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610T RelationshipConnor.png

General Information

Birthday Summer 5
Gender Male

Personal Information

Marital Status Single
Live In Starlet Town

Connor has been the mayor of Coral Island for a lot of years. He used to run his own general store before deciding to run for office. He loves Coral Island and knows all the islanders. Connor is a widower since his wife’s passing a couple of years back and doesn't plan to remarry; he now lives alone by the creek in Northhollow Woodlands. He will greet you on the first day and give you your first seeds to start (as a welcome gift). The day before each festival, he will come to remind you about the time and place either himself or by mail.


Giving gifts to Connor will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Connor will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"This is a great birthday gift! Thank you."

Liked Gifts

"Thank you for remembering my birthday! Betty is right. You’re a very thoughtful person."

Neutral Gifts

"Thank you for the birthday gift!"

Disliked Gifts

"Is this for my birthday?"

Hated Gifts

"Is this for my birthday? I am speechless."



"Wow! My absolute favorite. Thanks."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Pineapple upside-down cake There are slices of pineapple on top.
basic Sake Drink in moderation.
basic Black truffle oil A bottle of black truffle oil. It has a distinctive smell.
basic White truffle oil A bottle of white truffle oil. It has a distinctive smell.
basic Bok coy A green leafy vegetable with a crunchy, bulbous bottom.
basic Universal Loved Gifts



"I owe you one. Thanks!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All eggs
basic Universal Decent Gifts



"I don’t know what to say. Thanks!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Neutral Gifts



"This isn’t exactly a gift,Player."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All mushrooms
basic Universal Disliked Gifts



"Ugh… This smells horrible."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Squid Shoots black ink when threatened.
basic Banana A nutritious and filling berry. It grows on trees and has a mild, sweet scent.
basic Garlic The bulb is made up of many smaller cloves covered with papery skin.
basic Universal Bad Gifts



08:00 Park nearLab
11:50 Salon
16:20 Park near general store
20:30 Charles' House - Charles' room
Monday and Friday
06:00 Park nearLab
09:50 Clinic
16:50 Tavern
20:40 Charles' House - Charles' room
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
06:00 Park near Lab
09:50 Clinic
17:10 Charles' house - outside
19:10 Charles' house - kitchen
21:00 Charles' House - Charles' room


07:00 Park near general store
10:30 Beach
18:00 Charles' House - Charles' room
Monday and Friday
06:00 Park near Lab
09:50 Clinic
16:50 Tavern
20:40 Charles' House - Charles' room
08:00 Charles' House - outside
09:30 Clinic
12:00 Salon
17:00 Charles' house - kitchen
22:00 Charles' House - Charles' room
Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
06:00 Park near Lab
09:50 Clinic
17:10 Charles' house - outside
19:10 Charles' house - kitchen
21:00 Charles' House - Charles' room


08:00 Park near Lab
11:50 Salon
16:20 Park near general store
20:30 Charles' House - Charles' room
Monday and Friday
06:00 Park near Lab
09:50 Clinic
16:50 Tavern
20:40 Charles' House - Charles' room
08:00 Charles' House - outside
09:30 Clinic
12:00 Salon
17:00 Charles' house - kitchen
22:00 Charles' House - Charles' room
Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
06:00 Park near Lab
09:50 Clinic
17:10 Charles' house - outside
19:10 Charles' house - kitchen
21:00 Charles' House - Charles' room


Sunday (no hot spring)
08:00 Park near Lab
11:50 Salon
15:20 Park near general store
20:30 Charles' House - Charles' room
Sunday (hot spring)
07:00 Park near Lab
12:50 Hot spring
18:00 Charles' House - kitchen
22:00 Charles' House - Charles' room
Monday and Friday
06:00 Park near Lab
09:50 Clinic
16:50 Tavern
20:40 Charles' House - Charles' room
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
06:00 Park near Lab
09:50 Clinic
17:10 Charles' house - outside
19:10 Charles' house - kitchen
21:00 Charles' House - Charles' room

Bad weather (all seasons)

