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| Introduction
| Introduction
|Um, yes?
|Have you given diving a try yet?
|I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new?
|Oh, that machine at the pier? Yeah, it’s a piece of very old technology.
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|Monday, Heart 0-10
|Monday, Heart 0-10
|It’s hard to get people to bring their own shopping bags. So, it’s probably a good thing Sam stopped giving out free paper bags.
|It’ll be good to get all the trash in the ocean cleaned up, won’t it? For one thing, we’ll actually be able to see how the coral reefs are doing and monitor their health.
|Monday, Heart 0-10
|Monday, Heart 0-10
|Hopefully, we’ll all eventually remember, and bringing your own bag will be the new normal. Ah, I see you have a backpack! You’ve got the idea, Player.
|But that’s far in the future. Right now, we just have to focus on getting the ocean floor around this island cleared.
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10
|Tuesday, Heart 0-10
|Seems like Dad’s been complaining about the recycling area more lately. I don’t go to that part of the island, so I have no idea what’s going on with it.
|Once you have five bottles of the same kind of kelp, bring them over to me. I can help you with boosting your farm output.
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10
|Tuesday, Heart 0-10
|But I don’t think it’s that bad. Everybody takes care of it, and it looks pretty clean from a distance. But what do I know?
|There will be a fee, of course!
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10
|Tuesday, Heart 0-10
|I thought of turning my bonsai garden into a small fruit garden, but the only fruit I like is mangoes.
|I once read a study that said music can help attract fish and repopulate dying coral reefs.
|Monday - Sunday, Heart 2-10
|Tuesday, Heart 0-10
|I suppose I could plant mango trees. Hmm. It’d be a boring fruit garden with only one kind of tree, though.
|One day, I’d like to incorporate music into my work here. But we have to tackle pollution in our water first.
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|Heart 0-10
|Date 1-4
|I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
|The snow may have melted, but it’s still freezing around here!
|Heart 0-10
|Date 19
|Today? Hmm. I had a banana this morning.
|It’s my good friend Walter’s birthday tomorrow. What should I give him, do you think?
|Heart 2-10
|Date 19
|I was on my way to the beach yesterday and ran into Dippa. I said hi, but they ignored me.
|No mushrooms. I don’t think he likes them very much.
|Heart 2-10
|Date 9
|It’s been on my mind. I keep wondering if I did anything wrong. Or they could have just been having a bad day, I guess. Hmm.
|I don’t plan to work tomorrow. Festivals give me a reason to take a break.
|Heart 4-10
|Date 9
|Oh, I just cracked my back! That felt good. I think I’ve been sitting down too long. I pulled an all-nighter last night until 4 am, doing QA for my game. So many bugs.
|Well, maybe I’ll stop by the lab after the festival for a bit. If time allows.
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|Heart 0-10
|Date 1-9
|I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
|You can do your own kelp extraction at home if you want to be economical.
|Heart 0-10
|Date 1-9
|Today? Hmm. I ate a tomato this morning. Yeah, that’s a fruit!
|You just need to build an extractor.
|Heart 6-10
|I saw a crab playing around in the garden this morning. I don’t know how it got there, ’cause we’re pretty far from the beach.
|I brought an extra layer, just in case it gets windy. You never know.
|Heart 10
|I wanna spend my Summer napping indoors all day. Hmm. Maybe I should do that.
|The cute little lobster, the one that’s always with Macy, reminds me of an old friend’s pet.
|Heart 10
|My PC’s fan was angry yesterday. Mmm, mmm, mmm all day long. The heat got to it too, I think.
|He also had a pet lobster, blue like that too. He made a little throne for it. Even had its name engraved on it. Very cute!
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{| class="scheduletable  mw-collapsible mw-collapsed "
|Heart 0-10
|Date 7-15, 19-23
|I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
|You can break open treasure chests you find at sea.
|Heart 0-10
|Date 7-15, 19-23
|Today? Hmm. I had an artichoke today.
|Who knows? They might have valuable items inside.
|Heart 0-10
|Date 19-23
|Kidding. I had some grapes. Why are you so interested in my diet, anyway?
|It’s sad to see how much trash there is at sea, isn’t it? It’s unfortunate.
|Heart 4-10
|Date 19-23
|Fall in our house is a bummer. It wasn’t always like that. We used to make our own mooncakes. They weren’t as good as the ones from the Harvest Festival. But making them was. It was cool.
|I need to get my flu shot, with colder weather on the way. Better safe than sorry, I think.
|Heart 6-10
|There’s a corn maze at the harvest festival in a nearby town. Yeah, went there a couple of times. It was kinda fun. It’s fun here too. I like the pumpkin-smashing game.
|I purchased these sweatpants at White Flamingo. They’re very comfortable. I might start wearing them all the time!

