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563T RelationshipBetty.png

General Information

Birthday Winter 13
Gender Female

Personal Information

Marital Status Single
Family Noah (Son)

Frank (Son)

Erika (Daughter In-Law)
Friend Eva
Live In Starlet Town

Back in the day, Betty used to run the Tavern with her late husband. Now, she spends her retirement days going around town re-filling bird feeders, educating kids about coral reefs, and baking patisseries. Bonded over their similar career choice, love for French pastries and red velvet cake, she befriends Eva, and often invites her over for a girls night in. She has good relationships with all of her children, Noah, Eddy and Frank. Only Noah and Frank live in Starlet Town. Her daughter is in the air force, training to be an astronaut and Eddy works at a start-up in the Valley.


Giving gifts to Betty will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Betty will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Thank you for the birthday present, dear. How thoughtful of you!"

Liked Gifts

"Thank you for the birthday present, dear. This is delightful."

Neutral Gifts

"Thank you for the birthday present, dear."

Disliked Gifts

"Oh, a birthday present? It’s not really to my taste, but thank you for the thought."

Hated Gifts

"Ah, dear, much to learn. This is not something you give as a present, let alone a birthday present."



"What a thoughtful young person. Thank you, dear."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Cauliflower The pale, undeveloped flower buds are called curd. It’s rich in nutrients.
basic Red velvet cake A velvety soft dessert.
basic Green tea It’s hot!
basic Daffodil A star-shaped Spring bloom.
basic Universal Loved Gifts



"Thank you, dear. It’s very considerate of you!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All Milk
basic Universal Decent Gifts



"We can certainly make use of this. Thank you, dear."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Neutral Gifts



"I don’t think anybody would want this, dear. Might be best to just throw it out."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All Mushroom
basic Universal Disliked Gifts



"Hmm, I think this is rotten."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Tortilla A useful cooking ingredient. Can be made from either corn or wheat.
basic Bread A light and crusty loaf of bread.
basic Coffee bean Brew 5 beans in a keg to make coffee.
basic All Garbage
basic Universal Bad Gifts



06:40 Recycling center - outside
15:00 Tavern - living room
22:00 Tavern -Betty's room
Monday and Tuesday
06:00 Tavern - kitchen
09:20 Garden Lane
16:40 Tavern -Betty's room
20:00 Tavern -Betty's room (goes to bed)
06:00 Park outside Lab
10:00 Beach
18:10 Tavern -Betty's room
08:00 Tavern - outside
10:10 School
15:40 Tavern - living room
21:00 Tavern -Betty's room
07:00 Lake area
13:30 Tavern - outside
19:10 Tavern -Betty's room
21:00 Tavern -Betty's room (goes to bed)
06:30 Recycling center - outside
11:30 Park outside Lab
19:10 Tavern -Betty's room
06:40 Recycling center - outside
15:00 Tavern - living room
22:00 Tavern -Betty's room


06:40 Recycling center - outside
15:00 Tavern - living room
22:00 Tavern -Betty's room
Monday and Tuesday
06:00 Tavern - kitchen
09:20 Garden Lane
16:40 Tavern -Betty's room
20:00 Tavern -Betty's room (goes to bed)
06:00 Park outside Lab
10:00 Beach
18:10 Tavern -Betty's room
08:00 Tavern - outside
10:10 School
15:40 Tavern - living room
21:00 Tavern -Betty's room
07:00 Lake area
13:30 Tavern - outside
19:10 Tavern -Betty's room
21:00 Tavern -Betty's room (goes to bed)
06:30 Recycling center - outside
11:30 Park outside Lab
19:10 Tavern -Betty's room
06:40 Recycling center - outside
15:00 Tavern - living room
22:00 Tavern -Betty's room


Monday to Friday
06:20 Ranch - outside
15:00 General store - outside
18:10 Tavern
21:10 Caravan
Saturday to Sunday
06:00 Caravan
21:00 Caravan (goes to bed)
Date 15-28
Out of town


