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491T RelationshipAaliyah.png

General Information

Birthday Winter 27
Gender Female

Personal Information

Marital Status Single
Family Suki (Sister) Valentina (niece)
Address Coral Inn
Live In Beach

Aaliyah is a character in Coral Island and one of the 25 available marriage candidates.


Giving gifts to Aaliyah will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Aaliyah will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Happy birthday to me, huh? Thank you so much for this, Player. I’ll treasure it."

Liked Gifts

"Whoa, just what I needed! I like this a lot, Player. Thanks."

Neutral Gifts

"Wow, thanks for the birthday gift. It was sweet of you to remember."

Disliked Gifts

"Oh, is this…? Well, thanks anyway. It’s the thought that counts."

Hated Gifts

"Whoa. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you hated me or something. This gift… *shakes head*"



"Ooh! This is special! Thank you so much."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Chocolate chip muffin It’s very sweet.
basic Strawberry A juicy, red Spring fruit.
basic Gesha coffee A gourmet beverage that gives a strong energy boost.
basic Hummus A savory dip.
basic White hibiscus The petals feel as delicate as their color is faint.
basic Eggplant lasagna Cheesy layers of eggplant and pasta.
Universal Loved Gifts



"I’m so touched you’re giving me this. I wish I had something for you."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All Fruits
basic All Vegetables
All Cookings
basic All Artisan Goods
Universal Decent Gifts



"Huh? Oh… I mean…thanks! Nice of you to think of me."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts



"Um, I don’t want to be ungrateful, but…"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Dislikes Gifts



"I… I don’t even know what to say."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Kimchi It’s sour and zesty. Yum!
basic Scrambled eggs A perfect way to start the day.
basic Brussels sprouts A cluster of edible green buds on a stalk.
Universal Bad Gifts




07:10 Coffee shop
10:00 Community Square
13:20 Monument Park
18:00 Tavern
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
Monday, Thursday and Friday
06:10 Lake
14:10 Coffee shop
18:20 Tavern - living room
21:00 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
06:10 Beach - volleyball court
12:20 Beach
14:10 Coffee shop
17:50 Tavern - living room
22:00 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
06:20 Beach - volleyball court
13:10 Beach
17:10 Tavern
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
07:10 Coffee shop
10:10 Community Square
13:10 Monument Park
18:10 Tavern
23:40 Tavern - Aaliyah's room


07:10 Coffee shop
10:00 Community Square
13:20 Monument Park
18:00 Tavern
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
06:10 Beach
14:10 Coffee shop
17:50 Tavern - living room
22:00 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
06:20 Beach - volleyball court
17:10 Tavern
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
07:10 Coffee shop
10:10 Community Square
13:10 Monument Park
18:10 Tavern
23:40 Tavern - Aaliyah's room


07:10 Coffee shop
10:00 Community Square
13:20 Monument Park
18:00 Tavern
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
Monday, Friday
06:10 Lake
14:10 Coffee shop
18:20 Tavern - living room
21:00 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
06:10 Beach - volleyball court
12:20 Beach
14:10 Coffee shop
17:50 Tavern - living room
22:00 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
06:20 Beach - volleyball court
13:10 Beach
17:10 Tavern
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
07:10 Coffee shop
10:10 Community Square
13:10 Monument Park
18:10 Tavern
23:40 Tavern - Aaliyah's room


07:10 Coffee shop
10:00 Community Square
13:20 Monument Park
18:00 Tavern
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
Monday, Friday
06:10 Lake
14:10 Coffee shop
18:20 Tavern - living room
21:00 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
06:10 Beach - volleyball court
14:10 Coffee shop
17:50 Tavern - living room
22:00 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
06:20 Beach - volleyball court
18:10 Tavern
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room
07:10 Coffee shop
10:10 Community Square
13:10 Monument Park
18:10 Tavern
23:40 Tavern - Aaliyah's room

Bad weather (all seasons)

Every day
07:00 Tavern - Kitchen
12:30 Tavern - Fishensips
23:50 Tavern - Aaliyah's room


