MediaWiki:Wikimarks.js: Difference between revisions

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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
(function ($, mw, dev) {
(function ($, mw, dev) {
    'use strict';
'use strict';

    var conf = mw.config.get([
var conf = mw.config.get([

        testUser = false;
* Insert Wikimarks into the DOM and attach the relevant events
function addHtml($menu) {
var $wikimarks = $('#mw-navigation > .collapsible-nav');

    * Insert Wikimarks into the DOM and attach the relevant events
    function addHtml($menu) {
        var $wikimarks = $('#mw-navigation > .collapsible-nav');

// everything is now done
// so fire an event so people can interact/extend it further

        // everything is now done
        // so fire an event so people can interact/extend it further
* Prepare the parsed HTML and attach to the DOM
function prepareHtml(html) {
var $parsed = $(html);

// remove the parser output wrapping element
    * Prepare the parsed HTML and attach to the DOM
if ($parsed.hasClass('mw-parser-output')) {
$parsed = $parsed.children();
    function prepareHtml(html) {
        var $parsed = $(html);

        // remove the parser output wrapping element
var $menu = $('<nav id="p-Wikimarks" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="p-Wikimarks-label"></nav>')
        if ($parsed.hasClass('mw-parser-output')) {
.addClass('vector-menu mw-portlet mw-portlet-Wikimarks vector-menu-portal portal expanded')
            $parsed = $parsed.children();
$('<h3></h3>', {id:'p-Wikimarks-label', 'class':'vector-menu-heading', tabindex: '0'})
.append('<a href="/wiki/User:'+config.wgUserName+'/Wikimarks" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="p-Wikimarks-list" role="button" aria-pressed="true" aria-expanded="true"><span class="vector-menu-heading-label">Wikimarks</span></a>'),

        var $menu = $('<nav id="p-Wikimarks" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="p-Wikimarks-label"></nav>')
// add classes to elements
                .addClass('vector-menu mw-portlet mw-portlet-Wikimarks vector-menu-portal portal expanded')
                $('<h3></h3>', {id:'p-Wikimarks-label', 'class':'vector-menu-heading', tabindex: '0'})
                .append('<a href="#" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="p-Wikimarks-list" role="button" aria-pressed="true" aria-expanded="true"><span class="vector-menu-heading-label">Wikimarks</span></a>'),
.attr('id', 'p-Wikimarks-list')
.remove(); // disallow nesting

        // add classes to elements
// remove href from text converted to links
$menu.find('a[href="' + conf.wgScriptPath + '/wiki/"]')
.css('cursor', 'pointer');
                .attr('id', 'p-Wikimarks-list')
                        .remove(); // disallow nesting

        // remove href from text converted to links
        $menu.find('a[href="' + conf.wgScriptPath + '/wiki/"]')
            .css('cursor', 'pointer');

// titles don't add anything to the links
// remove external link class for ease of reading the source html

            // titles don't add anything to the links
            // remove external link class for ease of reading the source html

        if (testUser) {
* Pass the preprocess wikimarks to action=parse to be converted into wikitext
function parseWikimarks(data) {
var params = {
action: 'parse',
contentmodel: 'wikitext',
prop: 'text',
text: data

(new mw.Api())
.done(function (data) {
var text = data.parse.text['*'];

// remove preprocessor comment
    * Pass the preprocess wikimarks to action=parse to be converted into wikitext
// should be able to hide it in api config
// but that's broken in mw1.19
    function parseWikimarks(data) {
text = text.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, '').trim();
        var params = {
            action: 'parse',
            contentmodel: 'wikitext',
            prop: 'text',
            text: data

        (new mw.Api())
            .done(function (data) {
                var text = data.parse.text['*'];

