Aaliyah's dialogue

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This page lists the dialogue lines for Aaliyah.


When speaking to Aaliyah for the first time in a new game
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Oh, hello! I don’t think we’ve met.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I’m Aaliyah.

Daily lines

Generic lines

Any amount of hearts

Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Now that I’m home, I don’t get to fly as much… I miss it! I’m itching to get back in the cockpit.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I wouldn’t let Mama hear me say that, though. She seems to think I’m home for good.
It’ll be easier for everyone if we let her keep thinking that until I have to leave again.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Or maybe it makes it worse…? I just don’t want unnecessary conflict, is all.
Not while I’m living under the same roof with her.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
You know, I’m glad to be back on Coral Island, but it’s not quite the same without my dad and my little brother here.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Do you grow trees on your farm? I heard they don’t die.
Food for thought.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Mama likes to be busy… I told Noah that it’s best to just let her.
It’s good for her to have activities so she doesn’t just sit around the house.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I like to eat the same things, especially for lunch.
It’s simple, you know? Eggplant lasagna or some hummus with things. I just made a bunch of food and put it in the fridge.
It’s one less thing to think about in the morning.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I saw one of my brother’s cats on the roof the other day!
It was at Sam’s General Store. Do they go to your place too?
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I help out my brothers at the Tavern sometimes, cleaning up, closing, business advice – things like that.
It’s what big sisters are for, right?

Starting with two hearts

Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Chaem is fun to play volleyball with. She’s really good.
Learning a lot of tricks and stuff from her.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I’m ready to relocate my family to the city if I have to… You know, with the whole oil spill thing.
It hasn’t gotten that bad, I suppose.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Don’t always believe everything you hear around here.
One time I heard a rumor from my own little brother about a ghost playing the piano in the community center. Yada yada yada.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
To have a ghost is one thing. Now they play the piano too?
Where would they even learn to do such a thing?

Starting with three hearts

Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Mama’s been baking up a storm lately. I keep telling her, “Don’t tempt me – I have to stay in shape!”
But then she waves a chocolate chip muffin under my nose, and that’s it, I’m gone.

Starting with four hearts

Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Playing volleyball with Chaem pushes me to be a better player… I like it.
It makes me better, and I get to work out.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Besides, she told me she needed a partner to train with.
I mean, if I can be of help, why not, right?
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Every several weeks or so, Eddy does his disappearing act where he doesn’t answer mail and makes Mama all worried.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I’m gonna have to snoop on social media and find out what he’s up to.
He’s got me all worried too!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I’m glad to be where I am in life, but I can’t stop here, no. I wanna keep educating myself…reach for the stars, as it were.
I gotta set a good example for my little brothers.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Have you heard of this show? I think it’s called Game of Cones? Noah’s always going on about it.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I tried watching it with him, but it just made me hungry.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Mama loves feeding the birds. She always has. When my brothers and I were kids, she taught us how to make bird feeders.
I still know how. I’ve just never done it.
Friday, Saturday
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
The weekend’s here. I’m gonna get Noah to play volleyball with me tomorrow.
He’s probably gonna say no again. It’s hard to get that one to do any sports.

Starting with five hearts

Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
You’re one reliable farmer, Player.
I like that trait in a person.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Oh hey, by the way… I like chatting with you.
You’re smart. You know a lot of things, that’s for sure!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
The trickiest part about being in basic training is the confinement. You gotta be okay with being with people in a small space for a long time.
Good thing I grew up with a lot of siblings. Trained since childhood, if you ask me!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Eggplant lasagna is far superior to generic lasagna.
The texture is out of this world!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I joined the military after university because I knew it was a path to becoming an astronaut.
Who doesn’t wanna be an astronaut?!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I see your work around the community, Player. Respect! I’d tip my hat to you if I were wearing one!
I don’t shy away from hard work either… I see we have a lot in common.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
It got pretty lonely at basic training. I missed my family.
Never leaving a place for months. That’s a long time.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
We did have a lot of things to do. The work never really stopped, so it wasn’t like we were sitting down, being bored.
But yeah. It gets to you sometimes.

