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79T RelationshipValentina.png

General Information

Birthday Summer 3
Gender Female

Personal Information

Family Suki (Mother)

Alice (Aunt)

Pablo (Uncle)

Rafael (Uncle)
Address Coral Inn
Live In Beach

Valentina is roughly the same age as Archie. She goes to Starlet Town Elementary and enjoys painting. She isnt very good at it, yet. But she spends a lot of time practicing, especially over the summer when Nina, her mother’s close friend, comes to town. She also enjoys hot chocolate, and tea parties. Likes the rain.


Giving gifts to Valentina will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Valentina will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Oh, a birthday gift! Thank you so much, Player!"

Liked Gifts

"Thank you, Player! I love birthday gifts!"

Neutral Gifts

"Thank you for the birthday gift, Player!"

Disliked Gifts

"Um… Is this a birthday gift? Um… Yikes."

Hated Gifts

"But it’s my birthday today. Umm…"



"Oh, a gift! Thank you so much!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Basil Pesto Pasta This tasty meal is a kid-pleaser.
basic Fish taco A fresh bite of the ocean.
basic Red curry A spicy curry.
basic Green curry A flavorful curry.
basic Pumpkin pie A Fall treat.
basic Starfruit A tropical fruit with a high water content. It’s refreshing eaten raw, with a slightly tart taste.
Universal love



"Thank you, Player!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All Eggs
Universal Decent Gifts



"Umm… Thanks, I guess."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts




Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Dislikes Gifts



"Oh, nooooo… Not this again."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Edamame A healthy snack option.
basic Beer Drink in moderation.
basic Wine It‘s earthy on the nose. Or maybe smoky? Drink in moderation.
basic Sake Drink in moderation.
basic Kombucha Fermented tea leaves. Drink in moderation.
Universal Bad Gifts



Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
06:00 School
16:00 Coral Inn - Valentina hangs with Nina
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:50 In front of Community Center
13:10 In front of Community Center
18:10 Coral Inn - Valentina watches TV
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:30 Outside School
12:45 Outside School
17:45 Coral Inn - Valentina eats
18:10 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
07:00 Coral Inn - Kitchen
08:30 Community Center - Library
18:15 Coral Inn - Kitchen
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:20 Town area - Near Salon
15:30 Coral Inn - Lobby
22:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
06:00 School
16:00 Coral Inn - Valentina hangs with Nina
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:50 In front of Community Center
13:10 In front of Community Center
18:10 Coral Inn - Valentina watches TV
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:30 Outside School
12:45 Outside School
17:45 Coral Inn - Valentina eats
18:10 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
07:00 Coral Inn - Valentina's having breakfast
09:40 Beach
16:00 Coral Inn - Valentina's painting
18:30 Coral Inn - Valentina's playing Barbie
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:20 Town area - Near Salon
15:30 Coral Inn - Lobby
22:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
06:00 School
16:00 Coral Inn - Valentina hangs with Nina
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:50 In front of Community Center
13:10 In front of Community Center
18:10 Coral Inn - Valentina watches TV
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:30 Outside School
12:45 Outside School
17:45 Coral Inn - Valentina eats
18:10 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
07:00 Coral Inn - Valentina's having breakfast
09:40 Beach
16:00 Coral Inn - Valentina's painting
18:30 Coral Inn - Valentina's playing Barbie
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:20 Town area - Near Salon
15:30 Coral Inn - Lobby
22:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
06:00 School
16:00 Coral Inn - Valentina hangs with Nina
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:50 In front of Community Center
13:10 In front of Community Center
18:10 Coral Inn - Valentina watches TV
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:30 Outside School
12:45 Outside School
17:45 Coral Inn - Valentina eats
18:10 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
07:00 Coral Inn - Valentina's having breakfast
09:40 Beach
16:00 Coral Inn - Valentina's painting
18:30 Coral Inn - Valentina's playing Barbie
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
06:20 Town area - Near Salon
15:30 Coral Inn - Lobby
22:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed

Bad weather (for all seasons)

Monday to Friday
06:15 School
15:50 Coral Inn - Valentina watches TV
20:50 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed
09:00 Coral Inn - Kitchen
10:50 Community Center - Library
17:20 Coral Inn - Valentina watches TV
21:00 Coral Inn - Valentina goes to bed


First meeting
Introduction Hello, Player… Nice to meet you too. I’m Valentina.
Introduction Umm… Yeah, it’s really fun here. You get to fly kites and build snowmen in Winter!
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 Sometimes school is boring. You read all these hard books all the time. Blech!
Monday, Heart 0 - 10 I saw Uncle Rafael yesterday. He came to visit us at the inn. Every time I see him, he always asks me about school… Like every week!
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 I play at the beach with Oliver after school. So much fun! But then, we get hungry after a while, so we go home.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 Emma makes the yummiest fish tacos! Sometimes she comes to our class and just hands them out to us for free.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 I love cats. They're so fluffy and adorable. Especially when they do that purr thing…
Monday - Sunday, Heart 0 - 10 My mom always packs my lunch for school. She says lunch first, snacks second… Oh well.
Date 5 - 9 My mom said I don’t have to bring anything yet for the Cherry Blossom Festival.
Date 5 - 9 But I kind of want to, you know.
Mr. Barnes always has fun things for us to do.
This one time, we went to visit Jack at his ranch, and we got to learn about animal farming the whole day.
Some of my clothes are still at Dad’s house. I keep my fairy dress there because Nana and I put on fairy dresses in Spring and bless the garden before we start planting for the year. Nana is cool!
There are more seashells at the beach in Summer, by the way…
Umm… Or at least, it feels like it, anyway. I seem to be collecting more lately.
I don't like going to my uncle's house in the Summer. It's super-duper hot there.
I like going to Dad’s house. Nana and Papa live right next door, and I get to see them all the time! Plus, in the Summer, Nana always has lots of starfruits growing in her garden.
It’s fun here too, but at Dad’s house, I get to plant all kinds of things. Flowers…starfruits! Dad has a garden at his house.
Mom borrows Aunt Alice’s boots sometimes. They’re very pretty and comfy. I wanna wear them too when my feet are bigger.
I’m cold.
Date 1 - 5 Snowman season! Yay!
Date 1 - 5 Oh, finally! I get to dress up snowmen now and not just scarecrows.
Heart 8 - 10 Yay, snow!
Do you know where to get a mistletoe? I want to bring it when I visit Nana and Papa.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Beach Pier Area, 18:00 - 22:00

Player walks into the inn seeing Alice and Suki fighting about blankets for the inn. The twins asks the player to help them make a decision.]

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Walk to Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice is hanging out by the pier and stumbles upon Player. The two chat over Alice's hobbies and her love of controversial things such as UFOs.]

Heart event 5

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Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki are bickering about a small detail for the inn.]

Heart event 6

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Community Center, 09:00 - 17:00, Sunny

Alice and Suki are having disagreements about Joko's furniture show. Alice ends up crying and leaving the inn. Player tries to soothe Suki.]

Heart event 7

4827 Hearts.png

Local Tavern, 18:00 - 23:59

Alice drowns in her sorrow at the tavern and sees Player. Alice talks about her internal struggle and Suki with Player.]

Heart event 8

4988 Hearts.png

Coral Inn Kitchen, 08:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki makes up with each other. The two ends the day by hugging each other.]

Heart event 10

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