                // remove preprocessor comment
                // should be able to hide it in api config
* Preprocesses a wikimarks page to make it compatible with the wikitext parser
                // but that's broken in mw1.19
                text = text.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, '').trim();
function preprocessData(data) {
data = data.trim().split(/\n+/);

                if (testUser) {
var invalidLink = false,
parsed = [],
// handles:
// - /wiki/ (wiki pages)
// - index.php, api.php, and wikia.php (API)
// - /f and /d (discussions)
relativeUrlRe = /\/(wiki\/|(?:index|api|wikia)\.php|f|d)/;

data.forEach(function (elem) {
// ignore comments
if (elem.indexOf('//') === 0 || elem.indexOf('#') === 0) {

// handle external links
    * Preprocesses a wikimarks page to make it compatible with the wikitext parser
elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*\[([^\s]+)\s+(.+?)\]\s*$/, function (_, p1, p2, p3) {
// handle query strings
    function preprocessData(data) {
if (p2.indexOf('?') === 0) {
        data = data.trim().split(/\n+/);
return p1 + '[{{fullurl:' + conf.wgPageName + '|' + p2.slice(1) + '}} ' + p3 + ']';

        var invalidLink = false,
// allow appending to existing query strings as well
            parsed = [],
if (p2.indexOf('&') === 0) {
            // handles:
return p1 + '[' + location.href + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';
            // - /wiki/ (wiki pages)
            // - index.php, api.php, and wikia.php (API)
            // - /f and /d (discussions)
            relativeUrlRe = /\/(wiki\/|(?:index|api|wikia)\.php|f|d)/;

        data.forEach(function (elem) {
// handle relative URLs
            // ignore comments
if ( === 0) {
            if (elem.indexOf('//') === 0 || elem.indexOf('#') === 0) {
p2 = conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + p2;

            // handle external links
// else just return it unchanged
            elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*\[([^\s]+)\s+(.+?)\]\s*$/, function (_, p1, p2, p3) {
return p1 + ' [' + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';
                // handle query strings
                if (p2.indexOf('?') === 0) {
                    return p1 + '[{{fullurl:' + conf.wgPageName + '|' + p2.slice(1) + '}} ' + p3 + ']';

                // allow appending to existing query strings as well
// don't touch raw html
                if (p2.indexOf('&') === 0) {
// assumes that all html will begin with a tag, e.g. <span...
                    return p1 + '[' + location.href + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';
if (!/^\*+\s*</.test(elem)) {
// parse old style links to wikitext for backwards compatibility
elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*([^\[]+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/, function (_, p1, p2, p3) {
// handle absolute URLs
// 'http://' or 'https://' or '//'
if (\/\//) === 0) {
return p1 + ' [' + p3 + ' ' + p2 + ']';

                // handle relative URLs
// handle query strings
                if ( === 0) {
if (p3.indexOf('?') === 0) {
                    p2 = conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + p2;
return p1 + '[{{fullurl:' + conf.wgPageName + '|' + p3.slice(1) + '}} ' + p2 + ']';

                // else just return it unchanged
// allow appending to existing query strings as well
                return p1 + ' [' + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';
if (p2.indexOf('&') === 0) {
return p1 + '[' + location.href + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';

            // don't touch raw html
// attempt to fix instances of Foo?bar=baz
            // assumes that all html will begin with a tag, e.g. <span...
// domain added below
            if (!/^\*+\s*</.test(elem)) {
if (p3.indexOf('?') > -1) {
                // parse old style links to wikitext for backwards compatibility
p3 = '/wiki/' + p3;
                elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*([^\[]+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/, function (_, p1, p2, p3) {
                    // handle absolute URLs
                    // 'http://' or 'https://' or '//'
                    if (\/\//) === 0) {
                        return p1 + ' [' + p3 + ' ' + p2 + ']';

                    // handle query strings
// handle relative URLs
                    if (p3.indexOf('?') === 0) {
if ( === 0) {
                        return p1 + '[{{fullurl:' + conf.wgPageName + '|' + p3.slice(1) + '}} ' + p2 + ']';
p3 = conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + p3;
return p1 + ' [' + p3 + ' ' + p2 + ']';