With less than seven hearts

Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
My little brother and his friend, Alice, sure like talking about aliens. They have some…interesting theories.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I used to dream about going to the moon when I was little. Mama told us about the Moon Goddess and her rabbit.
I wanted to go there too. Ha ha! Thought it was the coolest thing.

Between four and seven hearts

Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
My little brother and his friend, Alice, sure like talking about aliens. They have some…interesting theories.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
The universe is big, so maybe we aren’t the only ones! But who knows?
If I see something when I’m in space, I’ll let you know. Ha ha!

Between five and seven hearts

Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Can’t wait to actually live on a spaceship up there and see Earth from above.
The view will be unbelievable!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
It’s tricky to get some space in space…Heh heh!
Jokes aside, you gotta learn to coexist with others in a confined environment while under a lot of stress.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Gotta say, it isn’t a walk in the park, but my siblings prepared me for it just fine.
I don’t think I’m doing so bad.

Seasonal lines


Generic Spring lines
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I don’t mind the cold weather and stuff, but nothing, and I mean, nothing beats eating outdoors.
But it’s much better in Spring than in the middle of an ice-cold Winter afternoon, of course.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Enjoying Spring so far?
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Do you grow strawberries on your farm? If you don’t, you should!
They’re so good when they’re fresh. My absolute favorite fruit.
Starting with two hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Being outdoors on a warm Spring day like this is my favorite.
Get that vitamin D, move your body… When your mind is clear, your day will be too.
Spring 2–7
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Miss the snow yet?
Spring 5–9
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Planning to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival, Player? You don’t want to miss it!
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Frank will be manning the grill, and my brother is more or less the grill master of Coral Island, so…
Spring 6–8
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Whatever you bring to the Cherry Blossom Festival, please don’t let it be brussels sprouts. Yuck!
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Blech! Sorry! Don’t worry about it.
You can bring whatever you want.
Spring 10–20, starting with one heart
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Spring is cool, but poor Char–
Ah! I’m just messing with you! Ha ha!
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Gah! People here can get all over your business, right? Everyone keeps talking about poor Charles this, poor Charles that.
Leave the man alone, people!
Spring 11
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Did you enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival? I ate so much I could hardly walk home!


Generic Summer lines
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I’m A-OK to spend my whole Summer at the beach, playing volleyball.
But the thing is, I can’t seem to find any partners other than Chaem.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Yeah, Paul is there sometimes and stuff. Just not often enough, you know?
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I can’t imagine going to the hot spring in this heat.
But I heard from my friend Chaem that the hunter dude goes there in Summer.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Don’t let the heat get you, Player!
Power through!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
The grass changes color in Summer. Did you notice that?
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
So tell me, Player, as a vegetable grower. Why do people care so much about the price of turnips?
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Hmm… Maybe not here, on Coral Island.
I visited an island some Summers ago – the heat reminds me of that trip. Anyway, some of the villagers there get very excited over the price of turnips.
It was oddly wholesome to see.
Summer 2–5
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Whoa! The farmer is here!
You look like you’re ready for Summer. Good for you.
Summer 2–7
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Thankfully I’ve fixed Fishensips’ ventilation just in time for Summer. It turned out there were clumped-up leaves stuck in there.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Could’ve been worse, I guess… It could’ve been a dead rat or worse…
Summer 23–28, starting at 5 hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I’m looking forward to spending some time at the beach and soaking up the sun.


Generic Fall lines
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Now that it’s Fall, Mama can’t stop baking mooncakes at home.
It’s not that I want her to, anyway. Heh heh!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
It sure doesn’t sound like a bad idea to fly over Coral Island right now. Just when the leaves are changing color.
Fall 7–12
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Do you think you might enter the crop display contest at the Harvest Festival?
You should! You might win something!
Fall 21–25
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Do you have more layers at home you can wear?
Winter is next week, and it seems like it might be a cold one this year.
Fall 25–25, starting with four hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Saw Lily cleaning up her mom’s grave the other day.
It must’ve been the day when–
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
It’s never easy to lose a parent… It wasn’t easy when I was little, and it isn’t easy now.
I feel for her and her brother.


