Raj: Difference between revisions

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Line 105: Line 105:
|Universal Decent Gifts
|Universal Decent Gifts
|All fruits
|It restores energy. Sweet and chewy.
Line 125: Line 137:
|All Fruits (except coconut, apple, lemon, olive)
|All Gems
|All Vegetables (except Turnips, Rice, Cotton, Barley, Soybeans, Grass, & Wheat)

Line 163: Line 156:
|All Mushrooms
|All vegetables
|Any kind of mushrooms.
|All Fish
|Any kind of fish.
|Any kind of fish.
|Any kind of fences.
|A chance to grow better quality crops if mixed with soil.
Line 186: Line 191:
|An enormous, prickly fruit with a powerful odor.
|A traditional medicinal drink. Smells strong, tastes even stronger.
|Fermented tea leaves. Drink in moderation.

Revision as of 05:40, 10 August 2023

294T RelationshipRaj.png

General Information

Birthday Winter 27
Gender Female

Personal Information

Marital Status Single
Family Suki (Sister) Valentina (niece)
Address Coral Inn
Live In Beach

Raj is a character in Coral Island and one of the 25 available marriage candidates. They own a small coffee shop in Starlet Town called Raja's Coffee Corner. They live in Coral Inn.


Giving gifts to Raj will raise the friendship level, and you can do it twice a week. Raj will give special dialogues if you give gifts on their birthdays:

Loved Gifts

"You didn’t have to get me anything for my birthday. But I’m glad you did, because this gift is awesome!"

Liked Gifts

"You didn’t have to get me anything for my birthday. But I’m glad you did, because this gift is awesome!"

Neutral Gifts

"Oh, would you look at that! A birthday gift. Thank you!"

Disliked Gifts

"That’s…kind of a weird thing to give someone. It’s all good, though! Sorry, that was rude."

Hated Gifts

"Um… This is a bad birthday gift."



"This is beautiful! I really love it, my love. Thanks for thinking of me."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Tea leaf An aromatic leaf commonly brewed for a hot beverage.
basic Coffee bean Brew 5 beans in a keg to make coffee.
basic Coffee An instant energy boost.
basic Gesha coffee bean A handful of gourmet coffee beans, carefully selected and naturally fermented by a friendly local luwak.
basic Gesha coffee A gourmet beverage that gives a strong energy boost.
basic Green tea It’s hot!
basic Apple pie Sweet, spiced apple filling in a flaky pastry crust.
basic Donut An irresistable ring of sweet, deep-fried dough.



"Oh, would you look at that. Thanks, my love!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Decent Gifts
basic All fruits
basic Cenil It restores energy. Sweet and chewy.



"You’re not going to believe this, but just this morning I was thinking I should go buy one of these. You read my mind, my love! Thanks!"

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Neutral Gifts



"That’s…kind of a weird thing to give someone, my love. It’s all good, though! Sorry, that was rude."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Universal Dislikes Gifts
basic All vegetables
basic Fish Any kind of fish.
basic Fences Any kind of fences.
basic Fertilizer A chance to grow better quality crops if mixed with soil.



"Um… This is a bad gift."

Image Name Description Source Ingredients Name
basic Jamu A traditional medicinal drink. Smells strong, tastes even stronger.
basic Universal Bad Gifts




Monday to Wednesday
08:30 Blacksmith
14:00 near Emma's Food Truck
16:40 Blacksmith
22:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Thursday & Friday
08:30 Blacksmith
17:30 Tavern
23:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
07:00 Blacksmith
11:00 Beach - Volleyball area
17:00 Tavern
23:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
07:00 Outside Cavern/Mining
17:00 Ben's Caravan
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed


Monday to Wednesday
08:30 Blacksmith
14:00 near Emma's Food Truck
16:40 Blacksmith
22:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Thursday & Friday'
08:30 Blacksmith
17:30 Tavern
23:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
07:00 Blacksmith
11:00 Beach - Volleyball area
17:00 Tavern
23:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
07:00 Outside Cavern/Mining
17:00 Ben's Caravan
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed


Monday, Wednesday, Sunday
08:30 Blacksmith
14:00 near Emma's Food Truck
16:40 Blacksmith
22:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
07:00 Outside Cavern/Mining
16:00 In front of Blacksmith - Gardening
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Thursday & Friday (No Hot Spring)
08:30 Blacksmith
16:50 Coral Inn
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Thursday & Friday (Hot Spring)
06:00 Blacksmith
13:40 Hot Spring
20:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
07:00 Blacksmith
12:10 Blacksmith
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed


08:30 Blacksmith
14:00 near Emma's Food Truck
16:40 Blacksmith
22:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Tuesday & Wednesday
09:00 Blacksmith
14:00 Raja Coffee
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Thursday & Friday (No Hot Spring)
08:30 Blacksmith
16:50 Coral Inn
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Thursday & Friday (Hot Spring)
06:00 Blacksmith
13:40 Hot Spring
20:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
07:00 Blacksmith
12:00 General Store - Bakery Section
17:00 Tavern
23:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
07:00 Outside Cavern/Mining
17:00 Ben's Caravan
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed

