
From Coral Island Wiki
Revision as of 03:20, 8 September 2022 by LynnAerith (talk | contribs)
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She makes a living by supplying stock images to a visual media company, Pletty, inc—Macy grew up in a neighboring island and now lives full time at the Inn. Before Coral Island, she went to university for accounting in Xorea, tried her luck doing corporate taxes for 3 years while selling photography as a side gig; at one point, she decided to pursue photography professionally—supply more pictures of the islands, selling more diverse content—more money for her, more recognition for the islands—win win! Before embarking on a life as an artist, she moved back home for a year, catching up with her family while preparing for her island hopping career—Though she didn't say how long she would stay in Coral Island, she mentioned that she would eventually move on to another island, unless she has a good reason not to.

For now, Macy enjoys taking pictures, playing video games, watching streamers and game reviews. She also loves a simple night with a deck of cards over frozen pizza and wine. Macy has a pet lobster that she keeps in a large aquarium in her room. She rescued it when it was stranded and lost one of its claws. Once regrown, she would set it free.. She names him Stephen.


Image Name Description Source
Pizza Cooking
Fruit Tart Cooking
Guacamole Cooking
Rose quartz
Blue quartz
Image Name Description Source
All milk
Universal Decent Gifts
Image Name Description Source
All vegetables
All scavegeable items
Universal Neutral Gifts
Image Name Description Source
All fruits
Universal Dislikes Gifts
Image Name Description Source
Pickled (item)
Metal Bar
Bottled kelps
Universal Bad Gifts