Generic Winter lines
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
My brothers and I used to build snow forts in weather like this. Our snowball wars were epic!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Winter is nice here. I like the snow in the trees.
Only in trees! When there’s snow on the path – that’s different.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
You can cook nice hot meals if you have a kitchen.
Now that it’s Winter, you might want to have hot dinners. Thaw out your frozen insides. Ha ha!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
You wanna have a snowball fight?
C’mon! It’ll be fun.
Starting with one heart
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Bring on the snow! Winter’s here, so let’s get on with it. &laughs&
Winter 20–23
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Are you going to Bree’s for the New Year’s feast? It’s going to be a good time!

Weather-specific lines


Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
When I was in basic training, they made us camp out for three days in weather like this.
A test of endurance and your ability to stay cooped up in a small space with a bunch of people.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
You know what I’m craving right now, Player? A nice hot cup of coffee…
I’m gonna go and get some.
Starting with five hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Hopefully with the rain this heavy, the sky clears up tomorrow night. It would be nice to stargaze if you ask me.
Starting with five hearts, indoors
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
It’s a little chilly today. It’s kinda nice.


Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
When I was in basic training, they made us camp out for three days in weather like this.
A test of endurance and your ability to stay cooped up in a small space with a bunch of people.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
You know what I’m craving right now, Player? A nice hot cup of coffee…
I’m gonna go and get some.
Starting with five hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Hopefully with the rain this heavy, the sky clears up tomorrow night. It would be nice to stargaze if you ask me.
Starting with five hearts, indoors
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
It’s a little chilly today. It’s kinda nice.


Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
At the rate it’s been snowing, I’ll be out shoveling every day starting tomorrow.

Location-specific lines


Starting with two hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Going on a walk?
I’m here to train. Gotta keep fit to be an astronaut…and smart.
Oof, a lot of things to keep up with! But I’ll be okay.
I will be A-OK… Yep!
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
*left eye twitches*


Starting with two hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Gah! I got sand in my mouth!
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
The beach is nice this time of year.
Well, the beach is nice any time of year, to be honest. Especially when the weather is perfect like this.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
It brings back a lot of childhood memories.
Starting with four hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
That volleyball thing over there…it’s been here since I was little.
But the bright-red color is new.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
The whole area, including the chair, used to be blue.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Going on a walk?
I’m gonna have to wash my hair tonight… The smell of the ocean is strong today.

Center of town

Starting with two hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I like getting coffee at Raj’s place.
They’re good at making coffee – my favorite!
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
They once told me about how every cup is special – creating one is a work of art, things like that.
It works, though! Because the coffee at their place just tastes better than it does at home. I don’t know how to describe it.


Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Hey, Player. Did you stop in for a drink?
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
If you want to order, go to the counter. Frank will take care of you.
In living room
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Player, want to watch some TV with me?
I don’t even know what I’m watching. I wasn’t paying attention.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I’m trying to unwind, but my brain’s going a mile a minute tonight.
It’s hard to stop it when my brain starts doing its thing.


Starting with two hearts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Tell me, Player, do you think you’ll stick around on Coral Island? What’s your master plan?
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Yeah, I hear you. My career took me away from Coral Island for a bit, but this place is always home.
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Hmm. I get it, I do. You have to go where you need to be, know what I’m saying?
But I hope you’ll stick around for a while. We’re just getting to know each other.

Rare lines

Very rare random dialogue
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I wanna go up there… the outer space.
But to be honest with you, I’m kind of nervous.
What if I'm never picked… I’d get too old to go one day.