Monday and Friday
06:00 Caravan - outside
08:00 General store
15:10 General store - outside
19:50 Caravan
Tuesday and Wednesday
06:20 Ranch - outside
15:00 General store - outside
18:10 Tavern
21:10 Caravan
Thursday (no hot spring)
09:00 Park in front of Community Center
16:00 Caravan
22:00 Caravan (goes to bed)
Thursday (hot spring)
08:20 Hot spring
15:00 Caravan
20:00 Caravan (goes to bed)
Saturday and Sunday
06:00 Caravan
21:00 Caravan (goes to bed)

Bad weather (all seasons)

Monday to Wednesday
10:00 General store
15:00 Community Center
19:15 Caravan
11:00 Community Center
18:20 Caravan
Saturday and Sunday
08:00 Caravan - outside
22:00 Caravan


First meeting
Introduction Ommmmm… Oh. A new face. Feeling really good vibes from you, mate.
Introduction May our paths cross again.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 1-10 I sell a little bit of everything. Some stuff's rare, my friend. I don't exactly specialize, you know?
Monday - Sunday, Heart 1-10 My inventory's kind of...eclectic, I guess? Something like that.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 1-10 If you need rare seeds, rare furniture, or something specific, I might be your guy. I might have it somewhere in my caravan.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 1-10 I’ll definitely sell it to you if I can find it. Check often!
Monday - Sunday, Heart 1-10 I run errands for Sam sometimes. Little things like grabbing seeds. He hooks me up with a sweet deal for the trouble.
Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10 I think about my duck sometimes… What’s going through his mind and all that. You know, the usual.
Date 2-4 Happy New Year!
Date 2-4 You got a trumpet to blow there, Player?
Lots of mushrooms grow on this island, mate. Hmm. Hang on… Let me list them for you! Shiitake, black trumpet, truffle…
There’s that tiny red one, the poisonous kind. You probably shouldn’t eat it, though… Just to be safe, if you find any, give them to me.
Player, don’t you just love all the flowers? So much life around us. Let’s stay still for a moment and absorb it all. Ommmmm
Heart 2-10 I’ve tried boots before. But they just didn’t feel right on my feet.
Heart 2-10 Also, there was this strong odor after wearing them awhile. I took that as my feet telling me no.
Ah, Summer. Enjoy the heat and humidity, Player. I feel great.
I hear people complaining about the heat, but nah, mate. Just enjoy it. Soak up all that sunshine.
Summer's just more of the same good vibes for me. Super chill. Well, super hot, actually, but you get it.
Am I sad the leaves are falling? A little bit, but I know they’ll grow back.
Take a deep breath, Player. In…and out… Fill your lungs with that crisp Fall air. Nice, right?
The Fall breeze always gets me itching to hit the road.
Heart 6-10 I cooked some durian the other day. Yeah, you heard right. I cooked it. It was bad.
Heart 6-10 The whole caravan smelled like wet socks. I can still smell it. I think the smell is permanently lodged in my nose.
Date 1-5 My trip was epic, Player. That's the perk of van life... My home is always where I park it! Now, I'm all set to chill here for a while.
Player, let’s take a deep breath of that chilly Winter. Whoa… That is cold! I think my brain froze a little there.
What’s the point of complaining about the cold air? It is what it is, Player. Besides, look at all that beautiful snow.
Date 1-9 Got a few new things for sale. Swing by and check it out?
Date 1-9 Picked up some neat stuff on my trip.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Beach Pier Area, 18:00 - 22:00

Player walks into the inn seeing Alice and Suki fighting about blankets for the inn. The twins asks the player to help them make a decision.]

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Walk to Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice is hanging out by the pier and stumbles upon Player. The two chat over Alice's hobbies and her love of controversial things such as UFOs.]

Heart event 5

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Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki are bickering about a small detail for the inn.]

Heart event 6

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Community Center, 09:00 - 17:00, Sunny

Alice and Suki are having disagreements about Joko's furniture show. Alice ends up crying and leaving the inn. Player tries to soothe Suki.]

Heart event 7

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Local Tavern, 18:00 - 23:59

Alice drowns in her sorrow at the tavern and sees Player. Alice talks about her internal struggle and Suki with Player.]

Heart event 8

4988 Hearts.png

Coral Inn Kitchen, 08:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki makes up with each other. The two ends the day by hugging each other.]

Heart event 10

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