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496T RelationshipScott.png

General Information

Birthday Spring 12
Gender Male

Personal Information

Scott is a divorcee who works at the local Library/museum. After almost trying 3 knots, he is, yet again, a bachelor.. Not wanting to be known as the towns infamous playboy, Scott moved to Coral Island a couple of years ago to “start a new life”. With that said, Scott is very knowledgeable and takes pride in what he does. In fact, you might run into him at the mines. Digging and doing the dirty work himself-- he is currently renting a room from Charles at 1 Main Ave in Starlet Town. Aside from getting married, Scott enjoys strong coffee, rainy days and vintage jazz.


Giving gifts to Scott will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Scott will give special dialogues if you give gifts on his birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Whoa! Look at this! Thanks for the birthday gift."

Liked Gifts

"You are so thoughtful. Thanks for the birthday gift."

Neutral Gifts

"Oh yeah! Presents! Thanks!"

Disliked Gifts

"A birthday gift?"

Hated Gifts

"I appreciate the thought, but this is…not cool."



"This is incredible! Thank you so much."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Egg custard A cute little tart with a sunny yellow filling.
basic Red King Arowana A legendary freshwater fish. Considered a symbol of good fortune.
basic Giant Stingray A legendary freshwater fish. It’s massive, but it has no bones. The whole body is supported by flexible cartilage.
basic Yellow Moray Eel A legendary saltwater fish. Unlike many other fish that breathe through gills, the eel opens and closes its mouth to breathe.
Nodes Any kind of nodes. To process it, bring it to the laboratory. Unearth which ancient creatures remains you've discovered.
basic Falafel Tasty fried balls made from chickpeas.
basic Mayonnaise A creamy white spread.
Universal Loved Gifts



"Oh, this is so nice of you! I promise I’ll put it to good use."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Decent Gifts
basic All milk Any kind of milk
basic Tea leaf An aromatic leaf commonly brewed for a hot beverage.
basic Amaranth Deep purple grains rich in both color and flavor.
basic Okra An edible green pod, slimy when cooked.
basic Turnip A root vegetable. Slightly spicy.



"Oh yeah! Thanks!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts
basic All fruits
basic All fruit trees



"Umm… Thanks, but you can keep this for yourself next time."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Dislikes Gifts
basic All vegetables (except tea leafs, amaranths, okra, turnips)



"I appreciate the thought, but this is not cool."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Tulip A common Spring bulb flower.
basic Violet A wildflower.
Universal Bad Gifts




Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
07:00 Garden Lane
13:00 Raja Coffee
17:20 Coral Inn
23:20 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
07:00 Raja Coffee
13:10 Beach
17:30 Coral Inn
22:30 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.


Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
07:00 Garden Lane
13:00 Raja Coffee
17:20 Coral Inn
23:20 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
07:00 Raja Coffee
13:10 Beach
17:30 Coral Inn
22:30 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.


Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
07:00 Garden Lane
13:00 Raja Coffee
17:20 Coral Inn
23:20 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
06:00 Raja Coffee
17:20 Coral Inn
22:30 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
06:00 Coral Inn - Fireplace
12:00 Raja Coffee
18:00 Coral Inn
23:00 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.
Thursday & Friday
06:00 Raja Coffee
18:00 Coral Inn
23:00 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.
Saturday & Sunday
07:00 Garden Lane
13:00 Raja Coffee
17:20 Coral Inn
23:20 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.
08:00 Outside Coral Inn - Gardening
11:00 Beach Shack
17:00 Coral Inn - Kitchen
22:00 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed.

Bad weather (for all seasons)

Any days
06:00 Coral Inn - Kitchen
11:00 Community Center
17:00 Coral Inn
22:00 Coral Inn - Raj goes to bed