Monday to Friday
07:00 Observatory
11:20 Tavern
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room


First meeting
Introduction You’re the new arrival, huh? Don’t bother me, and I won’t bother you. Ha! Sike!
Introduction You’re in my way. No, seriously, you are in my way.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-3 Got business with me?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-3 I can’t chitchat all day. Talk to someone else, will you?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 3-10 I started lifeguarding in high school and just stuck with it, I guess. It’s not a hard job, and it helps me stay in shape.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 3-10 Volleyball – that’s my real passion. Do you play?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 4-10 I’m starving. Training always makes me hungry.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 4-10 Gimme some carbs, you know what I mean? Pizza, pasta, gnocchi…ramen! I would kill for some ramen right now.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 There’s this pink tree next to the hot spring. Do you know what it is? Cherry, maybe?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 It’s pretty, but I’m worried the petals will clog up the drain. My drain.
Heart 2-10 The weather is warming up. If I dressed any warmer, I’d sweat buckets.
Heart 5-10 It’s Spring, baby! Time to hit the volleyball court and work off my Winter blues!
Heart 5-10 I managed to stay in pretty good shape over Winter, but I feel a little off my game, you know? I’m itching to get in a good workout.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10 I might take a class online to learn something new. Not right now. I’m way too busy. But maybe this Winter, when it’s too cold for volleyball.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 3-5 I’m so itchy today! I’ve got bug bites all over my legs. The bugs are out in force lately. Great!
There’s usually an influx of people visiting the beach in Summer. I get it. Summer, beach. Yeah, whatever.
I’m seeing more and more people busting out the swimwear.
Who made that sign for the Beach Shack? The coconut drink sign says Buy Two, Get Two. It’s funny ’cause it reminds me of something my dad always said.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 3-10, Date 20-26 Winter’s almost here.
Date 20-24 I jacked up my knee yesterday. I slipped on some leaves and fell down the stairs in front of the bathhouse. Bah!
Date 20-24 It kinda hurts when I walk. I guess this is a glimpse into what old age will feel like.
Heart 3-10 I cleaned the leaves in front of the bathhouse yesterday, and they’re already piling up again.
Heart 3-10 Need to find Wakuu. It’s his turn to clear the path for Takeba.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-3 It’s almost the end of the year already. Fast, huh?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 3-10 I still run to the beach from my house, but the snow slows me down! Bah! And when it’s icy, forget it. Trying to run on ice is a sure way to break a bone.
Monday - Wednesday, Heart 3-10 The hot spring sounds good right now. What is it?
Is getting mittens worth it, you reckon? You look like the type who’d have a lot of that kind of thing.
I’ll see if Wakuu has some and test-drive them, maybe.


07:00 Observatory - outside
13:00 Lunch at beach
18:50 Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
06:00 Beach - volleyball court
12:30 Chilling at beach
17:30 Observatory
22:30 Observatory - Chaem's room
06:00 Beach - volleyball court
13:10 Lunch at beach
17:00 Observatory - outside
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room
07:00 Chilling at beach
13:00 Tavern
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room


06:00 Beach - volleyball court
11:20 Lunch at beach
17:00 Observatory
23:40 Observatory - Chaem's room
06:00 Beach - volleyball court
14:10 Chilling at beach
17:00 Observatory - outside
22:10 Observatory - Chaem's room
06:00 Beach - volleyball court
13:10 Lunch at beach
17:00 Observatory - outside
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room
07:00 Chilling at beach
13:00 Tavern
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room
Thursday, Friday, Sunday
07:00 Observatory - outside
13:00 Lunch at beach
18:50 Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room


06:00 Beach - volleyball court
11:20 Lunch at beach
17:00 Observatory
23:40 Observatory - Chaem's room
06:00 Beach - volleyball court
12:30 Lunch at beach
17:00 Observatory
22:10 Observatory - Chaem's room
06:00 Beach - volleyball court
13:10 Lunch at beach
17:00 Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room
Thursday, Friday, Sunday
07:00 Observatory - outside
13:00 Lunch at beach
18:50 Observatory
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room
07:00 Chill at beach
13:00 Tavern
23:00 Observatory - Chaem's room

