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515T RelationshipAnne.png

General Information

Birthday Summer 24
Gender Female

Personal Information

Marital Status Married
Family Paul (husband) Zoe (daughter)
Live In Starlet Town

Anne is married to Paul and they have a daughter together, Zoe. The couple makes a living by making wildlife documentaries around Coral island. When Anne is not busy editing videos, she enjoys her role as a mother in keeping Zoe out of trouble. Anne likes carrots and hummus combo for snacks and green tea to start the day.


Giving gifts to Anne will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Anne will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"I’m just surprised you remembered my birthday! Thank you, Player."

Liked Gifts

"I’m just surprised you remembered my birthday! Thank you."

Neutral Gifts

"What a sweet birthday present, Player. Thanks!"

Disliked Gifts

"Thanks for the thought, Player."

Hated Gifts

"It’s an odd choice for a birthday present."



"Oh, this brightens my day. Thank you!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Hummus A savory dip.
basic Kimchi It’s sour and zesty. Yum!
basic Fruit Juice A bottle of healthy fruit juice.
basic Sunflower The most popular Summer flower. Its color is as bright as the sun.
basic Green tea It’s hot!
basic Carrot A brightly colored root vegetable. Very crunchy when raw.
basic Fried tempe Crunchy soybean cake.
Universal Loved Gifts



"I appreciate this, Player. Thank you!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
[[File: 720Any-food-icons-INDIVIDUAL 0000 any-milk.png|basic]] All Milk
basic All Eggs
Universal Decent Gifts



"Thank you for the gift!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Neutral Gifts



"Um… Thanks. What is this, anyway?"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Disliked Gifts



"What? I don’t understand."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Bad Gifts



Monday to Wednesday
08:00 Lake
17:50 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - living room
21:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
Thursday and Friday
08:00 General store
13:00 Beach
18:10 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - kitchen
22:30 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
Saturday and Sunday
06:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - outside
08:20 Beach - volleyball court
17:00 Tavern
23:20 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room


Monday to Wednesday
08:00 Lake
17:50 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - living room
21:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
Thursday and Friday
08:00 General store
13:00 Beach
18:10 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - kitchen
22:30 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
Saturday and Sunday
06:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - outside
08:20 Beach - volleyball court
17:00 Tavern
23:20 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room


Monday to Wednesday
08:00 Lake
17:50 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - living room
21:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
06:00 Lookout
13:20 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - kitchen
21:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
07:00 Lookout
16:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - kitchen
22:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
Saturday and Sunday
06:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - outside
08:20 Beach - volleyball court
17:00 Tavern
23:20 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room


Monday to Wednesday
08:00 Lake
17:50 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - living room
21:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
08:00 General store
14:00 Community square
17:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - kitchen
21:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
07:00 Lookout
16:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - kitchen
22:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
Saturday and Sunday
06:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - outside
08:20 Beach - volleyball court
17:00 Tavern
23:20 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
Date 21
12:00 Winter Fair

Bad weather (all seasons)

Monday to Wednesday
07:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - kitchen
09:00 Lake
16:50 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - dining room
21:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room
Thursday to Sunday
07:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - kitchen
09:00 General store
16:40 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - dining room
21:00 Zoe, Anne, Paul House - Anne & Paul's room


First meeting
Introduction Good day, stranger! Oh, you just moved into the farm? Welcome to the community. My name is Anne.
Introduction A quick word of advide from your new neighbor. Be patient! Ever since last year, those darn crop aren't growing like they used to.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 1-10 They’re talking about building a community garden someday. You must have heard, right? We offered the space behind our house, but I don’t think anybody much likes the idea.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 1-10 It’s too far from the town and whatnot. Oh well!
Wednesday, Heart 1-10 I need to drop off my recycling before going to the supermarket tomorrow.
Wednesday, Heart 1-10 I wonder where we’ll put our recycling once the dumpster is full…
Wednesday - Friday, Heart 2-10 Oh, so you’ve done all your farming chores for the day?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10 If you look closely in the trees, you may notice some birds’ nests around the island. Zoe gets really excited when she spots one.
Date 2-5 It’s Paul’s birthday this weekend. To be honest, I haven’t gotten anything for him yet. I hope there’s still time.
Date 2-5 There’s still time to make jam, I suppose! That’ll be perfect. He loves jam.
I think I saw a couple of beavers swimming at the lake on my way here. Did you see them too?
Date 20-28 Ah, that reminds me! I need to ask Paul to bring in some extra blankets from the shed now that it’s getting colder. I’ll just ask him tomorrow.
Date 1-9 Phew! Good thing we found extra blankets right before all these. I really need to organize stuff better.
Date 1-9 What a pain to dig them up. I need boxes so I can label them. That would make things easier to find next year.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Town Upper Area, 10:00 - 15:00, Rain

Player sees Anne helping an injured animal by the lake

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Zoe, Anne, Paul House, 09:00 - 20:00

Anne's bracelet is missing, She finds the track of Barney the Racoon that goes to the forest.

Heart event 6

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Forest, 08:00 - 13:00

Anne searches for Barney the Racoon.

Heart event 7

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Garden Lane, 12:00-17:00

Anne finally finds Barney the Racoon and finds a little surprise.

Heart event 8

4988 Hearts.png

Town Upper Area, 07:00-15:00

Anne is helping Barney the Racoon on his quest to get on Sheila's good side, but Sheila is not impressed.

Heart event 10

53410 Hearts.png

Forest Area, 10:00 - 15:00

Anne sees something unusual from Sheila.