First meeting
Introduction Hello! I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Are you new in town?
Introduction See you around!
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 I’m not too worried about how much the coffee shop makes. Creating the perfect cup of coffee is where my mind is. Each individual cup. Yeah, every one is special.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 I can’t stand when people wear perfume that’s too strong. It overwhelms my nose for the day, and I don’t like that. I like to be able to smell the coffee.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 The coffee maker at the shop is weather resistant. It can withstand rain – snow even! It was costly but worth every penny.
Heart 4 - 10 I didn’t grow up drinking coffee. My family was more of a tea family. But I just find coffee more interesting, you know? The taste, the brewing process, the roasting process, even how it’s grown and harvested. It’s much more interesting to me than tea.
Heart 4 - 10 I don’t like a lot of fuss for my morning coffee, so I’ll usually go for a French press. Later in the day, I can go for something more complex, like a pour-over or an espresso.
Heart 0 - 10 Oh, a good grinder is a must if you want delicious coffee. The really good ones can cost hundreds and thousands of coins. For home use, just avoid using those blade grinders and stick to burr grinders. The hand-cranked ones are pretty good and not too expensive.
For Spring, I usually go for a coffee with floral notes. It seems fitting for the season.
The coffee shop opened as usual in Winter. But we closed when it got too cold. Thankfully, those days are behind us now.
Coffee beans from different regions taste different. Things like soil and weather have an impact. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you can grow good coffee beans right now, right? In Spring?
Heart 3 - 10 I saw Taco playing around the other day, enjoying the sunny Spring day in the fountain. He sure knows how to have fun!
Heart 5 - 10 Is it too early to bust out my swimming trunks? Ah, yeah. I can wait till Summer.
Will you be planting coffee this Summer?
So, are you the type of person who drinks hot coffee in Summer?
I prefer to brew locally grown beans, of course, but yeah, no. There isn’t much choice, unfortunately. We can only plant coffee here in Summer. So that means I have to import some of my beans.
I think Summer is perfect for coffee with citrus notes. Doesn’t Summer feel like a citrusy season to you?
Heart 4 - 10 I want to do something fun this Summer. I’m thinking beach day every day!
There’s something about drinking hot chocolate in Fall, isn’t there? Something special about it.
Every once in a while, I create a coffee omakase, usually in Fall. I taste-test my favorite combos of the year before putting them on the menu.
For Fall, you just gotta go with the classic cocoa and caramel notes in your coffee. It’s perfect for this season.
Heart 10 I love waking up at sunrise. The soothing light of a Fall morning is truly something. I recommend it.
Date 20 - 27, Heart 10 I’ve been working on this new blend. I call it the Java Extravaganza. It’s more than just coffee, it’s a caffeinated journey!
A warm drink for the day?
Some people are immune to Winter, it seems. Saw Macy walking around in shorts the other day. I was shocked. Impressed in a way, but yeah, no. I couldn’t do that. Ha ha!
The inn gets really cold in Winter. Thank goodness for portable heaters.
Living at the inn is great, especially in Winter. It’s cold, and you just wanna hang out with friends. Yeah, the inn is cold, and the heater is…questionable at times, but the residents are friendly.
Heart 8 - 10 I tried making snow coffee once. Let’s just say it was an…interesting experiment. Yeah, no…

Heart Events

Heart event 2

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Raja Coffee Shop Area, 08:00 - 18:00, Sunny & Windy

Raj is working behind the counter at the coffee stand when the Player enters. Anne and Paul are at a nearby table, drinking coffee and chatting. Wakuu is drinking coffee alone at a table, reading a book.

Heart event 4

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Community Center, 18:00 - 22:00

The community center is set up for a meeting, with several chairs in front of a podium. Mayor Connor is standing up near the podium, and town people are seated in the chairs.

Heart event 5

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Farm, 06:00 - 23:59. Then, cutscene continues to Raja Coffee Shop Area, 08:00 - 18:00, Sunny & Windy.

The Player goes to the mailbox and takes out a flyer from Raja Coffee. Then, player walks to town - Raja Coffee. Town people are lined up at the coffee stand. Raj tries Antonio’s suggestion: Spend money to make money. They spend a lot of money on expensive rare coffee and on advertising to inform people of their new offering. But when a crowd of people show up to try the rare coffee, they complain that the price is too high. And when Raj explains why rare coffee is so expensive, everyone leaves.

Heart event 6

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Raja Coffee Shop Area, 08:00 - 18:00, Sunny & Windy

Raj tries Sunny’s suggestion: Get creative with your menu. But, they take Sunny’s suggestion too literally and add a bunch of fish options to the menu (seafood smoothies, carp cappuccino, etc.). Once again, everyone gets grossed out and leaves.

Heart event 7

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Raja Coffee Shop Area, 08:00 - 18:00, Sunny & Windy

Raj tries Emma’s suggestion: Offer free samples. This results in a long line of people queued up for coffee, and Raj can’t keep up with the demand. Before everyone gets their order, Raj runs out of coffee and the customers are upset.

Heart event 8

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Raja Coffee Shop Area, 08:00 - 18:00, Sunny & Windy

Finally, Raj tries Luke’s suggestion: Offer free Wi-Fi. Now people are camped out at the tables with their phones and devices, buying one cheap drink and sitting around taking advantage of the Wi-Fi all day. When other customers show up, there’s nowhere for them to sit, and they leave without buying anything.

Heart event 10

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