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491T RelationshipAaliyah.png

General Information

Birthday Winter 27
Gender Female

Personal Information

Marital Status Single
Family Suki (Sister) Valentina (niece)
Address Coral Inn
Live In Beach

Aaliyah is a character in Coral Island and one of the 25 available marriage candidates.


Giving gifts to Aaliyah will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Aaliyah will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"Happy birthday to me, huh? Thank you so much for this, Player. I’ll treasure it."

Liked Gifts

"Whoa, just what I needed! I like this a lot, Player. Thanks."

Neutral Gifts

"Wow, thanks for the birthday gift. It was sweet of you to remember."

Disliked Gifts

"Oh, is this…? Well, thanks anyway. It’s the thought that counts."

Hated Gifts

"Whoa. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you hated me or something. This gift… *shakes head*"



"Ooh! This is special! Thank you so much."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Chocolate chip muffin It’s very sweet.
basic Strawberry A juicy, red Spring fruit.
basic Gesha coffee A gourmet beverage that gives a strong energy boost.
basic Hummus A savory dip.
basic White hibiscus The petals feel as delicate as their color is faint.
basic Eggplant lasagna Cheesy layers of eggplant and pasta.
basic Universal Loved Gifts




"I’m so touched you’re giving me this. I wish I had something for you."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All Fruits
basic All Vegetables
basic All Cookings
basic All Artisan Goods
basic Universal Decent Gifts



"Huh? Oh… I mean…thanks! Nice of you to think of me."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Neutral Gifts



"Um, I don’t want to be ungrateful, but…"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Dislikes Gifts



"I… I don’t even know what to say."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Kimchi It’s sour and zesty. Yum!
basic Scrambled eggs A perfect way to start the day.
basic Brussels sprouts A cluster of edible green buds on a stalk.
basic Universal Bad Gifts




07:00 Garden Lane
12:00 Tavern
21:00 Inn - Alice's room
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday'
06:00 Park
12:00 Inn
16:00 Inn - Outdoor
20:00 Inn - Alice's room
06:00 Park
12:00 Inn
16:00 Inn - Outdoor
20:00 Inn - Alice's room
07:00 Beach
18:00 Inn - Alice's room


07:00 Beach
15:30 Tavern
22:30 Inn - Alice's room
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
06:00 Park
12:00 Inn
16:00 Inn - Outdoor
20:00 Inn - Alice's room
06:00 Beach
18:00 Inn - Outdoor
21:00 Inn - Alice's room
07:00 Beach
18:00 Inn - Alice's room
Bad weather
07:00 Inn - Kitchen
14:00 Inn - Lobby
20:00 Inn - Alice's room


07:00 Beach
15:30 Tavern
22:30 Inn - Alice's room
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
06:00 Park
12:00 Inn
16:00 Inn - Outdoor
20:00 Inn - Alice's room
06:00 Park
12:00 Inn
16:00 Inn - Outdoor
20:00 Inn - Alice's room
07:00 Beach
18:00 Inn - Alice's room


07:00 Beach
18:00 Inn - Alice's room
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
06:00 Park
12:00 Inn
16:00 Inn - Outdoor
20:00 Inn - Alice's room
06:00 Beach
11:45 Inn - Outdoor
21:00 Inn - Alice's room
07:00 Beach
18:00 Inn - Alice's room
Bad weather (for all seasons)
07:00 Inn - Kitchen
14:00 Inn - Lobby
20:00 Inn - Alice's room