Gifting lines

Loved gifts

When gifted chocolate chip muffins
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Ooh, a chocolate chip muffin! What a nice surprise! I’m going to save it and treat myself later.
When gifted a strawberry
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Strawberries are my absolute favorite, how did you know?! This looks so tasty…
When gifted a gesha coffee or large gesha coffee
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Gesha coffee is the BEST kind of coffee! You really made my day with this, Player.
When gifted a hummus
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Oh, hummus! I love this stuff! Did you make it yourself?
When gifted a white hibiscus
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Such a pretty white hibiscus. I love this so much. Thanks for brightening my day!
When gifted an eggplant lasagna
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
How’d you know I was craving eggplant lasagna?! I can’t wait to dig in. It smells so good.
When given any loved birthday gift
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Happy birthday to me, huh?! Thank you so much for this, Player. I’ll treasure it.

Liked gifts

When gifted any fruit
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Nothing beats fresh fruit, know what I’m saying? Thanks for thinking of me.
When gifted any vegetable
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
This looks great! I can make a nice healthy supper with this.
When gifted any cooked dish
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Wow, looks delicious! Did you make this yourself?
When gifted a coffee or aged coffee
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Mmm, coffee… You know the way to my heart, Player.
When gifted any artisan product
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Whoa, this is really nice! Thank you! I can’t believe you went to the trouble.
When gifted a hibiscus
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Oh, a hibiscus! Shame it’s not one of the white ones… But what am I saying? It’s still a great gift. Thanks!
When gifted a bamboo shoot
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Bamboo shoots! Eating these makes me feel like a kid again. Thank you.
When gifted a plum
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Yes! I’ve been in the mood for plums for a while now. Thanks for bringing me this.
When given any liked birthday gift
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Whoa, just what I needed! I like this a lot, Player. Thanks.

Neutral gifts

When given any neutral gift
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Huh? Oh… I mean… thanks! Nice of you to think of me.
When given any neutral birthday gift
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Wow, thanks for the birthday gift. It was sweet of you to remember.

Disliked gifts

When given any disliked gift
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Um… I don’t want to be ungrateful, but…
When given any disliked birthday gift
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Oh, is this…? Well, thanks anyway. It’s the thought that counts.

Hated gifts

When given a failed dish
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I… I don’t even know what to say.
When given an artichoke kimchi
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Is this…ugh…sorry to be rude, but I don’t like kimchi at all.
When given scrambled eggs
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Scrambled eggs? You, um, you really shouldn’t have.
When given brussel sprouts
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Brussels sprouts? Sorry… I would have liked any other vegetable, but not this one.
When given any hated birthday gift
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Whoa… If I didn’t know better, I’d think you hated me or something. This gift… &shakes head&

Festival lines

Cherry Blossom Festival

Before festival
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Frank’s at the grill, so I skipped breakfast today.
During festival
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
My baby brother Frank is your guy for grilling stuff. A lot like dad.
After potluck (25–100 pts)
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Oh wow, I hope I didn’t eat too much today.
I get this nasty acid reflux if I have too much food in one sitting.
After potluck (0–24 pts)
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
I think I can make a better hotpot at home.
But hey, who am I to judge?
If Aaliyah has not been met prior to the festival
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Oh, hello! I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Aaliyah.
You must be the new farmer. Everyone in town was talking about you.
Talk to Aaliyah again
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
My brother, Frank, is manning the grill today.
That alone would be a big reason to get excited for today's festival.

Tree Planting Festival

During festival
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
This area gets a lot of rain. It’s good because a nice, stable water supply is what we need for reforestation.

Animal Festival

During festival
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
The town always goes above and beyond for festivals. It’s amazing.
I missed it when I was away.

Beach Clean Up

Aaliyah has no dialogue for the Beach Cleanup Festival.

Harvest Festival

Before festival
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
If I were you, I’d stay off the sweets today, Player.
Mom’s going all out for the Mooncake Festival.
After judging
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Maybe watch your mooncake fillings next year!
You might get one of my mystery ones. Ha ha ha!

New Year Eve Feast

During festival
Aaliyah icon.png Aaliyah:
Is it too early to say Happy New Year?


Aaliyah does not have any reaction lines.