                    // allow appending to existing query strings as well
                    if (p2.indexOf('&') === 0) {
// don't allow 'javascript:' urls
                        return p1 + '[' + location.href + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';
// ridiculously difficult to parse these in js without using `eval`
if (|win)\(/) === 0) {
p3 = '#invalidLink';
invalidLink = true;

                    // attempt to fix instances of Foo?bar=baz
// else we expect a normal wikilink
                    // domain added below
return p1 + ' [[' + p3 + '|' + p2 + ']]';
                    if (p3.indexOf('?') > -1) {
                        p3 = '/wiki/' + p3;

                    // handle relative URLs
// remove css comment
                    if ( === 0) {
// caused by loading wikimarks config through RL and pretending it's CSS
                        p3 = conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + p3;
if (^\/\*.+?\*\/$/) === 0) {
                        return p1 + ' [' + p3 + ' ' + p2 + ']';
elem = '';

                    // ## BREAKING CHANGE ##
// substitute in global variables
                    // don't allow 'javascript:' urls
// syntax: {$VAR} where VAR is a global variable
                    // ridiculously difficult to parse these in js without using `eval`
// @todo limit to stuff available in mw.config?
                    if (|win)\(/) === 0) {
elem = elem.replace(/\{\$(.+?)\}/g, function (_, p1) {
                        p3 = '#invalidLink';
// fix for properties of globals
                        invalidLink = true;
var parts = p1.split('.'),
test = window,

                    // else we expect a normal wikilink
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
                    return p1 + ' [[' + p3 + '|' + p2 + ']]';
prop = parts[i];

            // remove css comment
// @todo how secure is this?
            // caused by loading wikimarks config through RL and pretending it's CSS
if (test.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
            if (^\/\*.+?\*\/$/) === 0) {
test = test[prop];
                elem = '';
} else {

            // substitute in global variables
if (['string', 'number'].indexOf(typeof test) > -1) {
            // syntax: {$VAR} where VAR is a global variable
return test;
            // @todo limit to stuff available in mw.config?
} else {
            elem = elem.replace(/\{\$(.+?)\}/g, function (_, p1) {
return mw.config.get(p1);
                // fix for properties of globals
                var parts = p1.split('.'),
                    test = window,

                for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
// make simple text strings into a null link so it doesn't break the styling
                    prop = parts[i];
elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*([A-Za-z0-9\s]+)\s*$/, '$1 [[#|$2]]');

                    // @todo how secure is this?
                    if (test.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        test = test[prop];
                    } else {

                if (['string', 'number'].indexOf(typeof test) > -1) {
data = parsed.join('\n').trim();
                    return test;
                } else {
                return mw.config.get(p1);

            // make simple text strings into a null link so it doesn't break the styling
if (invalidLink) {
            elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*([A-Za-z0-9\s]+)\s*$/, '$1 [[#|$2]]');
// @todo do something

return data;

        data = parsed.join('\n').trim();
* Load the users wikimarks
function loadWikimarks(username) {
var load = '',
params = {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content',
// don't encode anything in the username here, $.ajax does it anyway
// otherwise stuff gets encoded twice and no results are returned
titles: 'User:' + (username || conf.wgUserName).replace(/ /g, '_') + '/Wikimarks',
indexpageids: 1,
origin: '*',
// Cache results for 5 minutes in CDN and browser
maxage: 300,
smaxage: 300

        if (invalidLink) {
            // @todo do something

        return data;
$.ajax(load, {
data: params
}).always(function (data) {
console.log(data, 'ajax data');
var res = '',
revisionData = data.query && data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]].revisions;

if (revisionData && revisionData.length>0) {
    * Load the users wikimarks
res = revisionData[0]['*'];
} else {
    function loadWikimarks(username) {
return; // No wikimarks, end
        var load = '',
            params = {
                action: 'query',
                format: 'json',
                prop: 'revisions',
                rvprop: 'content',
                // don't encode anything in the username here, $.ajax does it anyway
                // otherwise stuff gets encoded twice and no results are returned
                titles: 'User:' + (username || conf.wgUserName).replace(/ /g, '_') + '/Wikimarks',
                indexpageids: 1,
                origin: '*',
                // Cache results for 5 minutes in CDN and browser
                maxage: 300,
                smaxage: 300

        if (username) {
res = preprocessData(res);
            testUser = true;

        mw.log('params', params);
* Shows loading status until the wikimarks have loaded
function showLoading() {
var $nav = $('.wds-community-header__local-navigation .wds-tabs, .fandom-community-header__local-navigation .wds-tabs'),
$li = $('<li>');