First meeting
"" Is that… Is that you, Player? Wow! I almost didn’t recognize you in that getup. Oh, so you’re the one moving into the lot, huh? That would explain the outfit.
"" Right. It’s not just the town, you know. The inn isn’t as busy as it used to be. Hopefully, with you moving in…it’s a sign of something good.
Oh, hello! I don’t think we’ve met.
I’m <NPCName>Aaliyah</>.
Planning to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival, <PlayerName>$player</>? You don’t want to miss it!
<NPCName>Frank</> will be manning the grill, and my brother is more or less the grill master of Coral Island, so…
Did you enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival? I ate so much I could hardly walk home!
I don’t mind the cold weather and stuff, but nothing, and I mean, <Italic>nothing</> beats eating outdoors.//But it’s much better in Spring than in the middle of an ice-cold Winter afternoon, of course.
Enjoying Spring so far?
Are you going to <NPCName>Bree’s</> for the New Year’s feast? It’s going to be a good time!
"" The cherry blossoms look beautiful this time of year.
"" Can I assist you with something?.
"" People like to dismiss things they can't see. What's the fun in that?.
"" Being alone isn't always bad. Personal space is rarely a thing when you grow up with someone sparkly like Suki.
"" Sure, energetic works too. Suki is energetic.
"" sometimes wonder if running this inn is the right move for me. I don't know...
"" The cherry blossoms look beautiful this time of year.
"" Can I assist you with something?.
"" People like to dismiss things they can't see. What's the fun in that?.
"" Being alone isn't always bad. Personal space is rarely a thing when you grow up with someone sparkly like Suki.
"" Sure, energetic works too. Suki is energetic.
"" sometimes wonder if running this inn is the right move for me. I don't know...
"" Summer, finally! Now I can read outside as much as I want.
"" Do you know what Summer is good for? Spending time outside, eating tons of minced jackfruit pies, going to the beach – all that good stuff.
"" I’ll read anywhere, but there’s something about reading outside in the Summer sun that’s more relaxing.
"" Easily the best thing about Summer is the abundance of jackfruit. I can make as many minced jackfruit pies as I want!
"" It’s easier to do my…research in Summer. I can stay out longer to see if there’s anything strange on the island.
"" Why can’t Summer be longer? I haven’t finished my reading yet!
"" It’s the last week of Fall, and do you know what that means? We have to prepare the inn for Winter. Ugh.
"" Fall is so pretty, isn’t it? Now, if only it were a bit warmer…
"" Brrrr. It’s starting to get cold. I’ll have to do my reading inside soon.
"" I miss Summer already…
"" When will this Winter be over?
"" The only good thing about Winter is it’s when our birthday is. Everything else I can do without.
"" I asked my parents and Suki if we could just close the inn for Winter, but they shot me down. Many times. You think a broken air conditioner is a problem, wait until you deal with a guest complaining about the heater.
"" I’d close the inn all Winter if it were up to me. But we can’t. Something about being the only inn in town. Ugh.
"" The snow is pretty, I’ll admit. But does it have to be so cold?

Heart Events

Heart event 2

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Walk to Coral Inn, 10:00 - 17:00

Alice and Suki are counting blankets in the lobby. Theyre preparing to change the sheets for the rooms. sadly, they need more blankets. Suki asked where the new blankets are and Alice mentioned that they havent arrived. Then they are arguing over the almost late blanket shipment. They argue whether or not they should complain to the company. Alice is timid and would rather wait it out as it isnt late yet, Suki told Alice that shed rather call to confirm. Youre there, listening. well, alice asks, what do you think?should she call?[option dialogues]

Heart event 3

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As a fan of ET and paranormal beings, Alice takes it on her own hand to investigate a rumour of weird sightings in the forest. When shes in the forest, trying to take pictures for evidence with her borrowed camera, it doesnt work.You take a look and find out that the camera is missing a memory card. Alice asks if you can help find it, of course you agree. youre a good neighbor. [a minigame where player finds the memory card. once found, the camera is fixed] alice thanks you and she continues on with her shenanigans.


