Template:Infobox food/doc

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< Template:Infobox food
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This is the documentation page for Infobox food.
It contains usage information, categories, and other content not part of the original template page.

Infobox to be used for items.


{{Infobox item
|title         = Defaults to pagename.
|image         = Defaults to pagename.png
|type          = Type as it shows in-game, written in singular form. Defaults to Consumable.
|category      = Hidden category that an item may fall under.
|health        = Health value.
|energy        = Stamina value
|recipe_source = Mail, Mastery, etc
|recipe        = NPC or Mastery
|effect_source = Considered a food or drink buff.
|buff          = Attack, Defense, Go fast, Farming, Defense flat, etc.
|debuff        = Slow, Poison, Burn, etc
|effect        = Effect that is neither a buff or debuff.
|sell          = Value if sold through the shipping bin. Automatically calculated until osmium quality.

  • category — Other categories that an item may fall under. Usually used for gifting, offering, or cooking.
  • buff — values are Attack, Defense, Go fast, Mastery names, Defense flat, Stamina, Bug awareness, Debuff immunity.
  • debuff — values are Slow, Poison, and Burn.
  • duration — Automatically added by the template if buff or debuff is entered.
    • dur_bronze, dur_silver, etc. — Duration for each quality may be overriden.
  • recipe_source — Mail, Mastery, etc. Not visible in the infobox. Adds Category:Mail recipes or Category:Mastery recipes


{{Infobox food
|description   = Nutritious and colorful. Yum!
|source        = 
|health        = 150
|energy        = 160
|sell          = 38
|buff          = Gathering
|effect_source = Food
|recipe        = {{NPC|Emily}} (4 hearts)
|recipe_source = Mail