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|Heart 0-10
|I try to eat one fruit a day, every day. I like to be consistent.
|I donate the scarves and beanies I knit during the year to a shelter on the other side of the island. I hope they can use them.
|Heart 0-10
|We had some leftover grapes from Fall. So I just had some of those this morning.
|I always try to donate before Winter hits. Just whatever I knit that year. Usually, the mayor and Bree have things for me to send too.
|All my bonsai are temperate, so I don’t have to do too much to prepare them for Winter. Well, it’s still a lot of work, actually, but at least it’s not as much as for tropical bonsai.
|My ears get cold in Winter. *sighs*
|It’s kinda nice not to have to work outdoors in this weather. And my PC has angry fans, which is great for keeping me warm. Oh, not always. Only when I run certain programs.
|Aren’t you cold, Player?
|Date 22-28
|A cat broke into our home one night last Winter. It broke the window in the kitchen, stole some food, and left. We woke up to a freezing cold kitchen. It took us all day to fix the window. Oh, it was a cat, all right. There were hairs!
|I’m happy with the progress we’ve made this year. I’m excited to see what the New Year brings to our island.

Revision as of 06:18, 11 August 2023

392T RelationshipLing.png

General Information

Birthday Spring 17
Gender Female

Personal Information

Marital Status Married
Family Randy (Husband) Leah (step-daughter)
Address The Mansion
Live In Starlet Town

Ling spends her days working as a marine biologist at the laboratory located inside of Community Center; and her time off visiting her friend, Bree, at Hillside Brewery and Vineyard-- catching up over wine and pickled olives. Ling is married to a school teacher, Randy and lives in the old house near the park with him and her stepdaughter, Leah. The couple bond over their passion for serving society but have no children together. She dedicates her life in a study to improve coral reefs and developing ways to improve farm life with sea minerals. Ling enjoys knitting (beanies, scarf, cold weather accessories) and is the proud owner of a disturbing amount of “barbie” collection..

Ling has spent her whole life in Coral Island, in pursuit of saving the coral reefs. When she first moved to the island, there weren’t that many buildings around. So she purchased what was there, which was “the mansion”. The mansion is an old Victorian house, a bit larger than the normal house, but very old. You can tell that it used to be grand, back in the day..


Giving gifts to Ling will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Ling will give special dialogues if you give gifts on her birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"How kind. Thank you for the birthday present!"

Liked Gifts

"Oh, I forgot it was even my birthday. Thank you!"

Neutral Gifts

"Slipped my mind it was my birthday today! Thanks for the present."

Disliked Gifts

"I appreciate you remembering my birthday."

Hated Gifts

"Oh, I’m not too keen on this."



"How kind. Thank you!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Spring frittata A little Spring in every bite.
basic Silver Kelp Kelp of exceptional quality that can be extracted into a bottle of essence. Useful for upgrades.
Universal Loved Gifts



"Thank you for this!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Bottled kelps (except for Exceptional bottle of kelp)
basic All Milk
Universal Decent Gifts



"This is nice!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
Universal Neutral Gifts



"I appreciate you remembering my birthday."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic All eggs
basic All fruits (except coconut, mango, banana)
Universal Disliked Gifts



"Oh, I’m not too fond of this."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Apple Pie A very valuable mineral.
basic Almond Precious and very rare.
basic Garlic A bar of gold.
basic Cotton A bar of precious osmium.
Universal Bad Gifts



Sunday to Friday
07:00 Lab
17:00 Ling's Mansion - living room
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room
08:00 Hillside Manor - outside
17:00 Ling's Mansion - kitchen
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room
Date 1-4 (Year 1)
06:00 Beach pier