Bad weather (all seasons)

Monday to Saturday
09:40 Clinic
17:30 Charles' house - dining room
21:30 Charles' house - Charles' room
10:00 Community Center - library
19:30 Charles' house - Charles' room


First meeting
Introduction Well, hello to yo– ACHOOOOOO! Ugh… Spring. Not the best time to move here.
Introduction By the way, I’m Char– ACHOOO!
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 The recycling center been here since…umm…
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 I can’t remember for the life of me. Tell you what, I’ll write you if it comes back to me.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 I don’t want to be rude, but I wonder what you put in those pockets of yours. They always seem so full.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 That reminds me. I forgot to take the recycling out yesterday.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 Dehydration is a real thing. Your body’s mostly water, and it can’t work right without it. So, remember to stay hydrated, and drink plenty!
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0-10 New fashion trends are cool, but on other people. I’m pretty comfortable with my style, so I’m sticking with it.
Heart 0-10 I wear my green button-down when I’m feeling daring. Have you seen me in it? It makes for quite the outfit, I’ve been told.
Heart 0-10 Uh-oh! I hope I don’t sound vain. That’s not what I mean. *mumbles* Oh no, I’m starting to sound like Scott.
Date 10 Hmm… I’d apply more sunscreen in about an hour if I were you. Better safe than sorry, I always say.
Date 1-10 Uh-oh, here it comes. Spring allergies.
Date 1-10 Hold on a– *achoo!* What I was saying was– *achoo!* Okay. I think I’m good now. Where were we?
Date 1-3 I feel like myself again! No more endless sniffling!
Date 1-3 Now that the pollen has calmed down, I, I can open my windows again. Nothing beats waking up in the fresh air.
I have to say, hot weather isn’t my thing. It puffs up my hair like cotton candy.
It's good that more people are out and about in Summer., don't forget the sunscreen, okay?
The humidity isn’t helping my hair at all. Yours is fine, though. How come? What shampoo do you use?
I just love Fall. There’s all the warming comfort food, and it’s not too hot or too cold outside. It’s perfect.
The best thing about Fall is definitely sweet potato chips. Sure, I could get them in other seasons, but they’re just better in Fall, you know?
Nothing like the crisp Fall air for enjoying some sweet potato chips. I wish I had some now…
I’m better suited to colder weather, I think. Not too many mosquitos, and I just wake up refreshed!
Date 21-16 Have you, um, gotten your flu shot yet? Winter is next week, you know.
Yuri and I are usually pretty busy this season. The townsfolk always need us for something or other, whether it’s treating a cold or patching them up after a slip on the ice.
Please take care of yourself this season, Player. Winter can be tough on our health, with less sunlight and all... And it's not just about the flu or colds. The Winter blues can really get to you.
Date 21-28 Whew, another Winter's almost over... Thankfully, there weren't many flu cases this year. I'm relieved.
I open my windows first thing in the morning. I like to let the cold air in.
You need to layer up when you leave the house, especially in Winter. Another tip: wash your hands when you get home. Some viruses thrive in cold, dry conditions.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Beach Pier Area, 18:00 - 22:00

Player walks into the inn seeing Alice and Suki fighting about blankets for the inn. The twins asks the player to help them make a decision.]

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Walk to Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice is hanging out by the pier and stumbles upon Player. The two chat over Alice's hobbies and her love of controversial things such as UFOs.]

Heart event 5

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Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki are bickering about a small detail for the inn.]

Heart event 6

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Community Center, 09:00 - 17:00, Sunny

Alice and Suki are having disagreements about Joko's furniture show. Alice ends up crying and leaving the inn. Player tries to soothe Suki.]

Heart event 7

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Local Tavern, 18:00 - 23:59

Alice drowns in her sorrow at the tavern and sees Player. Alice talks about her internal struggle and Suki with Player.]

Heart event 8

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Coral Inn Kitchen, 08:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki makes up with each other. The two ends the day by hugging each other.]

Heart event 10

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