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535T RelationshipArchie.png

General Information

Birthday Winter 24
Gender Male

Personal Information

Family Joko (Father)

Dinda (Mother)

Surya (Cousin)
Live In Starlet Town

Archie is a minor and goes to Starlet Town Elementary along with Oliver and Valentina. He loves animals and sometimes can be found in at the Vineyard playing with Taco the dog. He wants to be a vet one day-- something that the locals desperately need. Currently, they only have Kenny giving out internet advice; however free, they are inaccurate at times.


Giving gifts to Alice will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Alice will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Whoa! A birthday present? Thank you so much, Player!"

Liked Gifts

"Yay! A birthday present! Thank you!"

Neutral Gifts

"Thank you for the birthday present!"

Disliked Gifts

"Um… Is this my birthday present? Thanks, I guess."

Hated Gifts

"Eek… Is this my birthday present?"



"You’re so cool! I’m gonna go and tell Mom! Thanks, Player!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Basil pesto pasta This tasty meal is a kid-pleaser.
basic Burrito A hearty meal.
basic Ice cream A cold, creamy treat for a hot day. Or any day, really.
basic Fish taco A fresh bite of the ocean.
basic Pumpkin A traditional Fall harvest with a deep orange color.
basic Stone A sturdy building material with many uses.
basic Gems
basic Metal ores
basic Minerals
basic Universal Loved Gifts



"Yay! Thank you."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All Milk
basic Universal Decent Gifts




Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Coconut It has a hard shell. Can it float?
basic All insects
basic Universal Neutral Gifts




Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Dislikes Gifts



"Um…This is dirty."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Dinosaur bones
basic Beer Drink in moderation.
basic Wine It‘s earthy on the nose. Or maybe smoky? Drink in moderation.
basic Sake Drink in moderation.
basic Kombucha Fermented tea leaves. Drink in moderation.
basic Universal Bad Gifts



09:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
12:00 Hillside
18:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
08:00 School
16:00 School - outside near Emma's truck
17:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
07:00 Community Square
17:50 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
Wednesday and Thursday
08:30 School
16:00 Carpenter - outdoor shed
17:30 Forest
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
07:00 School - outdoor
17:20 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
09:00 Community Center - Library
13:10 Garden near the Community Center
19:10 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room


09:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
12:00 Hillside
18:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
08:00 School
16:00 School - outside near Emma's truck
17:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
07:00 Community Square
17:50 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
Wednesday and Thursday
08:30 School
16:00 Carpenter - outdoor shed
17:30 Forest
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
07:00 School - outdoor
17:20 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
09:00 Park
17:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
Day 13
09:00 Carpenter - kitchen
11:00 Clinic
17:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room


09:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
12:00 Hillside
18:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
08:00 School
16:00 School - outside near Emma's truck
17:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
07:00 Community Square
17:50 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
Wednesday and Thursday
08:30 School
16:00 Carpenter - outdoor shed
20:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
07:00 School - outdoor
17:20 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
09:00 Carpenter - outdoor
17:00 Carpenter -Archie's room


08:00 School
16:00 School - outside near Emma's truck
17:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
07:00 Community Square
17:50 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
Wednesday and Thursday
08:30 School
16:00 Carpenter - outdoor shed
17:30 Forest
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
07:00 School - outdoor
17:20 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
Saturday and Sunday
09:00 Park
17:00 Carpenter - living room
21:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room

Bad weather (all seasons)

Monday to Friday
08:00 School
16:00 Carpenter - living room
20:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room
Saturday to Sunday
10:00 Carpenter - kitchen
13:00 Carpenter - living room
18:00 Carpenter - dining room
20:00 Carpenter - Archie's Room


First meeting
Introduction Are you reeeeeally the new person? Dad said you were a farmer. Is that right? What kinda farming tools do you have? Okay, I believe you. Why don’t you look like a farmer, though?
Introduction My Uncle Surya is new too. Just like you!
Monday - Wednesday, Heart 0-10 My mom makes the best fish tacos! That’s my favorite kind of taco.
Monday - Wednesday, Heart 0-10 Can you do stuff like that?
Tuesday, Heart 0-10 Macy lives at the inn, and she has a pet lobster. I’ve seen it lots of times, and…uh…Stephen, I think. Yeah, his name is Stephen.
Tuesday, Heart 0-10 This one time, she let me pet it!
Tuesday, Heart 0-10 I like playing in the forest. It’s close to my house, and it doesn’t get too hot. But I’m not allowed to go there by myself. So I have to wait for Dad to get out of work.
Friday - Saturday, Heart 0-10 I think I’ll go and play with Taco tomorrow at the vineyard.
I don’t get a runny nose in Spring, but my stomach does hurt a little when I drink too much milk.
It’s sad, because it tastes good.
Oh, there must be lots of frogs on your farm, huh? Supercool!
There are lots of frogs by Ben’s caravan when it rains. Well, I don’t know for sure, because Dad doesn’t let me go there when it rains. But we usually see more frogs after rainy days.
Sometimes I get treasures from fishing too. I like getting weird-looking twigs better than getting fish.
Crickets are my favorite Summer bugs.
Kenny said we should keep our distance from them, because they can sense sound and vibration. We don’t wanna scare them away.
Crickets sleep during the day and look for food at night. Pretty cool, huh?
Did you know each cricket sings a different song? They sound the same to me, but Kenny told me our ears aren’t sensitive enough to tell them apart.
I have to be careful with stuff I find in the forest. Because some things are dangerous to eat… Even to touch.
Do you plant cacti on your farm? The ones that grow pretty flowers?
At school we learned you can plant dragon fruit in Winter. It’s a different kind of cactus, and it grows fruit!
Date 1-6 I had a lot of fun carving a pumpkin with Dad… Now it’s snowball fight time!
We aren’t allowed to take the snow inside the school. It’s a mess or something like that. Ugh…
Do you have any Winter wishes?
I wanna go on a hot-air balloon ride someday and take my whole family with me.
Not now, though. When I’m old enough!

Heart Events

Heart event 1

3991 Hearts.png

Outside school, 16:00 - 18:00, Sunny

Archie is collecting rocks.]

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Carpenter, 09:00 - 16:00, Saturday or Sunday, Sunny

Player and Archie are polishing rocks.]

Heart event 5

4555 Hearts.png

School, 09:00 - 16:00, Monday or Friday

Archie shows his rocks in front of the class.]