        $.ajax(load, {
$li.addClass('wds-tabs__tab wikimarks')
            data: params
        }).always(function (data) {
backgroundImage: 'url("")',
        console.log(data, 'ajax data');
backgroundPosition: 'center center',
            var res = '',
backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
                revisionData = data.query && data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]].revisions;
.addClass('wds-tabs__tab-label wds-dropdown__toggle first-level-item')
'' + conf.wgUserName + '/Wikimarks'
.css('visibility', 'hidden')

            if (revisionData && revisionData.length>0) {
// hide the explore tab (the new "on the wiki" tab)
                res = revisionData[0]['*'];
// TODO: send in a ticket to get a class for this
            } else {
//   as it feels super fragile
            return; // No wikimarks, end
// find the list with "random page" link and hide the whole list (explore tab)
$('.wds-list [data-tracking="explore-random"]').closest('.wds-dropdown').hide();
// add our new tab to the start of the nav

            res = preprocessData(res);
* Load stylesheets
function loadStyles() {
'.wikimarks a[data-uncrawlable-url], .wikimarks span[data-uncrawlable-url] {'+
    * Shows loading status until the wikimarks have loaded
    function showLoading() {
        var $nav = $('.wds-community-header__local-navigation .wds-tabs, .fandom-community-header__local-navigation .wds-tabs'),
            $li = $('<li>');
        $li.addClass('wds-tabs__tab wikimarks')
                backgroundImage: 'url("")',
                backgroundPosition: 'center center',
                backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
                            .addClass('wds-tabs__tab-label wds-dropdown__toggle first-level-item')
                                        '' + conf.wgUserName + '/Wikimarks'
                                    .css('visibility', 'hidden')
        // hide the explore tab (the new "on the wiki" tab)
        // TODO: send in a ticket to get a class for this
        //      as it feels super fragile
        // find the list with "random page" link and hide the whole list (explore tab)
        $('.wds-list [data-tracking="explore-random"]').closest('.wds-dropdown').hide();
        // add our new tab to the start of the nav
    * Load stylesheets
    function loadStyles() {
        '.wikimarks a[data-uncrawlable-url], .wikimarks span[data-uncrawlable-url] {'+
'align-items: center;'+
'align-items: center;'+
'border-radius: 3px;'+
'border-radius: 3px;'+
Line 342: Line 325:

    * Checks for the correct environment before allowing the script to continue
* Checks for the correct environment before allowing the script to continue
    function init() {
function init() {
        // prevent anyone trying to load this for anons
// prevent anyone trying to load this for anons
        if (!conf.wgUserName) {
if (!conf.wgUserName) {

        if (!$('#mw-navigation').length) {
if (!$('#mw-navigation').length) {
            mw.log('Wikimarks: sidebar not found, aborting...');
mw.log('Wikimarks: sidebar not found, aborting...');

    mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.util'], function () {
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.util'], function () {

    dev.loadWikimarks = loadWikimarks;
dev.loadWikimarks = loadWikimarks;

}(this.jQuery, this.mediaWiki, = || {}));
}(this.jQuery, this.mediaWiki, = || {}));

Latest revision as of 20:29, 12 July 2024

(function ($, mw, dev) {
	'use strict';

	var conf = mw.config.get([

	 * Insert Wikimarks into the DOM and attach the relevant events
	function addHtml($menu) {
		var $wikimarks = $('#mw-navigation > .collapsible-nav');