Bad weather (for all seasons)

Monday to Saturday
07:00 Blacksmith - Kitchen
09:00 Blacksmith
16:50 Tavern - Pablo plays pool
21:30 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Sunday (No Hot Spring)
08:00 Coral Inn
19:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed
Sunday (Hot Spring)
07:40 Hot Spring
15:00 Blacksmith - Kitchen
21:00 Blacksmith - Pablo goes to bed


First meeting
Introduction You must be Player, right? Damn, I wasn’t expecting you to look like this. You’re surprisingly cute!
Introduction Well, it’s nice to finally meet you! Name’s Pablo. I don’t know jack about farming, but hey! If you need help with tools, come by my shop just north of town, and I’ll see what I can do. Ciao!
Monday - Friday, Heart 2 - 10 Business hours, huh? You're making it sound so official, Player. Ha! Our shop is open Monday to Saturday. We’re closed on Sunday.
Monday - Friday, Heart 2 - 10 Rafael wants a day off to spend time with the rest of the family, so we decided to close the shop on Sundays. He’s usually gone all day. It gives me time to relax.
Monday - Friday, Heart 2 - 10 We close early on Saturdays. So, if you need my help, better ask before noon.
Monday - Friday, Heart 2 - 10 My free time? Hmm… I usually head to town and run some errands. If not that, I’ll probably just be hanging out at the Tavern.
Monday - Tuesday, Heart 2 - 10 Having a good day so far?
Friday - Saturday, Heart 2 - 10 Any plans for the weekend?
It’s finally getting warmer. Can't wait to get back outside.
The Cherry Blossom Festival is out of this world. Good people, great food, what's better than that?
Spring always brings so much life. Kinda makes me feel more alive too.
Date 1 - 7, Heart 2 - 10 Smell that? Sweet Spring air! I’m so glad Winter is over. Ha ha.
Heart 7 - 10 I hate to turn him down, but I think he's just got cabin fever from the Winter. Now that it's Spring, he's all about getting outdoors, doing springtime things like gardening, cleaning up the cemetery, that sort of thing.
Gah, I love Summer! Everyone's out and about, having a good time. And I gotta say, I think I look pretty good in Summer clothes. What do you think?
I'm not even exaggerating when I say the Beach Cleanup Festival is my favorite. Love seeing the community come together like that.
Date 1 - 5 Any big plans for the Summer?
Heart 4 - 10 The temperature outside only feels right to me in Summer. Maybe because I’m always in front of a furnace?
Heart 6 - 10 Whoa! Summer looks good on you. Gimme some of that glow!
Date 11 - 13 I can’t wait for the Harvest Festival. I wonder what everyone is going to show.
Now Fall is here, that farm must be working you hard, huh? The season of harvest and all… I can tell. Farming looks good on you.
Our family has been helping out Starlet Town by setting up festivals and putting up seasonal decorations. Gotta admit, the Fall festival decorations are some of my faves.
Date 1 - 3 Fall is here, and I haven’t gotten anything for Rafael’s birthday yet…
Date 18 - 24 The last day of Fall is the busiest day for us. That’s when Rafael and I put up Winter decorations around town. You know, so it looks more festive! Adds a little color to the plain white snow.
Winter is such a bummer. I can’t stand being outdoors in the cold too long.
You know what? Sometimes Winter isn’t so bad. At the very least, it makes working in front of the furnace so much better. I’d still rather be outside, though…
So what do you think of the Winter decorations, Player? Rafael and I put them up every year. They’re great, right? Makes the town more festive.
It doesn’t really feel like Winter until I see the festive Winter decorations.
Date 20 - 23 I'm pretty much over Winter. Can't wait for Spring to roll in.

Heart Events

Heart event 2

4112 Hearts.png

In front of Community Center, 10:00 - 13:00, Sunny day

Player walks in front of the Community Center. There are a lot of town people. Connor is standing in the front.

Heart event 4

4344 Hearts.png

Blacksmith, Any weather, 14:00 - 18:00

Pablo invites Rafael out, playing pool. Rafael ends up getting ignored as everyone is too busy chilling with Pablo.

Heart event 6

4696 Hearts.png

Blacksmith, Any weather, 14:00 - 18:00

Mail arrives at Blacksmith's house. It's from mom and dad Sanchez, Rafael’s name has a typo (Raphael). Rafael is upset because of this, he told Pablo about the incident at the tavern. Pablo felt bad. He is now in the mission to get Rafael more friends, popular. So Pablo will now take Rafael everywhere he goes.

Heart event 7

4827 Hearts.png

Blacksmith, Any weather, 14:00 - 18:00

Player walks into the Blacksmith. Pablo is standing in their living room. Rafael is off-camera in his bedroom.

Heart event 8

4988 Hearts.png

Blacksmith, Any weather, 16:00 - 18:00

Player walks into the blacksmith. Rafael is sitting in front of the TV in the garage. Pablo was just about to leave.

Heart event 10

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