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767T RelationshipRandy.png

General Information

Birthday Fall 19
Gender Male

Personal Information

Marital Status Married
Family Ling (Wife) Leah (Daughter)
Address The Mansion
Live In Starlet Town

Randy is a full-time elementary teacher with a questionable taste in outfit, who lives in the town center with his daughter from his first marriage, Leah, and his marine biologist wife, Ling. Randy loves strong coffee, full-bodied wine, and classic literature. Randy has one prosthetic arm-- which is “the coolest thing in the world”, according to Valentina. However, that isn't why the kids love him. Randy has the patience of a saint and a remarkable ability to explain complex ideas in a very simple and easy to understand manner-- a textbook example of a good teacher. When he isn’t at school, he can be found at Hillside Brewery and Vineyard enjoying a glass of wine with his wife, or reading at the Library, presumably a Jane Austen or Leo Tolstoy’s. Randy’s last name is only used by his students when they are referring to him.


Giving gifts to Randy will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Randy will give special dialogues if you give gifts on his birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Now, this is a phenomenal birthday gift! If I were an author, I’d be writing about this one for posterity. Thank you, Player!"

Liked Gifts

"Is this for my birthday? It looks excellent! My most sincere thanks."

Neutral Gifts

"How kind of you to remember my birthday! Thank you."

Disliked Gifts

"I appreciate the birthday gift, but I’m not quite sure what to do with this."

Hated Gifts

"I guess I have to offer gratitude because it’s my birthday, but that’s about all I’ve got."



"Now, this is quite a fine gift! I appreciate the time you took to collect this and bring it to me, Player. My most sincere thanks."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Coffee An instant energy boost.
basic Wine It‘s earthy on the nose. Or maybe smoky? Drink in moderation.
basic Apple A Fall fruit, crispy when raw.
basic Lobster Commonly found near the pier.
Universal Loved Gifts



"Oh, would you look at that. Thanks, my love!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Decent Gifts
basic All Eggs Any kind of eggs.



"Good stuff! Thanks, Player!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts



"That’s…kind of a weird thing to give someone, my love. It’s all good, though! Sorry, that was rude."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Dislikes Gifts



"Um… This is a bad gift."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Milk Any kind of milk
basic Hawaiian pizza The perfect summer meal.
basic Clams Any kind of clams
basic All fish Any kind of fish
Universal Bad Gifts



Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
07:00 School
17:00 Ling's Mansion
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
07:00 In front of Community Center
13:10 In front of Community Center
17:45 Ling's Mansion
20:50 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
07:00 Outside School
12:45 Outside School
17:20 In front of Ling's Mansion
20:10 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Vineyard area
17:00 Ling's Mansion - Dining area
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Ling's Mansion
14:00 Ling's Mansion
19:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy watches TV
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
07:00 School
17:00 Ling's Mansion
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
07:00 In front of Community Center
13:10 In front of Community Center
17:45 Ling's Mansion
20:50 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
07:00 Outside School
12:45 Outside School
17:20 In front of Ling's Mansion
20:10 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Vineyard area
17:00 Ling's Mansion - Dining area
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Community Center - Library
18:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy watches TV
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
07:00 School
17:00 Ling's Mansion
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
07:00 In front of Community Center
13:10 In front of Community Center
17:45 Ling's Mansion
20:50 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
07:00 Outside School
12:45 Outside School
17:20 In front of Ling's Mansion
20:10 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Vineyard area
17:00 Ling's Mansion - Dining area
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Ling's Mansion
14:00 Ling's Mansion
19:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy watches TV
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
07:00 School
17:00 Ling's Mansion
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
07:00 In front of Community Center
13:10 In front of Community Center
17:45 Ling's Mansion
20:50 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
07:00 Outside School
12:45 Outside School
17:20 In front of Ling's Mansion
20:10 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Vineyard area
17:00 Ling's Mansion - Dining area
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Community Center - Library
18:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy watches TV
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed

Bad weather (for all seasons)

