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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eleifend tellus a ultrices dignissim. Quisque erat orci, accumsan vitae consectetur vitae, pretium ut purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam ac sodales augue. Sed justo enim, ullamcorper ac tincidunt sed, posuere sed mauris. Vestibulum vulputate, velit non hendrerit blandit, nunc dui pulvinar lacus, mollis suscipit neque enim nec mauris. Nam imperdiet mauris ac purus molestie viverra. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum laoreet urna non risus consectetur varius. Nulla tincidunt in ligula quis vestibulum. In vehicula eros ac feugiat lacinia.
'''Stamina''' is one of the most important resources that players must manage in Coral Island. It is used to perform various actions such as tilling, chopping, watering, fishing, bug-catching, and cooking. Each action requires a certain amount of stamina, and if a player runs out of stamina, their movement speed will decrease. If a player overworks themselves and completely depletes their stamina, they will pass out and will be taken to the clinic and charged for treatment. It is essential to keep an eye on the stamina bar, to avoid passing out and incurring expenses at the clinic. Player can also recover stamina by soaking in the Hot Sping, once they have unlocked it.

Sed maximus, dolor non cursus vehicula, libero lacus venenatis ipsum, at bibendum felis nisi sed quam. Sed mauris justo, pretium nec rutrum ut, rutrum ac ex. Nulla fringilla vehicula tincidunt. Cras non eros sed lectus bibendum tristique ac tincidunt massa. Ut condimentum, ligula non bibendum faucibus, orci tortor ullamcorper tellus, id pretium dui arcu ultricies sem. Vivamus mollis nibh enim. Suspendisse potenti. Duis porta leo ac metus malesuada, vel sodales felis luctus. Cras egestas, dolor in pretium euismod, mauris enim dignissim lorem, sit amet dignissim quam purus a ligula. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sed tristique turpis, quis hendrerit eros. Nulla at euismod arcu. Mauris faucibus sagittis enim pellentesque porta. Etiam ornare tellus in ex suscipit laoreet. Sed vel orci molestie, ultrices risus id, consectetur erat. Sed enim dolor, posuere vel condimentum vitae, placerat ac ligula.
[[File:Sta & HP bar.png|frameless]]

Nunc hendrerit mauris nec orci ultrices, quis blandit lorem interdum. Aliquam ornare quam id tortor tristique tincidunt. Sed non ullamcorper dui. Vivamus pretium nunc lacus. Nulla blandit bibendum magna, a vestibulum sapien. Curabitur laoreet eleifend scelerisque. Morbi scelerisque gravida ante, eget viverra mauris pulvinar non. Aliquam ullamcorper, est nec posuere sagittis, arcu augue faucibus ante, quis gravida nisl felis ut arcu. Mauris viverra libero eget purus tempor fermentum id sed lacus. Morbi ultricies in nisi vitae venenatis. Suspendisse quis imperdiet sapien. Donec vitae sapien interdum, tempor lacus vitae, suscipit dui.
In addition to stamina, players in Coral Island also have to manage their H'''ealth points (HP)'''. HP can be depleted if the player is attacked by enemies or if they consume unhealthy food. It is important to keep an eye on the player's HP bar and make sure it does not reach zero. In the mine, if the player's HP is depleted, they will be brought back to the entrance of the mine. It is essential to take care of the player's health by eating nutritious food and avoiding taking damage as much as possible.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras quis eleifend ligula. Mauris mattis ante id consequat posuere. Sed neque turpis, congue et tortor vitae, pharetra ornare orci. In tincidunt consequat ex, non viverra purus aliquet a. Maecenas ac tristique diam. Vivamus a tempus quam.
== Stamina ==
'''Maximum stamina''' is the amount of stamina capacity player can have. While '''stamina''' is the amount of stamina player currently have.

Nam et ornare tortor, et tincidunt urna. Curabitur a nisi ut nisi vehicula posuere. Nulla dictum erat eu porta pellentesque. Pellentesque lobortis turpis odio, eget gravida elit vehicula nec. Integer consequat libero ipsum, ac commodo sem ultrices non. Sed accumsan tortor nunc, eget gravida est eleifend id. Sed consectetur neque sit amet dui luctus blandit. Pellentesque id mauris bibendum, posuere augue eu, congue libero. Maecenas neque tortor, sodales et risus non, pharetra volutpat turpis. Fusce condimentum odio sit amet dui laoreet, non aliquet erat varius. Suspendisse sit amet est arcu. Maecenas dictum orci id leo pellentesque, quis tristique elit sodales. Vestibulum hendrerit, lorem a feugiat finibus, diam lectus ultrices ligula, non posuere libero diam eget mi.
Player start the game with  {{iconNew|365Energy.webp}}450 stamina. For each mastery point achieved, player receive {{iconNew|365Energy.webp}}+3 Maximum stamina. Consuming stamina fruit give player an instant {{iconNew|365Energy.webp}}+45 maximum Stamina. It means there are 2 ways to increase player's max stamina capacity. Beside mastery skill, player can obtain stamina fruit at
* {{IconNoLink|384Stamina fruit.png |20px|1 at Harvest Festival}}{{IconNoLink|384Stamina fruit.png |20px|1 from Freeing all Giants}}{{IconNoLink|384Stamina fruit.png |20px|1 from Unlocking 40m diving}}{{IconNoLink|384Stamina fruit.png |20px|1 Can be Purchase at Ratih}}{{IconNoLink|384Stamina fruit.png |20px|1 From Donated 200 items to Museum}}{{IconNoLink|384Stamina fruit.png |20px|1 from Completing 10 offering at Temple}}{{IconNoLink|384Stamina fruit.png |20px|1 from Give red durian to Giant Orangutan}}
== Health Point ==

Revision as of 09:22, 16 August 2023

Stamina is one of the most important resources that players must manage in Coral Island. It is used to perform various actions such as tilling, chopping, watering, fishing, bug-catching, and cooking. Each action requires a certain amount of stamina, and if a player runs out of stamina, their movement speed will decrease. If a player overworks themselves and completely depletes their stamina, they will pass out and will be taken to the clinic and charged for treatment. It is essential to keep an eye on the stamina bar, to avoid passing out and incurring expenses at the clinic. Player can also recover stamina by soaking in the Hot Sping, once they have unlocked it.

Sta & HP bar.png

In addition to stamina, players in Coral Island also have to manage their Health points (HP). HP can be depleted if the player is attacked by enemies or if they consume unhealthy food. It is important to keep an eye on the player's HP bar and make sure it does not reach zero. In the mine, if the player's HP is depleted, they will be brought back to the entrance of the mine. It is essential to take care of the player's health by eating nutritious food and avoiding taking damage as much as possible.


Maximum stamina is the amount of stamina capacity player can have. While stamina is the amount of stamina player currently have.

Player start the game with basic450 stamina. For each mastery point achieved, player receive basic+3 Maximum stamina. Consuming stamina fruit give player an instant basic+45 maximum Stamina. It means there are 2 ways to increase player's max stamina capacity. Beside mastery skill, player can obtain stamina fruit at

  • basic
    1 at Harvest Festival
    1 from Freeing all Giants
    1 from Unlocking 40m diving
    1 Can be Purchase at Ratih
    1 From Donated 200 items to Museum
    1 from Completing 10 offering at Temple
    1 from Give red durian to Giant Orangutan

Health Point