Artisan Goods

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Revision as of 09:47, 10 August 2023 by Novell (talk | contribs)
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Artisan products, or artisan goods, are items that are produced using artisan equipment by processing raw crops, foraged items, or animal products. Each artisan piece of equipment produces different goods of different qualities, depending on the quality of the ingredients. Artisan products are produced in the span of a few hours to days and usually sell for more than the raw ingredients they are produced from.

In order to make artisan products, the player has to obtain artisan equipment first. The equipment is unlocked by leveling up the player's mastery skills. Once the player obtains the equipment, they can craft it and place it on their farm, and then load it with raw items to start producing. The player can have as many artisan machines as they would like, provided they have the required materials and space to place them.

There are 3 types of artisan machines;

  • Resource Equipment : Artisan machine that produce new kind of resource.
  • Artisan Equipment : Artisan Machine that turns an item into derivative products. Increasing item value in the process.
  • Cultivation artisan : Artisan item that multiplies item.

Resource Equipment

Artisan Equipment