		// everything is now done
		// so fire an event so people can interact/extend it further

	 * Prepare the parsed HTML and attach to the DOM
	function prepareHtml(html) {
		var $parsed = $(html);

		// remove the parser output wrapping element
		if ($parsed.hasClass('mw-parser-output')) {
			$parsed = $parsed.children();

		var $menu = $('<nav id="p-Wikimarks" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="p-Wikimarks-label"></nav>')
				.addClass('vector-menu mw-portlet mw-portlet-Wikimarks vector-menu-portal portal expanded')
					$('<h3></h3>', {id:'p-Wikimarks-label', 'class':'vector-menu-heading', tabindex: '0'})
						.append('<a href="/wiki/User:'+config.wgUserName+'/Wikimarks" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="p-Wikimarks-list" role="button" aria-pressed="true" aria-expanded="true"><span class="vector-menu-heading-label">Wikimarks</span></a>'),

		// add classes to elements
				.attr('id', 'p-Wikimarks-list')
						.remove(); // disallow nesting

		// remove href from text converted to links
		$menu.find('a[href="' + conf.wgScriptPath + '/wiki/"]')
			.css('cursor', 'pointer');

			// titles don't add anything to the links
			// remove external link class for ease of reading the source html


	 * Pass the preprocess wikimarks to action=parse to be converted into wikitext
	function parseWikimarks(data) {
		var params = {
			action: 'parse',
			contentmodel: 'wikitext',
			prop: 'text',
			text: data

		(new mw.Api())
			.done(function (data) {
				var text = data.parse.text['*'];

				// remove preprocessor comment
				// should be able to hide it in api config
				// but that's broken in mw1.19
				text = text.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, '').trim();


	 * Preprocesses a wikimarks page to make it compatible with the wikitext parser
	function preprocessData(data) {
		data = data.trim().split(/\n+/);

		var invalidLink = false,
			parsed = [],
			// handles:
			// - /wiki/ (wiki pages)
			// - index.php, api.php, and wikia.php (API)
			// - /f and /d (discussions)
			relativeUrlRe = /\/(wiki\/|(?:index|api|wikia)\.php|f|d)/;

		data.forEach(function (elem) {
			// ignore comments
			if (elem.indexOf('//') === 0 || elem.indexOf('#') === 0) {

			// handle external links
			elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*\[([^\s]+)\s+(.+?)\]\s*$/, function (_, p1, p2, p3) {
				// handle query strings
				if (p2.indexOf('?') === 0) {
					return p1 + '[{{fullurl:' + conf.wgPageName + '|' + p2.slice(1) + '}} ' + p3 + ']';

				// allow appending to existing query strings as well
				if (p2.indexOf('&') === 0) {
					return p1 + '[' + location.href + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';

				// handle relative URLs
				if ( === 0) {
					p2 = conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + p2;

				// else just return it unchanged
				return p1 + ' [' + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';

			// don't touch raw html
			// assumes that all html will begin with a tag, e.g. <span...
			if (!/^\*+\s*</.test(elem)) {
				// parse old style links to wikitext for backwards compatibility
				elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*([^\[]+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/, function (_, p1, p2, p3) {
					// handle absolute URLs
					// 'http://' or 'https://' or '//'
					if (\/\//) === 0) {
						return p1 + ' [' + p3 + ' ' + p2 + ']';

					// handle query strings
					if (p3.indexOf('?') === 0) {
						return p1 + '[{{fullurl:' + conf.wgPageName + '|' + p3.slice(1) + '}} ' + p2 + ']';

					// allow appending to existing query strings as well
					if (p2.indexOf('&') === 0) {
						return p1 + '[' + location.href + p2 + ' ' + p3 + ']';

					// attempt to fix instances of Foo?bar=baz
					// domain added below
					if (p3.indexOf('?') > -1) {
						p3 = '/wiki/' + p3;

					// handle relative URLs
					if ( === 0) {
						p3 = conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + p3;
						return p1 + ' [' + p3 + ' ' + p2 + ']';

