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Clinic is the place where the player can purchase medicine or potions. Yuri and Charles work here and can be seen inside the clinic on certain days.

There is a registration counter where the player can purchase items, a waiting room with medical posters, and exam rooms. There is a small inventory area where they keep extra vitamins and this is where Yuri usually works.


The clinic sells all stuff related to health & stamina.

Image Item Description Avail at Purchase Price
320Animal medicine.png
Animal Medicine Medicine for animals. Town Rank F 300 Coin.png
Medicine Can cure any debuff, and keeping you healthy for 6 hours. Town Rank F 400 Coin.png
Jamu A traditional medicinal drink. Smells strong, tastes even stronger. Town Rank F 450 Coin.png
Vitamin An energy drink packed with vitamins. Fully restore your stamina & health. Town Rank F 2000 Coin.png