Sunday to Friday
07:00 Lab
17:00 Ling's Mansion - living room
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room
08:00 Hillside Manor - outside
17:00 Ling's Mansion - kitchen
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room


Sunday to Friday
07:00 Lab
17:00 Ling's Mansion - living room
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room
08:00 Hillside Manor - outside
17:00 Ling's Mansion - kitchen
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room
Date 11
09:00 Clinic
17:00 Ling's Mansion - living room
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room


Sunday to Friday
07:00 Lab
17:00 Ling's Mansion - living room
22:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room
08:00 Hillside Manor - outside
17:00 Ling's Mansion - kitchen
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room

Bad weather (all seasons)

08:00 Ling's Mansion - kitchen
10:00 Ling's Mansion - living room
21:00 Ling's Mansion - Ling and Randy's room


First meeting
Introduction Have you given diving a try yet?
Introduction Oh, that machine at the pier? Yeah, it’s a piece of very old technology.
Monday, Heart 0-10 It’ll be good to get all the trash in the ocean cleaned up, won’t it? For one thing, we’ll actually be able to see how the coral reefs are doing and monitor their health.
Monday, Heart 0-10 But that’s far in the future. Right now, we just have to focus on getting the ocean floor around this island cleared.
Tuesday, Heart 0-10 Once you have five bottles of the same kind of kelp, bring them over to me. I can help you with boosting your farm output.
Tuesday, Heart 0-10 There will be a fee, of course!
Tuesday, Heart 0-10 I once read a study that said music can help attract fish and repopulate dying coral reefs.
Tuesday, Heart 0-10 One day, I’d like to incorporate music into my work here. But we have to tackle pollution in our water first.
Date 1-4 The snow may have melted, but it’s still freezing around here!
Date 19 It’s my good friend Walter’s birthday tomorrow. What should I give him, do you think?
Date 19 No mushrooms. I don’t think he likes them very much.
Date 9 I don’t plan to work tomorrow. Festivals give me a reason to take a break.
Date 9 Well, maybe I’ll stop by the lab after the festival for a bit. If time allows.
Date 1-9 You can do your own kelp extraction at home if you want to be economical.
Date 1-9 You just need to build an extractor.
Heart 6-10 I brought an extra layer, just in case it gets windy. You never know.
Heart 10 The cute little lobster, the one that’s always with Macy, reminds me of an old friend’s pet.
Heart 10 He also had a pet lobster, blue like that too. He made a little throne for it. Even had its name engraved on it. Very cute!
Date 7-15, 19-23 You can break open treasure chests you find at sea.
Date 7-15, 19-23 Who knows? They might have valuable items inside.
Date 19-23 It’s sad to see how much trash there is at sea, isn’t it? It’s unfortunate.
Date 19-23 I need to get my flu shot, with colder weather on the way. Better safe than sorry, I think.
Heart 6-10 I purchased these sweatpants at White Flamingo. They’re very comfortable. I might start wearing them all the time!
I donate the scarves and beanies I knit during the year to a shelter on the other side of the island. I hope they can use them.
I always try to donate before Winter hits. Just whatever I knit that year. Usually, the mayor and Bree have things for me to send too.
My ears get cold in Winter. *sighs*
Aren’t you cold, Player?
Date 22-28 I’m happy with the progress we’ve made this year. I’m excited to see what the New Year brings to our island.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

Bree, Walter & Luke House, 09:00 - 20:00

Ling, Randy, Walter, and Bree are in the dining room having dinner.

Heart event 3

4223 Hearts.png

Lab, 08:00 - 17:00

Ling sits at a computer console, frustrated.

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Tavern, 17:00 - 00:00

Ling sits at a table with Randy inside Tavern. They’re both eyeing a menu.

Heart event 6

4696 Hearts.png

Lab, 08:00 - 17:00

Ling and Surya are having conversations in the Lab.

Heart event 7

4827 Hearts.png

Ling's Mansion - Kitchen, 09:00 - 14:00

Ling sits at the kitchen table with Randy, staring into space. Randy is drinking a cup of coffee and reading a thick book.

Heart event 8

4988 Hearts.png

Beach west area, 06:00 - 12:00

Player comes across Ling at the beach, staring out to sea. Player moves closer to her and she jumps.

Heart event 10

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