Monday to Friday
07:00 School
17:20 Ling's Mansion - Randy watches TV
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy watches TV
10:00 Vineyard
19:50 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed
08:00 Community Center - Library
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Randy goes to bed


First meeting
Introduction My name is Randy. I’m an elementary school teacher. What did you say your name was?
Introduction Ah, yes. Player! It’s nice to meet you.
Monday, Heart 0 - 10 Kids are always watching us adults. They’re very observant.
Tuesday, Heart 0 - 10 I’m trying to get the kids to love reading. And also to form their own opinions independent of their peers.
Tuesday, Heart 0 - 10 No easy task, let me tell you. Because kids can be… Shall I say…persistent in their opinions and in their way of convincing others.
Wednesday, Heart 0 - 10 Kids are always watching us adults. They’re very observant.
Wednesday, Heart 0 - 10 School is from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. My hope is the kids feel school is more like an informative playdate than work.
Wednesday, Heart 2 - 10 I’m hoping that teaching different views and values from all over the world can help the kids be open minded.
Date 8 - 9 The kids and I are going to attend the Cherry Blossom Festival. I hope to see you there.
Heart 0 - 10 Spring always symbolizes new beginnings in literature. It’s the season of love, renewal, and growth. Or the season of pollen, if you’re allergic.
Heart 0 - 10 What a year for blooms! Spring always looks good on Coral Island, but this year seems even more spectacular than usual.
Date 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. Heart 4 - 10. I make sure the kids play outside as much as I can. Being outside is good for both mental and physical health. Especially now the snow has melted.
Heart 4 - 10 Enjoying Spring so far?
Date 8 - 12 I leave for work a little early to enjoy the Summer sun.
Date 9 - 16 Summer is the time to visit the beach.
Date 24 - 28 I’m not my best self in Summer. I can’t think properly.
Heart 0 - 10 The season of salt and sweat is upon us! I’m always grateful for every one of Coral Island’s seasons.
Heart 4 - 10 We went to the beach last Summer. The whole class went. We made sure to take our trash home from a beach day. Little things like that – they’re important.
Date 3 - 8 The kids are excited about the Harvest Festival.
Date 12 - 20 Pumpkin. Pumpkin pies, pumpkin everything!
Heart 0 - 10 Oh, how I love Fall! Authors have sung its praises since what feels like the beginning of time. It’s the season of crisp breezes and veggies aplenty.
Heart 0 - 10 Sometimes the Fall harvest comes a little later than usual, but all we can do is wait. There’s no rushing nature. She knows what she’s doing.
Heart 4 - 10 Leah changed the kitchen soap to a brand she found on the internet. Fall limited edition – something like that. It’s shipped from Pokyo. The whole kitchen smells like apple pie every time she does the dishes.
Date 15 - 23 I urge the kids to keep active during Winter. Hopefully, we can keep them healthy the whole season.
Date 15 - 23 Flu can be very nasty.
Date 25 - 26 It seems like it’s been snowing less and less lately.
Heart 0 - 10 The mansion gets quite drafty in Winter, so we have to plug all its cracks and keep the heat going all the time.
Heart 8 - 10 I could stop by the hot spring to warm up tonight. Is the hot spring working? Do you happen to know?

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Beach Pier Area, 18:00 - 22:00

Player walks into the inn seeing Alice and Suki fighting about blankets for the inn. The twins asks the player to help them make a decision.]

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Walk to Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice is hanging out by the pier and stumbles upon Player. The two chat over Alice's hobbies and her love of controversial things such as UFOs.]

Heart event 5

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Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki are bickering about a small detail for the inn.]

Heart event 6

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Community Center, 09:00 - 17:00, Sunny

Alice and Suki are having disagreements about Joko's furniture show. Alice ends up crying and leaving the inn. Player tries to soothe Suki.]

Heart event 7

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Local Tavern, 18:00 - 23:59

Alice drowns in her sorrow at the tavern and sees Player. Alice talks about her internal struggle and Suki with Player.]

Heart event 8

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Coral Inn Kitchen, 08:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki makes up with each other. The two ends the day by hugging each other.]

Heart event 10

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