First meeting
Introduction Oh, hello! I don’t think we’ve met.
Introduction I’m Aaliyah.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 Now that I’m home, I don’t get to fly as much… I miss it! I’m itching to get back in the cockpit.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 I wouldn’t let Mama hear me say that, though. She seems to think I’m home for good. It’ll be easier for everyone if we let her keep thinking that until I have to leave again.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 Or maybe it makes it worse…? I just don’t want unnecessary conflict, is all. Not while I’m living under the same roof with her.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2 - 10 Chaem is fun to play volleyball with. She’s really good. Learning a lot of tricks and stuff from her.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 You know, I’m glad to be back on Coral Island, but it’s not quite the same without my dad and my little brother here.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 3-10 Mama’s been baking up a storm lately. I keep telling her, “Don’t tempt me – I have to stay in shape!” But then she waves a chocolate chip muffin under my nose, and that’s it, I’m gone.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 4-10 Playing volleyball with Chaem pushes me to be a better player… I like it. It makes me better, and I get to work out.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 4-10 Besides, she told me she needed a partner to train with. I mean, if I can be of help, why not, right?
Date 5-9 Planning to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival, Player? You don’t want to miss it!
Date 5-9 Frank will be manning the grill, and my brother is more or less the grill master of Coral Island, so…
Date 11 Did you enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival? I ate so much I could hardly walk home!
I don’t mind the cold weather and stuff, but nothing, and I mean, nothing beats eating outdoors. But it’s much better in Spring than in the middle of an ice-cold Winter afternoon, of course.
Enjoying Spring so far?
Heart 2-10 Being outdoors on a warm Spring day like this is my favorite. Get that vitamin D, move your body… When your mind is clear, your day will be too.
I’m A-OK to spend my whole Summer at the beach, playing volleyball. But the thing is, I can’t seem to find any partners other than Chaem.
Yeah, Paul is there sometimes and stuff. Just not often enough, you know?
I can’t imagine going to the hot spring in this heat. But I heard from my friend Chaem that the hunter dude goes there in Summer.
Don’t let the heat get you, Player! Power through!
Date 2-5 Whoa! The farmer is here! You look like you’re ready for Summer. Good for you.
Date 21 - 25 Do you have more layers at home you can wear? Winter is next week, and it seems like it might be a cold one this year.
Now that it’s Fall, Mama can’t stop baking mooncakes at home. It’s not that I want her to, anyway. Heh heh!
Date 7-12 Do you think you might enter the crop display contest at the Harvest Festival? You should! You might win something!
Heart 4-10, Date 25-28 Saw Lily cleaning up her mom’s grave the other day. It must’ve been the day when–
Heart 4-10, Date 25-28 It’s never easy to lose a parent… It wasn’t easy when I was little, and it isn’t easy now. I feel for her and her brother.
My brothers and I used to build snow forts in weather like this. Our snowball wars were epic!
Date 20-23 Are you going to Bree’s for the New Year’s feast? It’s going to be a good time!
Winter is nice here. I like the snow in the trees. Only in trees! When there’s snow on the path – that’s different.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 1-10 Bring on the snow! Winter’s here, so let’s get on with it. *laughs*
You can cook nice hot meals if you have a kitchen. Now that it’s Winter, you might want to have hot dinners. Thaw out your frozen insides. Ha ha!

Heart Events

Heart event 3

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General Store Front, 09:00 - 17:00

Aaliyah tells Player of her astronaut program.]

Heart event 5

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Local Tavern, 18:00 - 23:59

Aaliyah, Wakuu, and Chaem are talking about the obstacles they’ve faced in their chosen professions. Betty overhears about Aaliyah's astronaut program.]

Heart event 6

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Local Tavern, 09:00 - 15:00; Town Area Graveyard, 09:00 - 17:00

Aaliyah and Betty argues about the astronaut program, and Aaliyah runs to the graveyard.

Heart event 7

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Local Tavern Front, 09:00 - 17:00; Garden Lane Area, 06:00 - 13:00

Player meets Betty and persuades her to support Aaliyah. A surprise guest comes to Aaliyah's celebration party.]

Heart event 8

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Bamboo Forest, 09:00 - 17:00, Sunny

Island residents watch Aaliyah going into space.]

Heart event 10

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