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He is a vegan nomad who lives in a caravan that is usually stationed at the Forest. If you knock on his window on the weekend, he might have some random stuff to sell you. Be it items he finds scavenging the island, or things he does not want anymore. On some days that he isn't there, he is presumed to be driving off to another side of the islands and camps out.  In some seasons, he would stay put in Starlet town and grow basic vegetables and various flowers nearby his caravan. Ben has an extensive collection of healing crystals, loves road trips and daydreaming. He indulges his money on music festivals, kombucha and whatever strong “coffee” that he always seems to be on.


Image Name Description Source
All mushrooms
Banana A nutritious and filling berry. It grows on trees and has a mild, sweet scent. Farming
Green tea It’s hot! Artisan Goods
Image Name Description Source
Vegan Taco A quick meal packed with nature’s goodness. Cooking
Universal Decent Gifts
Image Name Description Source
Universal Neutral Gifts
Image Name Description Source
All Milk
All eggs
All Yogurt
Mayonnaise A creamy white spread. Artisan Goods
Eggplant lasagna Cheesy layers of eggplant and pasta. Cooking
Omurice An omelet made with fried rice and ketchup. Cooking
Sunny side-up The original egg dish. Cooking
Cheese Cheese made from cow’s milk. Cooking
Milk A small bottle of cow’s milk. Ranching
Clam chowder Creamy New England style. Warm and filling, rich with the flavors of the sea. Cooking
Fish taco A fresh bite of the ocean. Cooking
Seafood ramen The perfect meal for cold nights. Cooking
Sushi A bite of raw fish on a bed of fluffy rice. Cooking
Sashimi Raw fish with a side of spicy green paste. Cooking
Universal Dislikes Gifts
Image Name Description Source
Raw ores
Universal Bad Gifts


First meeting

"Ommmmm… Oh. A new face. Feeling really good vibes from you, mate."


"May our paths cross again."


"I sell a little bit of everything. Some stuff's rare, my friend. I don't exactly specialize, you know?"


"My inventory's kind of...eclectic, I guess? Something like that."


"If you need rare seeds, rare furniture, or something specific, I might be your guy. I might have it somewhere in my caravan."


"I’ll definitely sell it to you if I can find it. Check often!"


"Yeah, the van works. Well, the brakes are a little funny sometimes. You gotta stand on them pretty hard, but hey! Aside from that, it rides okay."


"I’m a wanderer. I don’t settle in one spot. It’s just not who I am. Except for today, I guess."


"Happy New Year!"


"You got a trumpet to blow there, Player?"


"Lots of mushrooms grow on this island, mate. Hmm. Hang on… Let me list them for you! Shiitake, black trumpet, truffle…"


"There’s that tiny red one, the poisonous kind. You probably shouldn’t eat it, though… Just to be safe, if you find any, give them to me."


"I love Spring. I can hear the birds chirping again. Like me! I’m chirping again. I’m a bird!"


"I’ve tried boots before. But they just didn’t feel right on my feet."


"Also, there was this strong odor after wearing them awhile. I took that as my feet telling me no."


"Ah, Summer. Enjoy the heat and humidity, Player. I feel great."


"My hair? It's all natural, mate. Just letting it do its thing."


"If it wants to lay flat, it'll do so like a champ. If it wants to float in the humidity, who are we to stop it?"


"Am I sad the leaves are falling? A little bit, but I know they’ll grow back."


"Take a deep breath, Player. In…and out… Fill your lungs with that crisp Fall air. Nice, right?"


"The Fall breeze always gets me itching to hit the road."


"See the red and orange on the leaves? It's my cue to roll out. Don’t worry, mate, I’m coming back. So don’t miss me too much."


"Ah, too bad I’m leaving soon. I see all these mushrooms popping up, and I won’t be able to gather any on my trip."


"My trip was epic, Player. That's the perk of van life... My home is always where I park it! Now, I'm all set to chill here for a while."


"Player, let’s take a deep breath of that chilly Winter. Whoa… That is cold! I think my brain froze a little there."


"What’s the point of complaining about the cold air? It is what it is, Player. Besides, look at all that beautiful snow."


"It’s kinda chilly, you know? Maybe I’ll head to the Tavern to warm up before I go to bed. This whole town is my home, mate. The Tavern, this van…your cabin, eh? Heh heh heh!"


"You know, once I’m all snuggled up in bed, I barely notice how cold it is. It’s kinda nice, actually, to sleep when it’s freezing cold out. As long as I don’t freeze, that’s all I ask."