					// ## BREAKING CHANGE ##
					// don't allow 'javascript:' urls
					// ridiculously difficult to parse these in js without using `eval`
					if (|win)\(/) === 0) {
						p3 = '#invalidLink';
						invalidLink = true;

					// else we expect a normal wikilink
					return p1 + ' [[' + p3 + '|' + p2 + ']]';

			// remove css comment
			// caused by loading wikimarks config through RL and pretending it's CSS
			if (^\/\*.+?\*\/$/) === 0) {
				elem = '';

			// substitute in global variables
			// syntax: {$VAR} where VAR is a global variable
			// @todo limit to stuff available in mw.config?
			elem = elem.replace(/\{\$(.+?)\}/g, function (_, p1) {
				// fix for properties of globals
				var parts = p1.split('.'),
					test = window,

				for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1) {
					prop = parts[i];

					// @todo how secure is this?
					if (test.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
						test = test[prop];
					} else {

				if (['string', 'number'].indexOf(typeof test) > -1) {
					return test;
				} else {
					return mw.config.get(p1);

			// make simple text strings into a null link so it doesn't break the styling
			elem = elem.replace(/^(\*+)\s*([A-Za-z0-9\s]+)\s*$/, '$1 [[#|$2]]');


		data = parsed.join('\n').trim();

		if (invalidLink) {
			// @todo do something

		return data;

	 * Load the users wikimarks
	function loadWikimarks(username) {
		var load = '',
			params = {
				action: 'query',
				format: 'json',
				prop: 'revisions',
				rvprop: 'content',
				// don't encode anything in the username here, $.ajax does it anyway
				// otherwise stuff gets encoded twice and no results are returned
				titles: 'User:' + (username || conf.wgUserName).replace(/ /g, '_') + '/Wikimarks',
				indexpageids: 1,
				origin: '*',
				// Cache results for 5 minutes in CDN and browser
				maxage: 300,
				smaxage: 300

		$.ajax(load, {
			data: params
		}).always(function (data) {
			console.log(data, 'ajax data');
			var res = '',
				revisionData = data.query && data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]].revisions;

			if (revisionData && revisionData.length>0) {
				res = revisionData[0]['*'];
			} else {
				return; // No wikimarks, end

			res = preprocessData(res);

	 * Shows loading status until the wikimarks have loaded
	function showLoading() {
		var $nav = $('.wds-community-header__local-navigation .wds-tabs, .fandom-community-header__local-navigation .wds-tabs'),
			$li = $('<li>');

		$li.addClass('wds-tabs__tab wikimarks')
				backgroundImage: 'url("")',
				backgroundPosition: 'center center',
				backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
							.addClass('wds-tabs__tab-label wds-dropdown__toggle first-level-item')
										'' + conf.wgUserName + '/Wikimarks'
									.css('visibility', 'hidden')

		// hide the explore tab (the new "on the wiki" tab)
		// TODO: send in a ticket to get a class for this
		//	   as it feels super fragile
		// find the list with "random page" link and hide the whole list (explore tab)
		$('.wds-list [data-tracking="explore-random"]').closest('.wds-dropdown').hide();
		// add our new tab to the start of the nav

	 * Load stylesheets
	function loadStyles() {
			'.wikimarks a[data-uncrawlable-url], .wikimarks span[data-uncrawlable-url] {'+
				'align-items: center;'+
				'border-radius: 3px;'+
				'display: flex;'+
				'line-height: 1.75em;'+
				'padding: 9px 6px;'+

	 * Checks for the correct environment before allowing the script to continue
	function init() {
		// prevent anyone trying to load this for anons
		if (!conf.wgUserName) {

		if (!$('#mw-navigation').length) {
			mw.log('Wikimarks: sidebar not found, aborting...');

	mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.util'], function () {

	dev.loadWikimarks = loadWikimarks;

}(this.jQuery, this.mediaWiki, = || {}));