic Beet A round Fall root with a deep red color. Look for a fresh one one with leafy greens still attached.
basic All gems
All cookings
Universal Decent Gifts




Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts



"If you could just not give me this next time, that would be sublime."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All mushrooms
basic All fruit tree fruits
basic All eggs
basic All milk
basic All vegetables (except lettuce, tomato, beets)
Universal Disliked Gifts



"This is low, Player."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Coffee An instant energy boost.
basic Bronze bar A bar of bronze.
basic Taro root A root vegetable commonly cultivated for its bulbotuber. Earthy and sweet.
Bottled kelps
basic All Fish
Universal Bad Gifts




08:00 Beach
12:00 General store
17:00 Tavern - living room
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Monday and Wednesday
07:30 Community Square
13:20 Beach
17:40 Inn - Eva's room
22:00 Inn - Eva's room (sleep)
Tuesday and Thursday
08:00 General store
16:50 Inn - lobby
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Friday and Saturday
08:00 General store
16:30 Tavern
21:40 Inn - Eva's room


Monday, Wednesday, Sunday
09:20 Beach
17:00 Inn - Eva's room
22:00 Inn - Eva's room (sleep)
Tuesday and Thursday
08:00 General store
16:50 Inn - lobby
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Friday and Saturday
08:00 General store
16:30 Tavern
21:40 Inn - Eva's room


08:00 Beach
12:00 General store
17:00 Tavern - living room
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Monday and Wednesday
07:30 Community Square
13:20 Beach
17:40 Inn - Eva's room
22:00 Inn - Eva's room (sleep)
Tuesday and Thursday
08:00 General store
16:50 Inn - lobby
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Friday and Saturday
08:00 General store
16:30 Tavern
21:40 Inn - Eva's room


08:00 Beach
12:00 General store
17:00 Tavern - living room
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Monday and Wednesday
08:00 Community Square
13:00 Lake area
17:00 Inn - loby
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Tuesday and Thursday
08:00 General store
16:50 Inn - lobby
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Friday and Saturday
08:00 General store
16:30 Tavern
21:40 Inn - Eva's room

Bad weather (all seasons)

08:00 Inn - Eva's room
12:00 General store
17:00 Tavern - living room
22:00 Inn - Eva's room
Monday and Wednesday
09:00 Inn - lobby
11:00 Beach Shack
17:00 Inn - Eva's room
22:00 Inn - Eva's room (sleep)


First meeting
Introduction Oh, nice to meet you too! My name’s Everest. Eva for short.
Introduction We don’t see too many new faces, so your arrival is great for the town.
Monday, Heart 0-10 Do you think they’ll ever open another bakery in town?
Monday, Heart 0-10 Oh, I’m not worried! I think it would be amazing. I’d love to meet other bakers.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 I feel so awful for stray animals. I wish we could build them little houses in the woods.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 Hmm. Yeah, there are plenty of trees and rocks for them to take shelter under. You’re right. But still.
Thursday, Heart 0-10 What if someone built a big mansion where the recycling center is?
Thursday, Heart 0-10 The vineyard view alone! Wow! And right next to the community center.
Date 4-14 How’s your first Spring on Coral Island so far?
Date 6-14. 17-23 I often find wasabi growing by the lake this time of year. Have you found any yet?
Date 1-8 The beach is still a little cold. Have you ever found anything pretty while diving? You have?
Date 1-8 Theo showed me a handful of jade a long time ago. He told me he found it in an old treasure chest.
Date 22-26 With Summer right around the corner, it must be a busy time for you as a farmer, huh?
The inn doesn’t have a good air conditioner. It sort of turns on and off by itself sometimes. My room can get pretty hot.
I grew up with this kind of weather, hot and humid basically all year long. So yeah, I’m used to it, but working in front of the oven in this weather is still…something.
So glad I picked this blouse today. It’s nice and breezy!
It’s not bad living at the inn, on the second floor especially. Yeah, it does get really hot in Summer because of the broken air conditioner. But after sunset, you open the window, and the salty breeze is just divine!
Have you seen those cute little white flowers growing everywhere? What are those? I think they’re daisies. Are they daisies, you think?
Isn’t this the best season for cookies and tea?
Fall is so pretty, isn’t it? Back home, the trees never looked like this.
It is a bit chilly right now, but I much prefer it to the heat of Summer.
Date 22-27 It’s getting colder, isn’t it? I guess it’s a sign Winter is just around the corner.
Fall is one of the reasons I decided to move here. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And who wouldn’t want to wake up to see that every day?
I love snow, you know. It’s so fascinating, the way it’s soft and fluffy but also cold and clumpy. It feels magical.
I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of snow. I didn’t grow up with it, so I always find it mesmerizing.
Better make sure my heater works. The inn’s central heating isn’t warm enough for me. Oh, but don’t tell Suki! She can be scary sometimes.
These are the days when I’m super glad I’m a baker. I have my own personal heater at work!
You look all nice and cozy today.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

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Beach Pier Area, 18:00 - 22:00

Player walks into the inn seeing Alice and Suki fighting about blankets for the inn. The twins asks the player to help them make a decision.]

Heart event 4

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Walk to Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice is hanging out by the pier and stumbles upon Player. The two chat over Alice's hobbies and her love of controversial things such as UFOs.]

Heart event 5

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Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki are bickering about a small detail for the inn.]

Heart event 6

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Community Center, 09:00 - 17:00, Sunny

Alice and Suki are having disagreements about Joko's furniture show. Alice ends up crying and leaving the inn. Player tries to soothe Suki.]

Heart event 7

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Local Tavern, 18:00 - 23:59

Alice drowns in her sorrow at the tavern and sees Player. Alice talks about her internal struggle and Suki with Player.]

Heart event 8

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Coral Inn Kitchen, 08:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki makes up with each other. The two ends the day by hugging each other.]

Heart event 10

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