Heart event 4

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You walk in on alice at the beach, chilling. Shes just sitting down, doing nothing? what is she doing, you wonder. you approach her and are greeted kindly. you just ~have~ to mention to Alice about how you often see her there alone. not stopping there, you asked her...why? Alice is in the mood to chat...She invites you to drink green smoothies. you obliged. She told you that she likes to read up on controversial things, one of them is UFO. she mentioned about how those subjects arent easy to put in small talk, so she usually just keep it to herself and think about them herself...hence, there she is. You fish what her interest is, [dialogue options] youre telling her that youre interested in knowing her more. she said sure, you two talk about stuff of her interests such as past lives. [choice dialogues.]


Heart event 5

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You walk into the inn and find out that Noah and Alice are hanging out. Theyre putting up articles on the walls and analyzing about some flying saucers phenomenons. When Alice goes to the kitchen to grab snacks, Noah slips and wrecks the wall where they mount articles on it,

Alice comes back and found out that everything is a mess. Option dialogue where player is given the opportunity to snitch on noah or not. At the end, the trio will put the posters back up to the wall.


Heart event 6

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Alice is walking from taking valentinas lunch to school, carrying basket of fresh vegetables. archie and zoe stop alice, she asks why they arent at school. they say that they had to collect samples for class and theyre on the way back. alice offers them some fruit to bring back. they picked 1 each. she spots you!

Alice offers if player wants some, [minigame where you slide open a basket and shown 3 options] you will receive in inventory what you choose.


Heart event 7

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You receive an invite to a dinner date with Alice, nothing romantic just 2 friends getting to know each other at the tavern. because that time you two talk at the beach was fun for her. she wants to do it again! The night goes with light option dialogues about hobby and interest. Alice then telling a story about a massive crop that she read happened in a valley just north of Pokyo. when she gestures it, the wine spills on to your shirt. oh no! youre shocked but not upset. Alice is very sorry and tried to dab it with her cloth. but ended up spilling over even more stuff! now jamu all over your pants. Alice is sad, you laugh it off. Alice laughs.


Heart event 8

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You walk in on Alice and Suki arguing at the inn. Suki is upset to find out that Alice went on a 'date' and she didnt tell her, her twin sister! Alice told her that its because Suki has been overbearing so she knew she would overreact. Alice mentions how Sukis behaviour shows that she didnt trust her, that in Alices eyes, suki only sees her as a small baby sister and never of her equivalent.

Alice ends up storming out of the kitchen, shocked youre there. The next day, Alice comes to the farm and apologized to you about how she behaved. [Option dialogues] on how you react to this. might lead to you receiving a hug.



Heart event 9

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you and Alice are chilling in front of the Inn, hanging out. Alice telling you about how she misses Suki, cos ever since the kitchen debacle, they have been cold to each other. Suki walks out of the inn, walking in on you and alice,

Suki comes to apologize to Alice, it turns out that Suki misses alice too...suki admits that she can be a steamroller sometimes and that she only wants the best for Alice. But she knows that Alice is an adult and that Suki will back off, be a sister and not a mother to Alice because Suki trusts Alice and she didnt want Alice to think otherwise.

Second cutscene, you walk in to Alices room while alice is doing what she enjoys the most.

reading up on flying saucers and putting up articles on her wall of information. You and Alice bond over this, even though you dont share this interest. Youre happy that Alice is excited. [Choice dialogues] to show your interest in Alice. Alice really likes spending time with you. she thinks that because you two have different interests, it really bonds you two together. she likes that you bring new interesting perspectives and very open minded. she thinks thats the best trait in people...[option dialogue]Then option to kiss.


Heart event 10

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You walk into Inn while the family is having dinner. Rafael, Valentina etc were all there. Alice invites you to join dinner, but the chair is all occupied. nooo!!! Suki then suggested to bring in a chair from another room so you can join and ask what you think about it. of course you obliged, youre more than happy to be included in her family activity. They all have dinner. Alice is happy that Suki trusts her by inviting you to join in. alice teases you, thankfully there isnt any wine here. you laugh! suki catches this and tell you two how much chemistry you two have. alice is blushing. .
